Christian Leaders Say Turkish Invasion Of Syria Raises Risk Of 'Genocide'


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
This is going to be really really bad. Do you trust Erdogon to "protect" civilians etc?? Hell No. It seems more like it's an ethnic cleansing so he can move Syrian refugees in and wash his hands of them.

Turkey never admitted to the Armenian genocide.

Christian Leaders Say Turkish Invasion Of Syria Raises Risk Of 'Genocide'

The airstrikes and artillery bombardments had barely begun in the Syrian city of Qamishli, just across the border from Turkey, when Bassam Ishak's cell phone began ringing.

"People were so scared," Ishak says. "They were telling me, 'They are bombing us right now!'"

Ishak, a Syriac Christian leader, was in Erbil, Iraq, monitoring developments along the Syria-Turkey border.

"The attacks are widespread," Ishak tells NPR by phone. "They are targeting residential areas in Qamishli, where people of all religious backgrounds live. We think this is a message to the Kurds and Christians there to leave, so Turkey can move refugees there. We think it's a form of ethnic cleansing."

By Thursday, Turkish ground forces had reportedly seized at least one village from Kurdish fighters in Syria, and the U.N. refugee agency reported that thousands of people were fleeing the Turkish advance.

Turkey launched its incursion into Syria three days after President Trump told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that U.S. troops stationed along the border would be withdrawn. About 40 or 50,000 Christians live in the area under attack, according to Ishak, president of the Syriac National Council of Syria, and U.S. Christian leaders have been almost unanimous in criticizing what they see as Trump's acquiescence to the Turkish move.

"What a disgrace," tweeted Russell Moore, head of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention. "Kurdish Christians (and others among the brave Kurds) have stood up for the United States and for freedom and human dignity. ... What they are now facing from Erdogan's authoritarian Turkey is horrifying beyond words."
The PKK and the PYD/YPG Kurds, who control the SDF, are two sides of the same coin. The communist ideology and violent nature of these nationalist organizations discredit democratic and liberal values. These ‘heroes’ have oppressed vulnerable Arameans, taken their innocent lives, Kurdified their lands and still use a tiny Christian group as their mouthpiece to represent Kurdish interests. The resentment against the YPG among the locals is prevalent, yet underreported. In due time, their authoritarian governance would likely lead to an ISIS 2.0 among the local Arabs, who outnumber the Kurds, mainly among Arab nationalists and among conservative Arab and Kurdish Muslims.

World Council of Arameans [Syriacs] - Syrian Christians Proclaim “Trump is right on Syria!” YPG Kurds are responsible for escalation in Northeast Syria

World National Council of Arameans (Syriacs)
arameans are kissing up to the filth of the Baathist oppressors. They have no choice--- It is a matter of "we know where your relatives live"
The PKK and the PYD/YPG Kurds, who control the SDF, are two sides of the same coin. The communist ideology and violent nature of these nationalist organizations discredit democratic and liberal values. These ‘heroes’ have oppressed vulnerable Arameans, taken their innocent lives, Kurdified their lands and still use a tiny Christian group as their mouthpiece to represent Kurdish interests. The resentment against the YPG among the locals is prevalent, yet underreported. In due time, their authoritarian governance would likely lead to an ISIS 2.0 among the local Arabs, who outnumber the Kurds, mainly among Arab nationalists and among conservative Arab and Kurdish Muslims.

World Council of Arameans [Syriacs] - Syrian Christians Proclaim “Trump is right on Syria!” YPG Kurds are responsible for escalation in Northeast Syria

World National Council of Arameans (Syriacs)
Genocide is a Turkish tradition.
YPG using Christian front organizations as mouthpiece for fearmongering messages regarding Northeast Syria

A few Syriac organizations claiming to represent the Christians of Northeast Syria while basically being front organizations of the YPG, have recently been causing quite a stir online. Being aligned with Kurdish communist separatists from Syria, their fearmongering messages deliberately portray an aggressive Turkish invasion that will exterminate the last Christians in this region. Certain news agencies have picked up and further spread this perceived fear. However, what does the majority of Aramean (Syriac) Christians in Northeast Syria believe?
This is going to be really really bad. Do you trust Erdogon to "protect" civilians etc?? Hell No. It seems more like it's an ethnic cleansing so he can move Syrian refugees in and wash his hands of them.

