China Trying to put a wedge between the US and Europe ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

His tour "was a very overt push to say: 'We don't have problems with Europe, we have problems with the US, we can fix things with you Europeans and you need to understand that the US is leading you down a problematic road'", said Andrew Small, a senior fellow specialising in Europe-China relations at the German Marshall Fund think tank.

Of course China is having a very good war. They are also watching what the west does in relation to the illegal invasion.

I think that we should give Ukraine and the other former soviet states some nukes. Countries with nukes dont get invaded.

His tour "was a very overt push to say: 'We don't have problems with Europe, we have problems with the US, we can fix things with you Europeans and you need to understand that the US is leading you down a problematic road'", said Andrew Small, a senior fellow specialising in Europe-China relations at the German Marshall Fund think tank.

Of course China is having a very good war. They are also watching what the west does in relation to the illegal invasion.

I think that we should give Ukraine and the other former soviet states some nukes. Countries with nukes dont get invaded.
Yes Tommy, it's a wrestling match between China and America for the loyalty and support of Europe and the rest of the world too.

The result will be one small factor among many that will decide world supremacy.
I heard late last year there were a lot of NATO countries that had a peace plan
in this war. The US snuffed it. Ukraine owns Biden and Hunter.
Russia could have stayed out of Ukraine. The Ukrainians have never invaded anyone.
If they had nukes Putin would have invaded somewhere else.
Yes Tommy, it's a wrestling match between China and America for the loyalty and support of Europe and the rest of the world too.

The result will be one small factor among many that will decide world supremacy.
Western Europe has been wrecked by madmen before They would rather stop putin in Ukraine than in the EU.
Western Europe has been wrecked by madmen before They would rather stop putin in Ukraine than in the EU.
That's the right talking point Tommy.

Russia (Putin) is intent on taking all of Europe. Ritter says that Russia offered a peace deal with the Ukraine that would have been conditional on stopping the killing of Russian speaking people in the Donbass. (that would have entailed other guarantees of Russia's security that I won't get into right now)
That's the right talking point Tommy.

Russia (Putin) is intent on taking all of Europe. Ritter says that Russia offered a peace deal with the Ukraine that would have been conditional on stopping the killing of Russian speaking people in the Donbass. (that would have entailed other guarantees of Russia's security that I won't get into right now)
I agree with you on several things but rarely has there been an issue so clear cut.
A kleptocracy is involved in empire building in Europe led by a psychopath.
We have seen it before. Hitler didnt stop in Sudetenland.
I agree with you on several things but rarely has there been an issue so clear cut.
A kleptocracy is involved in empire building in Europe led by a psychopath.
We have seen it before. Hitler didnt stop in Sudetenland.
Rare to see one person talk so much rubbish in a single thread.
Hitler passed on some time ago , Tummy .
No sign of anybody else trying to build anything in Europe presently . Or are you predicting a come back by Berlusconi or even Mussolini channeled by his grand daughter ?

Cut back on the drinking and hallucinatory pills and stop bringing us rubbish from the BBC as though it was real news .

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