Chinese Death Toll at 160,000

So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

And you would deny reality while claiming your beloved China would never kill it own people while you are on your knees taking a bullet in the back of the head from them...

You would tell yourself it was Trump pulling the trigger.

China has killed it own people many times and you still believe they wouldn't create a virus to attack the World with?

It's not going to do much for their economy if the rest of the world falls into an economic depression, now is it Bruce?

Your whole hypothesis is based on China knowing that the American government was going to total botch their response to the pandemic, allow the disease to run unchecked throughout the country and fail to set up a reliable and effective testing system. Americans are tout "American Exceptionism", and Americans are always saying that the USA has the "best health care system in the world", so there was no reason to think that the massive federal government lacked the ability or the resources to deal with this thing.

The Obama Administration had one of the most effective responses to H1N1, and shut down the ebola outbreak completely, with just a handful of cases, and almost no loss of life. The CDC is one of the most respected virus and disease research agencies in the World.

This idea that Chinese government created this virus and then let it loose in the world, either accidentally or on purpose, is merely a Trumpian attempt to deflect the blame for Trump's utter failure to deal with or manage this pandemic effectively. While is top intelligence agencies were warning of the danger of a pandemic in January, the Trump Administration changed its trade rules with China to allow American companies to sell tens of millions of face masks and PPE's to China, depleting the stocks that Americans would sorely need.

Instead of having FEMA distribute the national stock pile of masks and medical supplies to the states, or the hospitals in hot zones, Jared Kuchner released the national stockpile to medical supply companies who jacked up the prices and resold them to the states, after engaging in bidding wars.

Even Trump's initial decision to refuse the WHO test was based on his wanting Big Pharma to profit from selling made in America tests to the government. At every step along the way, where Trump has been required to make a decision, he's made the one that would do the most damage to the American people.

The rest of the world is dealing with this thing. The Trump Administration is not, and without the Trump Administration providing competent leadership in this pandemic, your country will continue to spiral downward.

Why must you keep on lying?

You said a few days back Trump and the CIA knew about the virus back in November and now you changed it to January when you could not get any traction with your November lie!

Also let remember something the CDC which is under Trump administration was rejected by your beloved Chinese Government back on January 6th 2020, so who failed at controlling the spread?


Also you just lied in this thread again about the World having it under control seeing China itself is still dealing with the virus and Sweden is about to get hit hard but that is Trump fault right?

Idiots like you write Trump because you think you can confuse people easily but fact is the CDC under Trump administration has been working hard daily since the WHO notified the CDC about the virus but your beloved China did everything from arresting their doctor's to prohibiting the WHO and CDC to obtain information and that is Trump fault to you because China told you to lie!

When presented with facts all you offer is your opinion and then slither off screaming Trumpster when in fact you are a lying ass Chinese Bot!

China would in fact hurt it economy and kill people if it thought they would benefit from it in the long term!

You damn well know that is true and to pretend that Communist country you praise daily would not is you being the lying bot you are!

The Chinese are playing the long game and 1 million dead is not an issue in a country of over 540 million souls to communists. Especially when they are starving in some regions there. In China you are property of the state.
That's what everyone needs to understand They are the enemy of the world.
Nuke ‘em!!!
Go the fuck for it. I ain't scared are you? Do the department store shelves mean more to you than our national security? What a punked assed fucking pussy.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

And you would deny reality while claiming your beloved China would never kill it own people while you are on your knees taking a bullet in the back of the head from them...

You would tell yourself it was Trump pulling the trigger.

China has killed it own people many times and you still believe they wouldn't create a virus to attack the World with?

It's not going to do much for their economy if the rest of the world falls into an economic depression, now is it Bruce?

Your whole hypothesis is based on China knowing that the American government was going to total botch their response to the pandemic, allow the disease to run unchecked throughout the country and fail to set up a reliable and effective testing system. Americans are tout "American Exceptionism", and Americans are always saying that the USA has the "best health care system in the world", so there was no reason to think that the massive federal government lacked the ability or the resources to deal with this thing.

The Obama Administration had one of the most effective responses to H1N1, and shut down the ebola outbreak completely, with just a handful of cases, and almost no loss of life. The CDC is one of the most respected virus and disease research agencies in the World.

This idea that Chinese government created this virus and then let it loose in the world, either accidentally or on purpose, is merely a Trumpian attempt to deflect the blame for Trump's utter failure to deal with or manage this pandemic effectively. While is top intelligence agencies were warning of the danger of a pandemic in January, the Trump Administration changed its trade rules with China to allow American companies to sell tens of millions of face masks and PPE's to China, depleting the stocks that Americans would sorely need.

Instead of having FEMA distribute the national stock pile of masks and medical supplies to the states, or the hospitals in hot zones, Jared Kuchner released the national stockpile to medical supply companies who jacked up the prices and resold them to the states, after engaging in bidding wars.