Turkey never admitted to the Armenian genocide.

Christian Leaders Say Turkish Invasion Of Syria Raises Risk Of 'Genocide'

The airstrikes and artillery bombardments had barely begun in the Syrian city of Qamishli, just across the border from Turkey, when Bassam Ishak's cell phone began ringing.

"People were so scared," Ishak says. "They were telling me, 'They are bombing us right now!'"

Ishak, a Syriac Christian leader, was in Erbil, Iraq, monitoring developments along the Syria-Turkey border.

"The attacks are widespread," Ishak tells NPR by phone. "They are targeting residential areas in Qamishli, where people of all religious backgrounds live. We think this is a message to the Kurds and Christians there to leave, so Turkey can move refugees there. We think it's a form of ethnic cleansing."

By Thursday, Turkish ground forces had reportedly seized at least one village from Kurdish fighters in Syria, and the U.N. refugee agency reported that thousands of people were fleeing the Turkish advance.

Turkey launched its incursion into Syria three days after President Trump told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that U.S. troops stationed along the border would be withdrawn. About 40 or 50,000 Christians live in the area under attack, according to Ishak, president of the Syriac National Council of Syria, and U.S. Christian leaders have been almost unanimous in criticizing what they see as Trump's acquiescence to the Turkish move.

"What a disgrace," tweeted Russell Moore, head of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention. "Kurdish Christians (and others among the brave Kurds) have stood up for the United States and for freedom and human dignity. ... What they are now facing from Erdogan's authoritarian Turkey is horrifying beyond words."

U.S. Special Forces Member In Syria: ‘I am Ashamed For The First Time In My Career’"

U.S. Special Forces Member In Syria: 'I am Ashamed For The First Time In My Career'

It seems that the soldiers that were forced to retreat did not agree woth this decision also.

A U.S. Special Forces member serving with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria said Turkey is inflicting atrocities as it invades northeastern Syria.

“I am ashamed for the first time in my career,” the unidentified soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents, told Fox News Wednesday.

“Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the soldier added. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks — none — from this side of the border.”

Turkish Invasion Of Syria Raises Risk Of 'Genocide'

Let's not forget: invasion of Syria and genocide there have been started by Obama. He and his boss Soros must be judged by International Military Tribunal for their war crimes.
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The PKK and the PYD/YPG Kurds, who control the SDF, are two sides of the same coin. The communist ideology and violent nature of these nationalist organizations discredit democratic and liberal values. These ‘heroes’ have oppressed vulnerable Arameans, taken their innocent lives, Kurdified their lands and still use a tiny Christian group as their mouthpiece to represent Kurdish interests. The resentment against the YPG among the locals is prevalent, yet underreported. In due time, their authoritarian governance would likely lead to an ISIS 2.0 among the local Arabs, who outnumber the Kurds, mainly among Arab nationalists and among conservative Arab and Kurdish Muslims.

World Council of Arameans [Syriacs] - Syrian Christians Proclaim “Trump is right on Syria!” YPG Kurds are responsible for escalation in Northeast Syria

World National Council of Arameans (Syriacs)
You ;Turks didn't mind when the Kurds slaughtered 100,000 of Armenians when the were a detachment of the Turkish army.

It is way too late to come off as self-righteous for any of these actors in this idiocy. Trump was right to leave. Muslims killing Muslims is no problem. especially when the run out of Christians.
This is going to be really really bad. Do you trust Erdogon to "protect" civilians etc?? Hell No. It seems more like it's an ethnic cleansing so he can move Syrian refugees in and wash his hands of them.

Turkey never admitted to the Armenian genocide.

Christian Leaders Say Turkish Invasion Of Syria Raises Risk Of 'Genocide'

The airstrikes and artillery bombardments had barely begun in the Syrian city of Qamishli, just across the border from Turkey, when Bassam Ishak's cell phone began ringing.

