China threatens to nuke Japan if they attempt to stop China from taking Taiwan

The best approach in which to ensure China doesn't get to use nukes is to hold them accountable today for the Wuhan Virus, Hong Kong, concentration camps, theft of Western technology etc. If they are punished now, they will not consider crossing the line of using nukes or other methods against others. The risk will be far too high for their own survival.
The democracies should disengage from china economically

china needs our trade more than we need them and Xi will have to step back
You never said it. I said it. Why are you afraid to admit it?

Fucking Pakistan did it. So did North Fucking Korea.
They cannot make one and have it ready tomorrow, simply because it takes time. How many years did those countries take to develop their nukes, especially since their constitution forbids doing exactly that.

North Korea has developed overgrown firecrackers. Pakistan developed their nukes because India had them. Again, how any years did it take?
As I've said for years, Japan and South Korea should NOT rely on the U.S. for their defense. They need their own nuclear deterrent.

The leadership of Japan would be foolish to expect Joe Biden to deter China from nuking Japan if Japan interferes with China’s takeover of Taiwan. Joe Biden will do whatever China wants. China owns Joe.

Just so that everyone is understanding...

Taiwan is an island of Christian Capitalists that were placed there as dissidents of the communist regime. They followed the exiled Empirer there....had elections and we had several decades of free trade with them.

Now they are a technology center manufacturing loads of semiconductor chips and extremely wealthy...they can just about buy mainland China. (Which is why the PRC wants them...the PRC is almost bankrupt with a junk bond/real estate situation that makes the USA's look like a "nothing" by comparison. )

So these people are used to their freedoms.
They are not kidding...they firmly believe that they should be allowed to live free or die.
that's mighty interesting news, that bit about the Chinese debt situation and Taiwan's strengths... thanks!
Then what should he do? Simple question. Try to be specific.
I would suggest Japan start a ”warp speed” nuclear weapons program. Nuclear weapons coupled with a reliable and accurate delivery system are a great deterrent.

Xi-Jinping could nuke Japan and Biden would do a damn thing.
As I've said for years, Japan and South Korea should NOT rely on the U.S. for their defense. They need their own nuclear deterrent.

just my 2cts and my own opinion : NO NUKES FOR JAPAN!!! :)
signed : peacefan aka Rene Veerman aka peacegen forums
-- a big fan of a multi-polar geo-political world landscape

ask me questions, but only if you can handle my answers (which will be done for the entire world to see).. see also : CDZ - Pegasus: Spyware sold to governments 'targets activists'

hint, i may be Dutch, but i work for NATO. that's the EU, UK, *and* the USA.
and since the US protects and leads NATO, i will take orders from President Biden at the moment, like i took from all previous US Presidents since George Bush's days in office. :)
just my 2cts and my own opinion : NO NUKES FOR JAPAN!!! :)
signed : peacefan aka Rene Veerman aka peacegen forums
-- a big fan of a multi-polar geo-political world landscape

ask me questions, but only if you can handle my answers (which will be done for the entire world to see).. see also : CDZ - Pegasus: Spyware sold to governments 'targets activists'

hint, i may be Dutch, but i work for NATO. that's the EU, UK, *and* the USA.
and since the US protects and leads NATO, i will take orders from President Biden at the moment, like i took from all previous US Presidents since George Bush's days in office. :)



ok, well.

1 : i respect your 'assertive' viewpoint.
2 : you should know that many many "poor"/"middle-class" people and even many good soldiers are totally fed up with :
2a : regional wars
2b : the risk of nuclear war
2c : the wealth-gap between the rich and the poor being so huge all the time
2d : the rich who do not care about "poor" cannonfodder / casualties, at least not *really*.

however. when i said i respect the assertive viewpoint, i meant it.
the Chinese ego has grown extremely large and dangerously loud, to the point of them comitting as a nation to invading and taking over Taiwan.

*however*, whereas the rich have *always* had the option of retreating out of a warzone or conquered area, and the poor are better off with a quick victory by an opposing "country"/"alliance" so that they can simply obey the laws of that new set of rulers,

i still seriously dislike the Chinese approach to governing, much like you do.

and (here's the important bit) : i do not rule anything except my own life. i am merely using freedom of speech to allow every group/faction/political party & mass media companies to form their own goddarn opinions, and then i'll comment on the headlines that flow out of those group decisions.

i already know that the assertive & possibly a majority of the rich in the UK + the US have decided to teach that "Chinese modern ego" a lesson with a potential limited regional war to keep Taiwan a free "country"/country.

however, what i have a major difficulty with is the threat by the Chinese to start nuking countries if they back the US + UK + the rest of NATO (which would be dragged into that conflict by their hairs, and *also* become a target for long range Chinese nuclear ICBMs, and we in Europe don't even have proper anti-ICBM-tech yet).

what i hope to achieve, is a stalemate whereby the Chinese tone down their rethoric.
this very thread here on that you're reading now, has tons of US-Republican / US-assertive "give nukes to Japan then"-like statements.

you are in effect forcing the entire NATO + allies alliance to back the small numbered Taiwanese, while that island is only a few hundred miles away from mainland China, and the Chinese have an ONGOING civil war with Taiwan, which the Chinese government has always said, and now much louder, that they will "take back by force if they have to or choose to".

i am requesting only 1 thing from you assertive Americans : think about the rest of the world during your planning phases for the entire frigging (cold)-war against Chinese imperialistic desires.

take plenty of time, discuss it with your nearest friends every weekend for the next month, and try to respect your President even if currently he's a Democrat. He's more capable and smart than the average US-Republican gives him credit for, i believe.