Even Trump's initial decision to refuse the WHO test was based on his wanting Big Pharma to profit from selling made in America tests to the government. At every step along the way, where Trump has been required to make a decision, he's made the one that would do the most damage to the American people.

The rest of the world is dealing with this thing. The Trump Administration is not, and without the Trump Administration providing competent leadership in this pandemic, your country will continue to spiral downward.

Ebola is too deadly to spread fast. Also, it is spread by blood/tissue/fluid contact, not airborne.

Oh, that's fine logic. Compare apples to oranges.
From April 2009 -April 2010, 12,500 people died from H1N1.
Look hard, Sparky...that's 12 months.
We have 40,000 deaths from this virus in just 7 weeks.
And Trump was warned in January by one of his own people.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

And you would deny reality while claiming your beloved China would never kill it own people while you are on your knees taking a bullet in the back of the head from them...

You would tell yourself it was Trump pulling the trigger.

China has killed it own people many times and you still believe they wouldn't create a virus to attack the World with?

It's not going to do much for their economy if the rest of the world falls into an economic depression, now is it Bruce?

Your whole hypothesis is based on China knowing that the American government was going to total botch their response to the pandemic, allow the disease to run unchecked throughout the country and fail to set up a reliable and effective testing system. Americans are tout "American Exceptionism", and Americans are always saying that the USA has the "best health care system in the world", so there was no reason to think that the massive federal government lacked the ability or the resources to deal with this thing.

The Obama Administration had one of the most effective responses to H1N1, and shut down the ebola outbreak completely, with just a handful of cases, and almost no loss of life. The CDC is one of the most respected virus and disease research agencies in the World.

This idea that Chinese government created this virus and then let it loose in the world, either accidentally or on purpose, is merely a Trumpian attempt to deflect the blame for Trump's utter failure to deal with or manage this pandemic effectively. While is top intelligence agencies were warning of the danger of a pandemic in January, the Trump Administration changed its trade rules with China to allow American companies to sell tens of millions of face masks and PPE's to China, depleting the stocks that Americans would sorely need.

Instead of having FEMA distribute the national stock pile of masks and medical supplies to the states, or the hospitals in hot zones, Jared Kuchner released the national stockpile to medical supply companies who jacked up the prices and resold them to the states, after engaging in bidding wars.

Even Trump's initial decision to refuse the WHO test was based on his wanting Big Pharma to profit from selling made in America tests to the government. At every step along the way, where Trump has been required to make a decision, he's made the one that would do the most damage to the American people.

The rest of the world is dealing with this thing. The Trump Administration is not, and without the Trump Administration providing competent leadership in this pandemic, your country will continue to spiral downward.

Why must you keep on lying?

You said a few days back Trump and the CIA knew about the virus back in November and now you changed it to January when you could not get any traction with your November lie!

Also let remember something the CDC which is under Trump administration was rejected by your beloved Chinese Government back on January 6th 2020, so who failed at controlling the spread?


Also you just lied in this thread again about the World having it under control seeing China itself is still dealing with the virus and Sweden is about to get hit hard but that is Trump fault right?

Idiots like you write Trump because you think you can confuse people easily but fact is the CDC under Trump administration has been working hard daily since the WHO notified the CDC about the virus but your beloved China did everything from arresting their doctor's to prohibiting the WHO and CDC to obtain information and that is Trump fault to you because China told you to lie!

When presented with facts all you offer is your opinion and then slither off screaming Trumpster when in fact you are a lying ass Chinese Bot!

China would in fact hurt it economy and kill people if it thought they would benefit from it in the long term!

You damn well know that is true and to pretend that Communist country you praise daily would not is you being the lying bot you are!

The Chinese are playing the long game and 1 million dead is not an issue in a country of over 540 million souls to communists. Especially when they are starving in some regions there. In China you are property of the state.
That's what everyone needs to understand They are the enemy of the world.
Nuke ‘em!!!
Go the fuck for it. I ain't scared are you? Do the department store shelves mean more to you than our national security? What a punked assed fucking pussy.
Keyboard Kowboy.
Xi Jinping knew what Kim Jong Un knew after meeting Trump.
He's a fucking moron.
Trump lauded praise on Xi in January over the way China was handling the virus.
Now he blames him.
Trump is Mr. Presidementia.
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.

Apparently neither do Americans. I keep hearing about an "acceptable level of death" to re-open the economy. Out of the same mouths that tell me abortion is wrong.

That's not capitalism, that's corporatism. When saving corporations become more important than feeding and saving your people, your priorities are completely fucked.
How convenient, you defend the choice, yet you want the majority to die over a flu...

