Christian Bigots shout down Muslim kids singing National Anthem at Texas rally

He didn't condemn those cities, He just left them to their own destruction. The onus or responsibility for their fate was placed squarely on their shoulders because Christ forces no one to accept Him.
Read what is about to happen to Russia when the invade Israel. God's fault or Russia's?
Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.

^Their choice?

Now you sound like a thumper and I imagine it is a good thing you are not a radical Islamic.
You're talking about when Jesus told the apostles to shake the dust from their feet when a town rejects them? Do you even know what that was about? You're proof of the saying that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

I'm pretty sure I know exactly what I'm talking about. After the 12, Jesus sent out 70 more:

After this the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go. He said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Go on your way. See, I am sending you out like lambs into the midst of wolves. Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals; and greet no one on the road. Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house!’ And if anyone is there who shares in peace, your peace will rest on that person; but if not, it will return to you. Remain in the same house, eating and drinking whatever they provide, for the laborer deserves to be paid. Do not move about from house to house. Whenever you enter a town and its people welcome you, eat what is set before you; cure the sick who are there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ But whenever you enter a town and they do not welcome you, go out into its streets and say, ‘Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet, we wipe off in protest against you. Yet know this: the kingdom of God has come near

Specific instruction, for specifically trained individuals, at a specific time. Not for all. Paul did the opposite. I can even tell you the results of that specific mission. I have a little bit more knowledge than you think, pup.
More loyal to God's Will than the nation, or human decency, or common sense, hence the problem.
Our goal should be to preserve our nations and identities from mass islamic and third world immigration, to preserve our christian heritage. We should follow Christian just war theory and not get involved in a war between two historically anti-christian faiths. Let these nutjobs kill each other and the world will be better off.
They think the same of you, and there is no Christian "just war" theory as no Christian can ever go to war. Doing such a thing means you have rejected the teachings of the Christ.
I know they think the same of me. That is why I would prefer they both stay in their countries, so in this case the muslim world and Israel. What they do, which apparently means killing each other in Palestine, isn't fo concern for me and isn't a matter for western nations. The only reason it matters to us at the moment is because zionists have power of western foreign policy and because our nations are flooded with muslims, many of whom are radical and further radicalized by events in Palestine. It's crazy that we allow the current situation.

As for saying there is no Christian Just War Theory. You are just wrong, here is a wiki link to brush up on the Just War theory of the Catholic church since you aren't aware. What you are saying about Christianity teaching pacifism is false. But I am not surprised, you are just an Atheist who projects preconceived notions onto the subject. Maybe you should actually reaad things before you make stupid statements like saying there is no just war theory.

Just war theory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Just what are you talking about with this "just war" stuff. What is the point? Who do you want to war with?
You should study the Augustinian Just War Doctrine in pursuit of a well rounded education. All educated people are familiar with it.
are you familiar with this Just War Doctrine/Theory?

if so, do you believe the war in iraq, preemptive war, is ''just war'' according to the Doctrine of Just War?
Truth is Contum, those Palestinians are the children of the Muslims that lived and worked in peace in Israel. When the neighboring Muslim countries told them to leave Israel because they were about to invade Israel, Israel begged them to stay. They left. The invasion was a complete fail. And not one, I repeat, not one of the invading countries would take the now displaced Muslims in. So the squatted on Israeli land, and became terrorists. And now we are insisting that tiny tiny Israel, relinquish part of their country so that the terrorists can move even closer to toss their rockets.
And so it goes......


Prior to 1925 there was No Israel.

The zionuts invaded Palestine in 1925 determined to disappear/murder the Palestinians.

They have a right to defend themselves and to retaliate.

Mandatory Palestine was the creation of the British, not the Jews.

And Ravi, Matthew was referring to a select group of 70 + disciples that Christ sent to specific cities and were told not to engage if they were not accepted. As opposed to Paul who not only didn't shake the dust off, when he was beaten and thrown outside of the city gates. He regained consciousness and marched right back in....

Look, I don't think you are doing the Christians any favors here. What you are basically saying, is that the Christian religion is just as violent and barbaric, and you have been quoting some things from the OT, when we were speaking about Jesus. Jesus did not condone violence. Anyone who is familiar with the bible knows this. Maybe God is a violent God, but WE are not Him. We follow the teachings of Christ and leave the judging and punishment up to God. There is absolutely NO excuse for violence unless you are defending yourself or your property. You seem to be using your religion as an excuse for hateful behavior.