"People were so scared," Ishak says. "They were telling me, 'They are bombing us right now!'"

Ishak, a Syriac Christian leader, was in Erbil, Iraq, monitoring developments along the Syria-Turkey border.

"The attacks are widespread," Ishak tells NPR by phone. "They are targeting residential areas in Qamishli, where people of all religious backgrounds live. We think this is a message to the Kurds and Christians there to leave, so Turkey can move refugees there. We think it's a form of ethnic cleansing."

By Thursday, Turkish ground forces had reportedly seized at least one village from Kurdish fighters in Syria, and the U.N. refugee agency reported that thousands of people were fleeing the Turkish advance.

Turkey launched its incursion into Syria three days after President Trump told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that U.S. troops stationed along the border would be withdrawn. About 40 or 50,000 Christians live in the area under attack, according to Ishak, president of the Syriac National Council of Syria, and U.S. Christian leaders have been almost unanimous in criticizing what they see as Trump's acquiescence to the Turkish move.

"What a disgrace," tweeted Russell Moore, head of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention. "Kurdish Christians (and others among the brave Kurds) have stood up for the United States and for freedom and human dignity. ... What they are now facing from Erdogan's authoritarian Turkey is horrifying beyond words."

U.S. Special Forces Member In Syria: ‘I am Ashamed For The First Time In My Career’"

U.S. Special Forces Member In Syria: 'I am Ashamed For The First Time In My Career'

It seems that the soldiers that were forced to retreat did not agree woth this decision also.

A U.S. Special Forces member serving with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria said Turkey is inflicting atrocities as it invades northeastern Syria.

“I am ashamed for the first time in my career,” the unidentified soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents, told Fox News Wednesday.

“Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the soldier added. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks — none — from this side of the border.”
His name wasn't Beto O'Rourke, was it? I hear he's begging for attention and I wouldn't put it past him.
This is going to be really really bad. Do you trust Erdogon to "protect" civilians etc?? Hell No. It seems more like it's an ethnic cleansing so he can move Syrian refugees in and wash his hands of them.

Turkey never admitted to the Armenian genocide.

Christian Leaders Say Turkish Invasion Of Syria Raises Risk Of 'Genocide'

The airstrikes and artillery bombardments had barely begun in the Syrian city of Qamishli, just across the border from Turkey, when Bassam Ishak's cell phone began ringing.

"People were so scared," Ishak says. "They were telling me, 'They are bombing us right now!'"

Ishak, a Syriac Christian leader, was in Erbil, Iraq, monitoring developments along the Syria-Turkey border.

"The attacks are widespread," Ishak tells NPR by phone. "They are targeting residential areas in Qamishli, where people of all religious backgrounds live. We think this is a message to the Kurds and Christians there to leave, so Turkey can move refugees there. We think it's a form of ethnic cleansing."

By Thursday, Turkish ground forces had reportedly seized at least one village from Kurdish fighters in Syria, and the U.N. refugee agency reported that thousands of people were fleeing the Turkish advance.

Turkey launched its incursion into Syria three days after President Trump told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that U.S. troops stationed along the border would be withdrawn. About 40 or 50,000 Christians live in the area under attack, according to Ishak, president of the Syriac National Council of Syria, and U.S. Christian leaders have been almost unanimous in criticizing what they see as Trump's acquiescence to the Turkish move.

"What a disgrace," tweeted Russell Moore, head of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention. "Kurdish Christians (and others among the brave Kurds) have stood up for the United States and for freedom and human dignity. ... What they are now facing from Erdogan's authoritarian Turkey is horrifying beyond words."

That genocide on the Armenians is the reason I exist. My dad's parents came here fleeing that genocide. My grandfather and two of his brothers were sent here. The rest that didn't come were killed. My grandmother was sent here with an old uncle from another village. She was supposed to marry that old uncle but once she got to America she ran away from him. She joined the Armenian community in Massachusetts and met my grandfather.

Armenians are orthodox christians. Which is very much like the Catholic faith. The same faith as Greek Orthodox. In fact they claim to have built the first christian church but a lot of christian faiths make that claim. So I don't know if it's true.