COVID-19 is a human enemy that was probably derived by human hands, you either get it or you don’t, yet abortion is a choice you defend is a right, excuse me if this isn’t convenient enough for your purposes, but most Americans want to work, and the models are so far off you would never stand a chance with such errors if you were turning this in for your semester finals at UTMB...

You can HATE President Trump until your dying day, but quit fucking with my country over it! The consequences you face for this is beyond your level of ignorance and that bat that’s about to hit you up side your head is loaded!!
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

And you would deny reality while claiming your beloved China would never kill it own people while you are on your knees taking a bullet in the back of the head from them...

You would tell yourself it was Trump pulling the trigger.

China has killed it own people many times and you still believe they wouldn't create a virus to attack the World with?

It's not going to do much for their economy if the rest of the world falls into an economic depression, now is it Bruce?

Your whole hypothesis is based on China knowing that the American government was going to total botch their response to the pandemic, allow the disease to run unchecked throughout the country and fail to set up a reliable and effective testing system. Americans are tout "American Exceptionism", and Americans are always saying that the USA has the "best health care system in the world", so there was no reason to think that the massive federal government lacked the ability or the resources to deal with this thing.

The Obama Administration had one of the most effective responses to H1N1, and shut down the ebola outbreak completely, with just a handful of cases, and almost no loss of life. The CDC is one of the most respected virus and disease research agencies in the World.

This idea that Chinese government created this virus and then let it loose in the world, either accidentally or on purpose, is merely a Trumpian attempt to deflect the blame for Trump's utter failure to deal with or manage this pandemic effectively. While is top intelligence agencies were warning of the danger of a pandemic in January, the Trump Administration changed its trade rules with China to allow American companies to sell tens of millions of face masks and PPE's to China, depleting the stocks that Americans would sorely need.

Instead of having FEMA distribute the national stock pile of masks and medical supplies to the states, or the hospitals in hot zones, Jared Kuchner released the national stockpile to medical supply companies who jacked up the prices and resold them to the states, after engaging in bidding wars.

Even Trump's initial decision to refuse the WHO test was based on his wanting Big Pharma to profit from selling made in America tests to the government. At every step along the way, where Trump has been required to make a decision, he's made the one that would do the most damage to the American people.

The rest of the world is dealing with this thing. The Trump Administration is not, and without the Trump Administration providing competent leadership in this pandemic, your country will continue to spiral downward.

Why must you keep on lying?

You said a few days back Trump and the CIA knew about the virus back in November and now you changed it to January when you could not get any traction with your November lie!

Also let remember something the CDC which is under Trump administration was rejected by your beloved Chinese Government back on January 6th 2020, so who failed at controlling the spread?


Also you just lied in this thread again about the World having it under control seeing China itself is still dealing with the virus and Sweden is about to get hit hard but that is Trump fault right?

Idiots like you write Trump because you think you can confuse people easily but fact is the CDC under Trump administration has been working hard daily since the WHO notified the CDC about the virus but your beloved China did everything from arresting their doctor's to prohibiting the WHO and CDC to obtain information and that is Trump fault to you because China told you to lie!

When presented with facts all you offer is your opinion and then slither off screaming Trumpster when in fact you are a lying ass Chinese Bot!

China would in fact hurt it economy and kill people if it thought they would benefit from it in the long term!

You damn well know that is true and to pretend that Communist country you praise daily would not is you being the lying bot you are!

The Chinese are playing the long game and 1 million dead is not an issue in a country of over 540 million souls to communists. Especially when they are starving in some regions there. In China you are property of the state.
That's what everyone needs to understand They are the enemy of the world.
Nuke ‘em!!!
Go the fuck for it. I ain't scared are you? Do the department store shelves mean more to you than our national security? What a punked assed fucking pussy.
Tell me, how do the Chinese threaten our national security?

This should be hilarious.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

And you would deny reality while claiming your beloved China would never kill it own people while you are on your knees taking a bullet in the back of the head from them...

You would tell yourself it was Trump pulling the trigger.

China has killed it own people many times and you still believe they wouldn't create a virus to attack the World with?

It's not going to do much for their economy if the rest of the world falls into an economic depression, now is it Bruce?

Your whole hypothesis is based on China knowing that the American government was going to total botch their response to the pandemic, allow the disease to run unchecked throughout the country and fail to set up a reliable and effective testing system. Americans are tout "American Exceptionism", and Americans are always saying that the USA has the "best health care system in the world", so there was no reason to think that the massive federal government lacked the ability or the resources to deal with this thing.

The Obama Administration had one of the most effective responses to H1N1, and shut down the ebola outbreak completely, with just a handful of cases, and almost no loss of life. The CDC is one of the most respected virus and disease research agencies in the World.

