Chinese Army's Call For Commanders to Obey Xi Signals Tensions


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
I have always maintained that PLA is a rogue element. Many of their adventures along Indian border is reflective of that. I recall Chinese army intruded into India when Xi was on an official visit to India.



Chinese Army s Call For Commanders to Obey Xi Signals Tensions - Bloomberg Business


See how silly is the thread.

Silly people like yourself can turn anything into silly. So far you have not added anything of substance. You have not even understood the message of the OP. We are not talking about the individual cases like Lyndie England of the U.S Army. The issue that is being discussed and is of concern here is that PLA does not seem to be under the control of Politburo of Communist Party of China. There have been a number of incidents where PLA acted on its own and defied the orders of Politburo.

There has never been a single incident where Indian army defied the orders of its civilian superiors in the ministry of defense and started border conflict on its own. I am not talking about the rogue soldiers committing crimes that warrant court marshal. I am talking about military as an institution defying the civilian authorities.

Xi, when he was visiting India, it was his intention to decrease the tension between China and India but the unauthorized movements of PLA into Indian territory while he was in India created a diplomatic problem for him. That is what he is trying to fix - the deep rooted corruption in PLA which goes as far as racketeering.
Jammu, Feb 18: Army personnel of India and China today held border personnel meeting in Ladakh sector of Jammu and Kashmir and sought to maintain peace and tranquility along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

"A ceremonial Border Personnel Meeting (BPM) was held today between Indian Army and Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) of China on the occasion of 'Chinese Spring Festival'", Defence spokesman Col SD Goswami said.
Delegations led by Brigadier VS Rawat from Indian Army and Senior Colonel Fanjun from China's PLA held meeting at Chinese BPM hut in Moldo Garrison of PLA in Chushul Sector of eastern Ladakh, he said.

The meeting included the ceremonial address by leaders of delegation from both sides which was composed of exchange of greetings... and reflected mutual desire of maintaining and improving relations at the functional level on the border, the spokesman said.

"They interacted in a free, congenial and cordial environment and parted amidst feeling of friendship and commitment towards enhancing the existing cordial relations and maintaining peace along the LAC," he said.

Both sides also sought to build on mutual feeling of upholding the treaties and agreements signed between the governments of the two countries to maintain peace and tranquility along the LAC.

"Thereafter, a cultural programme showcasing vibrant Chinese culture and traditional grandeur was organised by the PLA," the spokesman said. PTI

India China hold border meet in Ladakh Lastupdate - Thu 19 Feb 2015 18 30 00 GMT

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