God and Christ are one, and the NT describes God in battle with the countries that dare to attack Israel again. He even tells us His military tactics to defeat Israel's enemies. And that is future tense, not OT.
Jesus does not condone violence, but will involve Himself in man's violence. In Muslim's violence toward Israel. I can name those countries for you. They are clearly named in the Bible.
I don't hate anybody. I do however understand Bible prophesy, and what to expect.
Discussion works better if you leave the personal attacks out.
Yep, just as invading Israel will not bode well for Russia, even though they have been warned.
If I told you I could save you from death by teaching you not to play in traffic, and you dismiss my advice and play in traffic, who is responsible for you being run over? Me for suggesting a better place to play, or you for ignoring my advice and choosing to take your chances with a semi?
The point was that Jesus wasn't nonviolent.
Our goal should be to preserve our nations and identities from mass islamic and third world immigration, to preserve our christian heritage. We should follow Christian just war theory and not get involved in a war between two historically anti-christian faiths. Let these nutjobs kill each other and the world will be better off.
They think the same of you, and there is no Christian "just war" theory as no Christian can ever go to war. Doing such a thing means you have rejected the teachings of the Christ.
I know they think the same of me. That is why I would prefer they both stay in their countries, so in this case the muslim world and Israel. What they do, which apparently means killing each other in Palestine, isn't fo concern for me and isn't a matter for western nations. The only reason it matters to us at the moment is because zionists have power of western foreign policy and because our nations are flooded with muslims, many of whom are radical and further radicalized by events in Palestine. It's crazy that we allow the current situation.

As for saying there is no Christian Just War Theory. You are just wrong, here is a wiki link to brush up on the Just War theory of the Catholic church since you aren't aware. What you are saying about Christianity teaching pacifism is false. But I am not surprised, you are just an Atheist who projects preconceived notions onto the subject. Maybe you should actually reaad things before you make stupid statements like saying there is no just war theory.

Just war theory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Just what are you talking about with this "just war" stuff. What is the point? Who do you want to war with?
You should study the Augustinian Just War Doctrine in pursuit of a well rounded education. All educated people are familiar with it.
are you familiar with this Just War Doctrine/Theory?

if so, do you believe the war in iraq, preemptive war, is ''just war'' according to the Doctrine of Just War?

Notice how the far left will divert from the current illegal wars by Obama..
Christian protesters shout down Muslim kids singing National Anthem at Texas rally: ‘Islam is a lie!’

So much for love and tolerance. When Jesus finds out about this... Well, hell hath no fury.

Angry conservative protesters disrupted the Texas Muslim Capitol Day celebration in Austin on Thursday, repeatedly shouting “No Sharia” and “Muhammad is dead.”

The celebration was organized by the Texas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and according to their website, the event was “an opportunity for community members to learn about the democratic political process and how to be an advocate for important issues.” The group largely consisted of Muslim students and children, along with faith leaders.

The event was protested by a group calling itself the Patriot Defense Foundation Inc., who claimed that CAIR sought to create a climate in which it would be able to “take over” America, destroying it for “Americans [who] believe in the Constitution and what this country was founded on.”


And they say that the Ideological Left is a clear and present danger to the US. Just look at this would-be article, wherein Leftists are promoting the enemy over Americans.

As a Moderator on this very site recently noted:

nut, where in the Bible does it say that Jesus or those that follow Him have to tolerate whatever comes down the pike?
How tolerant was Christ with the crooked money exchangers at the temple? How was He tolerant of the Pharisees?
Understand Him before you use Him to push your agenda.
This I command you; love your neighbor as you would love yourself.

Pretty much sums it up.

Love my children more than life. Do I tolerate bad behavior? Hardly. Jesus loved the money changers. Did He tolerate cheating? Hardly. Pretty much sums up Christ.
The new definition of 'bad behavior' includes children singing the National Anthem. got it. Real tolerance there.

Posing children to represent a mass-murdering cult is evil.

When CAIR stands up, every American needs to respond and knock it on it's ass. Islam is not 'singing children', Islam is the evil that deceitfully sets children up as a fraudulent representation of itself.
Zionism, a pox on the cancer that is humanity.
Honestly, Israel and Palestine can blow each other off the map for all I care. Europe doesn't need to be undermine by Jewish or Muslim fifth columnists disloyal to our nations.

More loyal to God's Will than the nation, or human decency, or common sense, hence the problem.
Our goal should be to preserve our nations and identities from mass islamic and third world immigration, to preserve our christian heritage. We should follow Christian just war theory and not get involved in a war between two historically anti-christian faiths. Let these nutjobs kill each other and the world will be better off.
They think the same of you, and there is no Christian "just war" theory as no Christian can ever go to war. Doing such a thing means you have rejected the teachings of the Christ.
I know they think the same of me. That is why I would prefer they both stay in their countries, so in this case the muslim world and Israel. What they do, which apparently means killing each other in Palestine, isn't fo concern for me and isn't a matter for western nations. The only reason it matters to us at the moment is because zionists have power of western foreign policy and because our nations are flooded with muslims, many of whom are radical and further radicalized by events in Palestine. It's crazy that we allow the current situation.

As for saying there is no Christian Just War Theory. You are just wrong, here is a wiki link to brush up on the Just War theory of the Catholic church since you aren't aware. What you are saying about Christianity teaching pacifism is false. But I am not surprised, you are just an Atheist who projects preconceived notions onto the subject. Maybe you should actually reaad things before you make stupid statements like saying there is no just war theory.

Just war theory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I know where it comes from, and I also know it is dead wrong. There is no such thing as a Christian Soldier. Once you go to war you have rejected the teachings of the Christ, regardless of the reason.
nut, where in the Bible does it say that Jesus or those that follow Him have to tolerate whatever comes down the pike?
How tolerant was Christ with the crooked money exchangers at the temple? How was He tolerant of the Pharisees?
Understand Him before you use Him to push your agenda.
This I command you; love your neighbor as you would love yourself.