This idea that Chinese government created this virus and then let it loose in the world, either accidentally or on purpose, is merely a Trumpian attempt to deflect the blame for Trump's utter failure to deal with or manage this pandemic effectively. While is top intelligence agencies were warning of the danger of a pandemic in January, the Trump Administration changed its trade rules with China to allow American companies to sell tens of millions of face masks and PPE's to China, depleting the stocks that Americans would sorely need.

Instead of having FEMA distribute the national stock pile of masks and medical supplies to the states, or the hospitals in hot zones, Jared Kuchner released the national stockpile to medical supply companies who jacked up the prices and resold them to the states, after engaging in bidding wars.

Even Trump's initial decision to refuse the WHO test was based on his wanting Big Pharma to profit from selling made in America tests to the government. At every step along the way, where Trump has been required to make a decision, he's made the one that would do the most damage to the American people.

The rest of the world is dealing with this thing. The Trump Administration is not, and without the Trump Administration providing competent leadership in this pandemic, your country will continue to spiral downward.

Why must you keep on lying?

You said a few days back Trump and the CIA knew about the virus back in November and now you changed it to January when you could not get any traction with your November lie!

Also let remember something the CDC which is under Trump administration was rejected by your beloved Chinese Government back on January 6th 2020, so who failed at controlling the spread?


Also you just lied in this thread again about the World having it under control seeing China itself is still dealing with the virus and Sweden is about to get hit hard but that is Trump fault right?

Idiots like you write Trump because you think you can confuse people easily but fact is the CDC under Trump administration has been working hard daily since the WHO notified the CDC about the virus but your beloved China did everything from arresting their doctor's to prohibiting the WHO and CDC to obtain information and that is Trump fault to you because China told you to lie!

When presented with facts all you offer is your opinion and then slither off screaming Trumpster when in fact you are a lying ass Chinese Bot!

China would in fact hurt it economy and kill people if it thought they would benefit from it in the long term!

You damn well know that is true and to pretend that Communist country you praise daily would not is you being the lying bot you are!

Bruce, nowhere in any post have I praised China. I am a steadfast democratic capitalist.

You really think that, in a country where people disappear , you're going to get accurate info '92????


Trumpists keep saying that the Chinese lied, like this is something new. They lie. They've always lied. About everything. Why is this a surprise? Every dictatorship since the start of recorded history has lied about mass deaths in their regimes. We still don't know how many people they murdered in Tiananmen Square. This is the most repressive dictatorship in the world.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

And you would deny reality while claiming your beloved China would never kill it own people while you are on your knees taking a bullet in the back of the head from them...

You would tell yourself it was Trump pulling the trigger.

China has killed it own people many times and you still believe they wouldn't create a virus to attack the World with?

It's not going to do much for their economy if the rest of the world falls into an economic depression, now is it Bruce?

Your whole hypothesis is based on China knowing that the American government was going to total botch their response to the pandemic, allow the disease to run unchecked throughout the country and fail to set up a reliable and effective testing system. Americans are tout "American Exceptionism", and Americans are always saying that the USA has the "best health care system in the world", so there was no reason to think that the massive federal government lacked the ability or the resources to deal with this thing.

The Obama Administration had one of the most effective responses to H1N1, and shut down the ebola outbreak completely, with just a handful of cases, and almost no loss of life. The CDC is one of the most respected virus and disease research agencies in the World.

This idea that Chinese government created this virus and then let it loose in the world, either accidentally or on purpose, is merely a Trumpian attempt to deflect the blame for Trump's utter failure to deal with or manage this pandemic effectively. While is top intelligence agencies were warning of the danger of a pandemic in January, the Trump Administration changed its trade rules with China to allow American companies to sell tens of millions of face masks and PPE's to China, depleting the stocks that Americans would sorely need.

Instead of having FEMA distribute the national stock pile of masks and medical supplies to the states, or the hospitals in hot zones, Jared Kuchner released the national stockpile to medical supply companies who jacked up the prices and resold them to the states, after engaging in bidding wars.

Even Trump's initial decision to refuse the WHO test was based on his wanting Big Pharma to profit from selling made in America tests to the government. At every step along the way, where Trump has been required to make a decision, he's made the one that would do the most damage to the American people.

The rest of the world is dealing with this thing. The Trump Administration is not, and without the Trump Administration providing competent leadership in this pandemic, your country will continue to spiral downward.

Why must you keep on lying?

You said a few days back Trump and the CIA knew about the virus back in November and now you changed it to January when you could not get any traction with your November lie!

Also let remember something the CDC which is under Trump administration was rejected by your beloved Chinese Government back on January 6th 2020, so who failed at controlling the spread?


Also you just lied in this thread again about the World having it under control seeing China itself is still dealing with the virus and Sweden is about to get hit hard but that is Trump fault right?

