Christian Bigots shout down Muslim kids singing National Anthem at Texas rally

A Quran reading Muslim believes that peace on earth can only be achieved by killing all non Muslims.
Why do you continue to spread such blatant lies? ..... :cool:

It's just a feeling we get....





Also, is the OP trying to say that people don't have a first amendment right to criticize others? I don't see this conservative group calling for the police to arrest the muslim or deny their right to sing the anthem.
Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

Did I call the kids goat fuckers? Did I say they didn't have a right to sing? Where have I supported the group that inconvenienced them?
I am simply comparing what you people blow out of proportion and claim is an "attack" with what Muslims do practically every day, somewhere in the world.

So what? Did those kids do anything like that? Do most Muslims engage
This post represents a big part of the problem for muslims trying to become part of the melting pot in the US.

We have moderate American muslims trying to teach their children to be loyal patriotic citizens.

And then the yahoo's here start talking about what some muslims do in other countries.

The OP is about American muslims in America and nowhere else. Period.

Why is this soo hard to understand?? ..... :dunno:

Apparently they can't find enough crap to throw at American Muslims so they either have to make shit up (like no-go zones in America) or import foreign atrocities and try to make them stick.

I think "import foreign atrocities" speaks volumes. You might want to include the Twin Towers as an atrocity of the domestic style though.
We are in a war that only one side is fighting. At least here in America. Others have awakened from their politically correct slumber, and have begun to fight back. We on the other hand, want to pass a bill that America won't be among them. We aren't going to fight them here or over there. And we are going to pay for that.....again.

Yes. Bring in the Twin Towers as if that represents all Muslims. Ok. I'll throw in a Christian OKC Bombing. When are you going to begin fight back against those rightwing Christian extremists? At the very least I expect you to go and interrupt Christian children singing patriotic songs and scream at them about how their religion is a lie and their prophet is dead. :)
You seriously still can't understand the difference here? Really?

Really? Attacking people, especially kids for being patriotic is ok in your book?
Attacking????? You call that attacking? Really? After what Muslims commit and condone by their silence?
Oh, Shiite. Did I step in it? Islam, brought to you by the same idiots that gave us 9-11. These same quiet and subtle folks that chop off heads and stone folks to death and did the Charlie Hebdo thing. Rivers of blood.
Christian protesters shout down Muslim kids singing National Anthem at Texas rally: ‘Islam is a lie!’

So much for love and tolerance. When Jesus finds out about this... Well, hell hath no fury.

Angry conservative protesters disrupted the Texas Muslim Capitol Day celebration in Austin on Thursday, repeatedly shouting “No Sharia” and “Muhammad is dead.”

The celebration was organized by the Texas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and according to their website, the event was “an opportunity for community members to learn about the democratic political process and how to be an advocate for important issues.” The group largely consisted of Muslim students and children, along with faith leaders.

The event was protested by a group calling itself the Patriot Defense Foundation Inc., who claimed that CAIR sought to create a climate in which it would be able to “take over” America, destroying it for “Americans [who] believe in the Constitution and what this country was founded on.”

That makes me happy that these kids were singing the anthem. :)

I think those 20 people protesting were jerks, but at least they weren't violent. It's within their right to peacefully protest, even if they do look like jerks. Just like Westboro Baptists.
Sorry bout that,

1. People need to look around before its too late, before Americans are all the next *NEW INDIANS* and we are sent to the reservations.
2. Gov. Jindal in Louisiana he gets it!
3. And no I'm not kidding.
4. Wake the fuck up!

Sorry bout that,

1. I think there is hope for America, and the people of America, many political leaders are starting to understand, they have Europe to look at, which makes its easier to see the real problem of islam.

Yey for the Christians! Muslims condemn criticism, then lock you up, stone you to death or chop off a body part. But we aren't supposed to mention how bad Muslims ARE. We are supposed to pretend they are like everyone else. Wow. Muslims put bombs on little girls. Crash planes into buildings, just like us regular folks. Who couldn't relate to that?
A Quran reading Muslim believes that peace on earth can only be achieved by killing all non Muslims.
Why do you continue to spread such blatant lies? ..... :cool:

It's just a feeling we get....






Don't you think it's a good thing that these kids were singing OUR National Anthem? What is wrong with that? I think that's wonderful. If they are showing that they want to be a part of America, then we should encourage that. Not act like assholes.
A Quran reading Muslim believes that peace on earth can only be achieved by killing all non Muslims.
Why do you continue to spread such blatant lies? ..... :cool:

It's just a feeling we get....