Pretty much sums it up.

Love my children more than life. Do I tolerate bad behavior? Hardly. Jesus loved the money changers. Did He tolerate cheating? Hardly. Pretty much sums up Christ.
The new definition of 'bad behavior' includes children singing the National Anthem. got it. Real tolerance there.

Posing children to represent a mass-murdering cult is evil.

When CAIR stands up, every American needs to respond and knock it on it's ass. Islam is not 'singing children', Islam is the evil that deceitfully sets children up as a fraudulent representation of itself.
Islam is the faith of 1.6 billion people. Learn it, it's not what you've been told.

Introduction to Islam
Truth is Contum, those Palestinians are the children of the Muslims that lived and worked in peace in Israel. When the neighboring Muslim countries told them to leave Israel because they were about to invade Israel, Israel begged them to stay. They left. The invasion was a complete fail. And not one, I repeat, not one of the invading countries would take the now displaced Muslims in. So the squatted on Israeli land, and became terrorists. And now we are insisting that tiny tiny Israel, relinquish part of their country so that the terrorists can move even closer to toss their rockets.
And so it goes......


Prior to 1925 there was No Israel.

The zionuts invaded Palestine in 1925 determined to disappear/murder the Palestinians.

They have a right to defend themselves and to retaliate.

Mandatory Palestine was the creation of the British, not the Jews.

And Ravi, Matthew was referring to a select group of 70 + disciples that Christ sent to specific cities and were told not to engage if they were not accepted. As opposed to Paul who not only didn't shake the dust off, when he was beaten and thrown outside of the city gates. He regained consciousness and marched right back in....

Look, I don't think you are doing the Christians any favors here. What you are basically saying, is that the Christian religion is just as violent and barbaric, and you have been quoting some things from the OT, when we were speaking about Jesus. Jesus did not condone violence. Anyone who is familiar with the bible knows this. Maybe God is a violent God, but WE are not Him. We follow the teachings of Christ and leave the judging and punishment up to God. There is absolutely NO excuse for violence unless you are defending yourself or your property. You seem to be using your religion as an excuse for hateful behavior.

God and Christ are one, and the NT describes God in battle with the countries that dare to attack Israel again. He even tells us His military tactics to defeat Israel's enemies. And that is future tense, not OT.
Jesus does not condone violence, but will involve Himself in man's violence. In Muslim's violence toward Israel. I can name those countries for you. They are clearly named in the Bible.
I don't hate anybody. I do however understand Bible prophesy, and what to expect.
I like this one. She will defend the Zionist Jews of Israel at all costs so that the Christ will return, and then damn all the Jews to Hell...
I like that. The narrative of the thread. What the hell is that? I am just here because I get fined. I feel like Lenard on the big bang theory. What about all those Muslim terrorists crashing planes into Manhattan? Boko haram kidnaping children and Carlie hebdo, Isis strapping bombs on little girls. It's not me wanting to hate on poor wittiobity muslims, it's breaking BAD in real time.
I agree

And when we scream at poor little Muslim children nervously singing the national anthem, we need to explain that Jesus wants us to punish them because of what some Muslim did 6000 miles away
focking idiots is what they are. From their website

We cover all aspects of our Constitutional Rights such as Education, Freedom of Speech, Politics, Gun Rights, Right to Assemble and more.
Subversives I tell you, those patriots are subversives to the Obama way of life.
You can see their shameful behavior for yourselves here:

No Children singing the national anthem Comrade, just enemies of the party opposing Islam.

Should there be death for those who insult the prophet of Islam? Should speaking against Islam be a serious crime? Will your party pursue laws to punish the enemies of Allah?

The progressive Democrats are persuing laws against blasphemy here in the United States. Only against Islam, however.
Notice how the only ones who mention Sharia are the brainwashed, brain dead protesters?
Discussion works better if you leave the personal attacks out.
Yep, just as invading Israel will not bode well for Russia, even though they have been warned.
If I told you I could save you from death by teaching you not to play in traffic, and you dismiss my advice and play in traffic, who is responsible for you being run over? Me for suggesting a better place to play, or you for ignoring my advice and choosing to take your chances with a semi?
The point was that Jesus wasn't nonviolent.
As opposed to the pedophile prophet who was very violent. That militates against the Leftist claim that all religions are the same.
I like that. The narrative of the thread. What the hell is that? I am just here because I get fined. I feel like Lenard on the big bang theory. What about all those Muslim terrorists crashing planes into Manhattan? Boko haram kidnaping children and Carlie hebdo, Isis strapping bombs on little girls. It's not me wanting to hate on poor wittiobity muslims, it's breaking BAD in real time.
I agree

And when we scream at poor little Muslim children nervously singing the national anthem, we need to explain that Jesus wants us to punish them because of what some Muslim did 6000 miles away
Still running with the false narrative that it was the children being screamed at, I see. You Leftwats truly believe your own delusions.

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