Idiots like you write Trump because you think you can confuse people easily but fact is the CDC under Trump administration has been working hard daily since the WHO notified the CDC about the virus but your beloved China did everything from arresting their doctor's to prohibiting the WHO and CDC to obtain information and that is Trump fault to you because China told you to lie!

When presented with facts all you offer is your opinion and then slither off screaming Trumpster when in fact you are a lying ass Chinese Bot!

China would in fact hurt it economy and kill people if it thought they would benefit from it in the long term!

You damn well know that is true and to pretend that Communist country you praise daily would not is you being the lying bot you are!

Bruce, nowhere in any post have I praised China. I am a steadfast democratic capitalist.

You really think that, in a country where people disappear , you're going to get accurate info '92????


Trumpists keep saying that the Chinese lied, like this is something new. They lie. They've always lied. About everything. Why is this a surprise? Every dictatorship since the start of recorded history has lied about mass deaths in their regimes. We still don't know how many people they murdered in Tiananmen Square. This is the most repressive dictatorship in the world.
It’s rather ironic to accuse China’s government of lying, when we have a government and president that lie all the time. In addition, our monetary system is nothing but a lie, as the Fed and Treasury print money like it goes on trees...then gives most of it to big corporations and the extreme wealthy.

I know this makes me a traitor in the small minds of some Americans. Yet another irony, in a nation that prides itself on it’s First Amendment.
I know this makes me a traitor in the small minds of some Americans.

So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

And you would deny reality while claiming your beloved China would never kill it own people while you are on your knees taking a bullet in the back of the head from them...

You would tell yourself it was Trump pulling the trigger.

China has killed it own people many times and you still believe they wouldn't create a virus to attack the World with?

It's not going to do much for their economy if the rest of the world falls into an economic depression, now is it Bruce?

Your whole hypothesis is based on China knowing that the American government was going to total botch their response to the pandemic, allow the disease to run unchecked throughout the country and fail to set up a reliable and effective testing system. Americans are tout "American Exceptionism", and Americans are always saying that the USA has the "best health care system in the world", so there was no reason to think that the massive federal government lacked the ability or the resources to deal with this thing.

The Obama Administration had one of the most effective responses to H1N1, and shut down the ebola outbreak completely, with just a handful of cases, and almost no loss of life. The CDC is one of the most respected virus and disease research agencies in the World.

This idea that Chinese government created this virus and then let it loose in the world, either accidentally or on purpose, is merely a Trumpian attempt to deflect the blame for Trump's utter failure to deal with or manage this pandemic effectively. While is top intelligence agencies were warning of the danger of a pandemic in January, the Trump Administration changed its trade rules with China to allow American companies to sell tens of millions of face masks and PPE's to China, depleting the stocks that Americans would sorely need.

Instead of having FEMA distribute the national stock pile of masks and medical supplies to the states, or the hospitals in hot zones, Jared Kuchner released the national stockpile to medical supply companies who jacked up the prices and resold them to the states, after engaging in bidding wars.

Even Trump's initial decision to refuse the WHO test was based on his wanting Big Pharma to profit from selling made in America tests to the government. At every step along the way, where Trump has been required to make a decision, he's made the one that would do the most damage to the American people.

The rest of the world is dealing with this thing. The Trump Administration is not, and without the Trump Administration providing competent leadership in this pandemic, your country will continue to spiral downward.

Why must you keep on lying?

You said a few days back Trump and the CIA knew about the virus back in November and now you changed it to January when you could not get any traction with your November lie!

Also let remember something the CDC which is under Trump administration was rejected by your beloved Chinese Government back on January 6th 2020, so who failed at controlling the spread?


Also you just lied in this thread again about the World having it under control seeing China itself is still dealing with the virus and Sweden is about to get hit hard but that is Trump fault right?

Idiots like you write Trump because you think you can confuse people easily but fact is the CDC under Trump administration has been working hard daily since the WHO notified the CDC about the virus but your beloved China did everything from arresting their doctor's to prohibiting the WHO and CDC to obtain information and that is Trump fault to you because China told you to lie!

When presented with facts all you offer is your opinion and then slither off screaming Trumpster when in fact you are a lying ass Chinese Bot!

China would in fact hurt it economy and kill people if it thought they would benefit from it in the long term!

You damn well know that is true and to pretend that Communist country you praise daily would not is you being the lying bot you are!

The Chinese are playing the long game and 1 million dead is not an issue in a country of over 540 million souls to communists. Especially when they are starving in some regions there. In China you are property of the state.
That's what everyone needs to understand They are the enemy of the world.
Nuke ‘em!!!
Go the fuck for it. I ain't scared are you? Do the department store shelves mean more to you than our national security? What a punked assed fucking pussy.
Why do the Chinese frighten you?
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
Heard any news of protests in Hong Kong lately? about how we are beating them economically?...hear any more stories on that?...they knew what they had on their hands and they let it slip through their borders to the rest of the world....
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

And you would deny reality while claiming your beloved China would never kill it own people while you are on your knees taking a bullet in the back of the head from them...