Don't you think it's a good thing that these kids were singing OUR National Anthem? What is wrong with that? I think that's wonderful. If they are showing that they want to be a part of America, then we should encourage that. Not act like assholes.
I think you're getting sucked into the narrative of this thread. I think you know better.
A Quran reading Muslim believes that peace on earth can only be achieved by killing all non Muslims.
Why do you continue to spread such blatant lies? ..... :cool:

It's just a feeling we get....






Don't you think it's a good thing that these kids were singing OUR National Anthem? What is wrong with that? I think that's wonderful. If they are showing that they want to be a part of America, then we should encourage that. Not act like assholes.
I think you're getting sucked into the narrative of this thread. I think you know better.

I think that if they are making an effort to be a part of our country instead of fighting against us, that is a sign of progress. Are you saying you think there are nefarious reasons for these children singing the National Anthem?
A Quran reading Muslim believes that peace on earth can only be achieved by killing all non Muslims.
Why do you continue to spread such blatant lies? ..... :cool:

It's just a feeling we get....






Don't you think it's a good thing that these kids were singing OUR National Anthem? What is wrong with that? I think that's wonderful. If they are showing that they want to be a part of America, then we should encourage that. Not act like assholes.
I think you're getting sucked into the narrative of this thread. I think you know better.

I think that if they are making an effort to be a part of our country instead of fighting against us, that is a sign of progress. Are you saying you think there are nefarious reasons for these children singing the National Anthem?
I'm not focusing on what the children are doing. You are. More evidence you're getting sucked into the thread's narrative.
Why do you continue to spread such blatant lies? ..... :cool:

It's just a feeling we get....






Don't you think it's a good thing that these kids were singing OUR National Anthem? What is wrong with that? I think that's wonderful. If they are showing that they want to be a part of America, then we should encourage that. Not act like assholes.
I think you're getting sucked into the narrative of this thread. I think you know better.

I think that if they are making an effort to be a part of our country instead of fighting against us, that is a sign of progress. Are you saying you think there are nefarious reasons for these children singing the National Anthem?
I'm not focusing on what the children are doing. You are. More evidence you're getting sucked into the thread's narrative.

Well, yeah, kind of. I was responding to the topic of the thread. :D I just assumed you were as well.
Also, is the OP trying to say that people don't have a first amendment right to criticize others? I don't see this conservative group calling for the police to arrest the muslim or deny their right to sing the anthem.
Soooooooooooooooo.....your take on those so-called american christians in Texas?

That they are perfectly within their first amendment rights to expose Sharia Law supporters for what they are.
So you support them in what they did.
Yes. I support anyone who exposes Sharia Law supporters.
Even when the children are singing the Star Spangled Banner and showing their support of the United States.

Well, that answers the question as to why we don't see more muslims speaking out. They get spit on by the christians when they do.
Reminds me of bucs90 who believes even gainfully employed black people are still trash. There is really no end to con bigotry.
Why do you continue to spread such blatant lies? ..... :cool:

It's just a feeling we get....






Don't you think it's a good thing that these kids were singing OUR National Anthem? What is wrong with that? I think that's wonderful. If they are showing that they want to be a part of America, then we should encourage that. Not act like assholes.
I think you're getting sucked into the narrative of this thread. I think you know better.

I think that if they are making an effort to be a part of our country instead of fighting against us, that is a sign of progress. Are you saying you think there are nefarious reasons for these children singing the National Anthem?
I'm not focusing on what the children are doing. You are. More evidence you're getting sucked into the thread's narrative.

I think that you and others are quite brainwashed by your perspective man made religions and you cannot accept the Muslims, even if they DID want to integrate. Everyone here who is familiar with me KNOWS I have no love for the Muslim religion. However, these are CHILDREN. Those people are jerks for behaving in the manner they did towards children.

Also, they were signing OUR national anthem, and some of you have a problem with that too? So what do you want from these people?
It's hilarious watch the homosexual loving liberals defend those that would kill a homosexual in a heartbeat and who treat women like dogs.

Same-sex sexual intercourse is legal in twenty two Muslim-majority nations (Abkhazia, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan,Mali, Niger, Northern Cyprus, Tajikistan, Turkey, West Bank (State of Palestine), and most of Indonesia). In Albania, Lebanon, and Turkey, there have been discussions about legalizing same-sex marriage.

LGBT in Islam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


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