I grew up being told the stories of what my grandmother and her family went through and what my grandfather and his brothers went through. It wasn't pretty.

When no other nation would stand up to isis, the Kurds did. The Kurds have done most of the fighting with isis. They deserved nothing but respect and loyalty by America.

However trump doesn't care. trump cares about trump. trump cares about his towers in Turkey which is why he totally rolled over on the Turkish government to withdraw our troops to allow Turkey to slaughter our allies. The Kurds.

Nothing in this situation is right. How many innocent people are going to killed or harmed for life?

How many of those isis fighters that the Kurds were guarding are now going to be free to regroup and restart their violence? Will they come here to America to attack us as bin laden did?
It's really not Trump's fault that the Kurds don't have anything of value to aid his campaign.
Wonder what the hysterical ninnies will be screeching about in a few months when theres no mass shootings at Joker screenings and no Kurdish genocide?
“The president, who allowed Khashoggi to be cut into pieces without any repercussions whatsoever, is now allowing the Christians and the Kurds to be massacred by the Turks." - Pat Robertson
This is going to be really really bad. Do you trust Erdogon to "protect" civilians etc?? Hell No. It seems more like it's an ethnic cleansing so he can move Syrian refugees in and wash his hands of them.

Turkey never admitted to the Armenian genocide.

Christian Leaders Say Turkish Invasion Of Syria Raises Risk Of 'Genocide'

The airstrikes and artillery bombardments had barely begun in the Syrian city of Qamishli, just across the border from Turkey, when Bassam Ishak's cell phone began ringing.

"People were so scared," Ishak says. "They were telling me, 'They are bombing us right now!'"

Ishak, a Syriac Christian leader, was in Erbil, Iraq, monitoring developments along the Syria-Turkey border.

"The attacks are widespread," Ishak tells NPR by phone. "They are targeting residential areas in Qamishli, where people of all religious backgrounds live. We think this is a message to the Kurds and Christians there to leave, so Turkey can move refugees there. We think it's a form of ethnic cleansing."

By Thursday, Turkish ground forces had reportedly seized at least one village from Kurdish fighters in Syria, and the U.N. refugee agency reported that thousands of people were fleeing the Turkish advance.

Turkey launched its incursion into Syria three days after President Trump told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that U.S. troops stationed along the border would be withdrawn. About 40 or 50,000 Christians live in the area under attack, according to Ishak, president of the Syriac National Council of Syria, and U.S. Christian leaders have been almost unanimous in criticizing what they see as Trump's acquiescence to the Turkish move.

"What a disgrace," tweeted Russell Moore, head of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention. "Kurdish Christians (and others among the brave Kurds) have stood up for the United States and for freedom and human dignity. ... What they are now facing from Erdogan's authoritarian Turkey is horrifying beyond words."

U.S. Special Forces Member In Syria: ‘I am Ashamed For The First Time In My Career’"

U.S. Special Forces Member In Syria: 'I am Ashamed For The First Time In My Career'

It seems that the soldiers that were forced to retreat did not agree woth this decision also.

A U.S. Special Forces member serving with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria said Turkey is inflicting atrocities as it invades northeastern Syria.

“I am ashamed for the first time in my career,” the unidentified soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents, told Fox News Wednesday.

“Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the soldier added. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks — none — from this side of the border.”
Globalism will bring about wars and rumors of wars till the very end. Training of forces on different continents eh ??? For what ????

To bring about total capitulation in order to usher in the utopic world order dreamed of by the globalist ??
“The president, who allowed Khashoggi to be cut into pieces without any repercussions whatsoever, is now allowing the Christians and the Kurds to be massacred by the Turks." - Pat Robertson
He's now allowing eh ??? As if he isn't monitoring world events, and meeting with his top advisers on such events ??? Accusations in hopes of is all the resistance has, and putting the cart before the horse has always made people look as idiots when next comes the needed actions in order to resolve things takes place by those who were being mocked by the resistance.
We must stay in syria forever! Even though Erdogan said he was going to invade anyways!
What a load of shit.

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