You would tell yourself it was Trump pulling the trigger.

China has killed it own people many times and you still believe they wouldn't create a virus to attack the World with?

It's not going to do much for their economy if the rest of the world falls into an economic depression, now is it Bruce?

Your whole hypothesis is based on China knowing that the American government was going to total botch their response to the pandemic, allow the disease to run unchecked throughout the country and fail to set up a reliable and effective testing system. Americans are tout "American Exceptionism", and Americans are always saying that the USA has the "best health care system in the world", so there was no reason to think that the massive federal government lacked the ability or the resources to deal with this thing.

The Obama Administration had one of the most effective responses to H1N1, and shut down the ebola outbreak completely, with just a handful of cases, and almost no loss of life. The CDC is one of the most respected virus and disease research agencies in the World.

This idea that Chinese government created this virus and then let it loose in the world, either accidentally or on purpose, is merely a Trumpian attempt to deflect the blame for Trump's utter failure to deal with or manage this pandemic effectively. While is top intelligence agencies were warning of the danger of a pandemic in January, the Trump Administration changed its trade rules with China to allow American companies to sell tens of millions of face masks and PPE's to China, depleting the stocks that Americans would sorely need.

Instead of having FEMA distribute the national stock pile of masks and medical supplies to the states, or the hospitals in hot zones, Jared Kuchner released the national stockpile to medical supply companies who jacked up the prices and resold them to the states, after engaging in bidding wars.

Even Trump's initial decision to refuse the WHO test was based on his wanting Big Pharma to profit from selling made in America tests to the government. At every step along the way, where Trump has been required to make a decision, he's made the one that would do the most damage to the American people.

The rest of the world is dealing with this thing. The Trump Administration is not, and without the Trump Administration providing competent leadership in this pandemic, your country will continue to spiral downward.

Why must you keep on lying?

You said a few days back Trump and the CIA knew about the virus back in November and now you changed it to January when you could not get any traction with your November lie!

Also let remember something the CDC which is under Trump administration was rejected by your beloved Chinese Government back on January 6th 2020, so who failed at controlling the spread?


Also you just lied in this thread again about the World having it under control seeing China itself is still dealing with the virus and Sweden is about to get hit hard but that is Trump fault right?

Idiots like you write Trump because you think you can confuse people easily but fact is the CDC under Trump administration has been working hard daily since the WHO notified the CDC about the virus but your beloved China did everything from arresting their doctor's to prohibiting the WHO and CDC to obtain information and that is Trump fault to you because China told you to lie!

When presented with facts all you offer is your opinion and then slither off screaming Trumpster when in fact you are a lying ass Chinese Bot!

China would in fact hurt it economy and kill people if it thought they would benefit from it in the long term!

You damn well know that is true and to pretend that Communist country you praise daily would not is you being the lying bot you are!

The Chinese are playing the long game and 1 million dead is not an issue in a country of over 540 million souls to communists. Especially when they are starving in some regions there. In China you are property of the state.
That's what everyone needs to understand They are the enemy of the world.
Nuke ‘em!!!
Go the fuck for it. I ain't scared are you? Do the department store shelves mean more to you than our national security? What a punked assed fucking pussy.
Why do the Chinese frighten you?

So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

And you would deny reality while claiming your beloved China would never kill it own people while you are on your knees taking a bullet in the back of the head from them...

You would tell yourself it was Trump pulling the trigger.

China has killed it own people many times and you still believe they wouldn't create a virus to attack the World with?

It's not going to do much for their economy if the rest of the world falls into an economic depression, now is it Bruce?

Your whole hypothesis is based on China knowing that the American government was going to total botch their response to the pandemic, allow the disease to run unchecked throughout the country and fail to set up a reliable and effective testing system. Americans are tout "American Exceptionism", and Americans are always saying that the USA has the "best health care system in the world", so there was no reason to think that the massive federal government lacked the ability or the resources to deal with this thing.

The Obama Administration had one of the most effective responses to H1N1, and shut down the ebola outbreak completely, with just a handful of cases, and almost no loss of life. The CDC is one of the most respected virus and disease research agencies in the World.

This idea that Chinese government created this virus and then let it loose in the world, either accidentally or on purpose, is merely a Trumpian attempt to deflect the blame for Trump's utter failure to deal with or manage this pandemic effectively. While is top intelligence agencies were warning of the danger of a pandemic in January, the Trump Administration changed its trade rules with China to allow American companies to sell tens of millions of face masks and PPE's to China, depleting the stocks that Americans would sorely need.

Instead of having FEMA distribute the national stock pile of masks and medical supplies to the states, or the hospitals in hot zones, Jared Kuchner released the national stockpile to medical supply companies who jacked up the prices and resold them to the states, after engaging in bidding wars.

Even Trump's initial decision to refuse the WHO test was based on his wanting Big Pharma to profit from selling made in America tests to the government. At every step along the way, where Trump has been required to make a decision, he's made the one that would do the most damage to the American people.

The rest of the world is dealing with this thing. The Trump Administration is not, and without the Trump Administration providing competent leadership in this pandemic, your country will continue to spiral downward.

Why must you keep on lying?

You said a few days back Trump and the CIA knew about the virus back in November and now you changed it to January when you could not get any traction with your November lie!

Also let remember something the CDC which is under Trump administration was rejected by your beloved Chinese Government back on January 6th 2020, so who failed at controlling the spread?


Also you just lied in this thread again about the World having it under control seeing China itself is still dealing with the virus and Sweden is about to get hit hard but that is Trump fault right?

Idiots like you write Trump because you think you can confuse people easily but fact is the CDC under Trump administration has been working hard daily since the WHO notified the CDC about the virus but your beloved China did everything from arresting their doctor's to prohibiting the WHO and CDC to obtain information and that is Trump fault to you because China told you to lie!

When presented with facts all you offer is your opinion and then slither off screaming Trumpster when in fact you are a lying ass Chinese Bot!

China would in fact hurt it economy and kill people if it thought they would benefit from it in the long term!

You damn well know that is true and to pretend that Communist country you praise daily would not is you being the lying bot you are!

The Chinese are playing the long game and 1 million dead is not an issue in a country of over 540 million souls to communists. Especially when they are starving in some regions there. In China you are property of the state.
That's what everyone needs to understand They are the enemy of the world.
Nuke ‘em!!!
Go the fuck for it. I ain't scared are you? Do the department store shelves mean more to you than our national security? What a punked assed fucking pussy.
Why do the Chinese frighten you?

Really? So, you’re an imperialist.

Why should any American give a shit what goes on in the South China Sea or Taiwan?

We have lots of carriers. Do you think no other nation should have them?
Apparently neither do Americans. I keep hearing about an "acceptable level of death" to re-open the economy. Out of the same mouths that tell me abortion is wrong.
But, I hear "you must quarantine and get vaccinated" out of the mouths of the pro-choicers yelling "My Body, My Choice."

A little consistency would do everyone some good.

Really? So, you’re an imperialist
Yeah that's me an imperialist...dummy....
I'm not an imperialist you idiot however "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice"......I was born free and I have always lived in the greatest nation on earth with no other nation close to the greatness of America and I'll be dammed if I will relinquish that reality to a POS totalitarian nation like China...I am beginning to question your patriotism....I suggest you move to China before hostilities begin....
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

And you would deny reality while claiming your beloved China would never kill it own people while you are on your knees taking a bullet in the back of the head from them...

You would tell yourself it was Trump pulling the trigger.

China has killed it own people many times and you still believe they wouldn't create a virus to attack the World with?

It's not going to do much for their economy if the rest of the world falls into an economic depression, now is it Bruce?

Your whole hypothesis is based on China knowing that the American government was going to total botch their response to the pandemic, allow the disease to run unchecked throughout the country and fail to set up a reliable and effective testing system. Americans are tout "American Exceptionism", and Americans are always saying that the USA has the "best health care system in the world", so there was no reason to think that the massive federal government lacked the ability or the resources to deal with this thing.

The Obama Administration had one of the most effective responses to H1N1, and shut down the ebola outbreak completely, with just a handful of cases, and almost no loss of life. The CDC is one of the most respected virus and disease research agencies in the World.

This idea that Chinese government created this virus and then let it loose in the world, either accidentally or on purpose, is merely a Trumpian attempt to deflect the blame for Trump's utter failure to deal with or manage this pandemic effectively. While is top intelligence agencies were warning of the danger of a pandemic in January, the Trump Administration changed its trade rules with China to allow American companies to sell tens of millions of face masks and PPE's to China, depleting the stocks that Americans would sorely need.

Instead of having FEMA distribute the national stock pile of masks and medical supplies to the states, or the hospitals in hot zones, Jared Kuchner released the national stockpile to medical supply companies who jacked up the prices and resold them to the states, after engaging in bidding wars.

Even Trump's initial decision to refuse the WHO test was based on his wanting Big Pharma to profit from selling made in America tests to the government. At every step along the way, where Trump has been required to make a decision, he's made the one that would do the most damage to the American people.

The rest of the world is dealing with this thing. The Trump Administration is not, and without the Trump Administration providing competent leadership in this pandemic, your country will continue to spiral downward.

Why must you keep on lying?

You said a few days back Trump and the CIA knew about the virus back in November and now you changed it to January when you could not get any traction with your November lie!

Also let remember something the CDC which is under Trump administration was rejected by your beloved Chinese Government back on January 6th 2020, so who failed at controlling the spread?


Also you just lied in this thread again about the World having it under control seeing China itself is still dealing with the virus and Sweden is about to get hit hard but that is Trump fault right?

Idiots like you write Trump because you think you can confuse people easily but fact is the CDC under Trump administration has been working hard daily since the WHO notified the CDC about the virus but your beloved China did everything from arresting their doctor's to prohibiting the WHO and CDC to obtain information and that is Trump fault to you because China told you to lie!

When presented with facts all you offer is your opinion and then slither off screaming Trumpster when in fact you are a lying ass Chinese Bot!

China would in fact hurt it economy and kill people if it thought they would benefit from it in the long term!

You damn well know that is true and to pretend that Communist country you praise daily would not is you being the lying bot you are!

The Chinese are playing the long game and 1 million dead is not an issue in a country of over 540 million souls to communists. Especially when they are starving in some regions there. In China you are property of the state.
That's what everyone needs to understand They are the enemy of the world.
Nuke ‘em!!!
Go the fuck for it. I ain't scared are you? Do the department store shelves mean more to you than our national security? What a punked assed fucking pussy.
Why do the Chinese frighten you?

We need to fuck China up before they get too powerful. Time to bring the communitst regime down for the sake of humanity.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

And you would deny reality while claiming your beloved China would never kill it own people while you are on your knees taking a bullet in the back of the head from them...

You would tell yourself it was Trump pulling the trigger.

China has killed it own people many times and you still believe they wouldn't create a virus to attack the World with?

It's not going to do much for their economy if the rest of the world falls into an economic depression, now is it Bruce?

Your whole hypothesis is based on China knowing that the American government was going to total botch their response to the pandemic, allow the disease to run unchecked throughout the country and fail to set up a reliable and effective testing system. Americans are tout "American Exceptionism", and Americans are always saying that the USA has the "best health care system in the world", so there was no reason to think that the massive federal government lacked the ability or the resources to deal with this thing.

The Obama Administration had one of the most effective responses to H1N1, and shut down the ebola outbreak completely, with just a handful of cases, and almost no loss of life. The CDC is one of the most respected virus and disease research agencies in the World.

This idea that Chinese government created this virus and then let it loose in the world, either accidentally or on purpose, is merely a Trumpian attempt to deflect the blame for Trump's utter failure to deal with or manage this pandemic effectively. While is top intelligence agencies were warning of the danger of a pandemic in January, the Trump Administration changed its trade rules with China to allow American companies to sell tens of millions of face masks and PPE's to China, depleting the stocks that Americans would sorely need.

Instead of having FEMA distribute the national stock pile of masks and medical supplies to the states, or the hospitals in hot zones, Jared Kuchner released the national stockpile to medical supply companies who jacked up the prices and resold them to the states, after engaging in bidding wars.

Even Trump's initial decision to refuse the WHO test was based on his wanting Big Pharma to profit from selling made in America tests to the government. At every step along the way, where Trump has been required to make a decision, he's made the one that would do the most damage to the American people.

The rest of the world is dealing with this thing. The Trump Administration is not, and without the Trump Administration providing competent leadership in this pandemic, your country will continue to spiral downward.

Why must you keep on lying?

You said a few days back Trump and the CIA knew about the virus back in November and now you changed it to January when you could not get any traction with your November lie!

Also let remember something the CDC which is under Trump administration was rejected by your beloved Chinese Government back on January 6th 2020, so who failed at controlling the spread?


Also you just lied in this thread again about the World having it under control seeing China itself is still dealing with the virus and Sweden is about to get hit hard but that is Trump fault right?

Idiots like you write Trump because you think you can confuse people easily but fact is the CDC under Trump administration has been working hard daily since the WHO notified the CDC about the virus but your beloved China did everything from arresting their doctor's to prohibiting the WHO and CDC to obtain information and that is Trump fault to you because China told you to lie!

When presented with facts all you offer is your opinion and then slither off screaming Trumpster when in fact you are a lying ass Chinese Bot!

China would in fact hurt it economy and kill people if it thought they would benefit from it in the long term!

You damn well know that is true and to pretend that Communist country you praise daily would not is you being the lying bot you are!

The Chinese are playing the long game and 1 million dead is not an issue in a country of over 540 million souls to communists. Especially when they are starving in some regions there. In China you are property of the state.
That's what everyone needs to understand They are the enemy of the world.
Nuke ‘em!!!
Go the fuck for it. I ain't scared are you? Do the department store shelves mean more to you than our national security? What a punked assed fucking pussy.
Why do the Chinese frighten you?

We need to fuck China up before they get too powerful. Time to bring the communitst regime down for the sake of humanity.
You’re a nutty warmongering imperialist.

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