this message will spread to the Chinese intel services *and* political ranks (i guess most of them) by me linking it on https_://

and please note that i've been giving the Chinese arrogance hell on forums for over a year now, it's time i toned it down, or i'm gonna get gunned down or even poisoned to death by a Chinese hit squad, and i'd like to avoid that of course.

meanwhile, you Americans need to keep one thing in mind : you didn't actually win the war against communism by forcing Russia into a retreat from Eastern Europe. Yes, you freed Eastern Europe and i thank you for that, but communism/socialism/autoritarianism is just as valid a form of government (welfare, rich, working class, police, anti-riot police, etc) as the "western systems" are.

bye for now, don't reach your conclusions to quick, and only tell me what you feel comfortable telling your Chinese and Muslim opponents as well.

by the way, there are MANY chinese nationalists posting on, and together with the Muslims they have VALID complaints about western interference in foreign countries like the middle east, for instance the innocent casualty count of such operations.

and while we retreat from regions (and leave them in police chaos state, with much violence between groups, for years or decades after our retreat), the Chinese would simply impose their clearly documented and indoctrinated will upon the Taiwanese that aren't rich enough to leave Taiwan, and Biden has already ordered the US economy to start producing it's own computer chips.

i suggest, to keep NATO's options open, that you accelerate domestic phone and pad and laptop and computer production capability in Canada, Mexico, The USA, and ALL of the EU and the UK and Ireland. we're gonna need that *quickly done* i think, and there's plenty of real money to be made in those industries, that then NO LONGER HAS TO FLOW INTO CHINESE GOVERNMENT HANDS.

that'll send a much better signal than floating a carrier group through Taiwanese waters to Japan and back ;)

bye for now.
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ok, well.

1 : i respect your 'assertive' viewpoint.
2 : you should know that many many "poor"/"middle-class" people and even many good soldiers are totally fed up with :
2a : regional wars
2b : the risk of nuclear war
2c : the wealth-gap between the rich and the poor being so huge all the time
2d : the rich who do not care about "poor" cannonfodder / casualties, at least not *really*.

however. when i said i respect the assertive viewpoint, i meant it.
the Chinese ego has grown extremely large and dangerously loud, to the point of them comitting as a nation to invading and taking over Taiwan.

*however*, whereas the rich have *always* had the option of retreating out of a warzone or conquered area, and the poor are better off with a quick victory by an opposing "country"/"alliance" so that they can simply obey the laws of that new set of rulers,

i still seriously dislike the Chinese approach to governing, much like you do.

and (here's the important bit) : i do not rule anything except my own life. i am merely using freedom of speech to allow every group/faction/political party & mass media companies to form their own goddarn opinions, and then i'll comment on the headlines that flow out of those group decisions.

i already know that the assertive & possibly a majority of the rich in the UK + the US have decided to teach that "Chinese modern ego" a lesson with a potential limited regional war to keep Taiwan a free "country"/country.

however, what i have a major difficulty with is the threat by the Chinese to start nuking countries if they back the US + UK + the rest of NATO (which would be dragged into that conflict by their hairs, and *also* become a target for long range Chinese nuclear ICBMs, and we in Europe don't even have proper anti-ICBM-tech yet).

what i hope to achieve, is a stalemate whereby the Chinese tone down their rethoric.
this very thread here on that you're reading now, has tons of US-Republican / US-assertive "give nukes to Japan then"-like statements.

you are in effect forcing the entire NATO + allies alliance to back the small numbered Taiwanese, while that island is only a few hundred miles away from mainland China, and the Chinese have an ONGOING civil war with Taiwan, which the Chinese government has always said, and now much louder, that they will "take back by force if they have to or choose to".

i am requesting only 1 thing from you assertive Americans : think about the rest of the world during your planning phases for the entire frigging (cold)-war against Chinese imperialistic desires.

take plenty of time, discuss it with your nearest friends every weekend for the next month, and try to respect your President even if currently he's a Democrat. He's more capable and smart than the average US-Republican gives him credit for, i believe.

bye for now.

this message will spread to the Chinese intel services *and* political ranks (i guess most of them) by me linking it on

and please note that i've been giving the Chinese arrogance hell on forums for over a year now, it's time i toned it down, or i'm gonna get gunned down or even poisoned to death by a Chinese hit squad, and i'd like to avoid that of course.

meanwhile, you Americans need to keep one thing in mind : you didn't actually win the war against communism by forcing Russia into a retreat from Eastern Europe. Yes, you freed Eastern Europe and i thank you for that, but communism/socialism/autoritarianism is just as valid a form of government (welfare, rich, working class, police, anti-riot police, etc) as the "western systems" are.

bye for now, don't reach your conclusions to quick, and only tell me what you feel comfortable telling your Chinese and Muslim opponents as well.

by the way, there are MANY chinese nationalists posting on, and together with the Muslims they have VALID complaints about western interference in foreign countries like the middle east, for instance the innocent casualty count of such operations.

and while we retreat from regions (and leave them in police chaos state, with much violence between groups, for years or decades after our retreat), the Chinese would simply impose their clearly documented and indoctrinated will upon the Taiwanese that aren't rich enough to leave Taiwan, and Biden has already ordered the US economy to start producing it's own computer chips.

i suggest, to keep NATO's options open, that you accelerate domestic phone and pad and laptop and computer production capability in Canada, Mexico, The USA, and ALL of the EU and the UK and Ireland. we're gonna need that *quickly done* i think, and there's plenty of real money to be made in those industries, that then NO LONGER HAS TO FLOW INTO CHINESE GOVERNMENT HANDS.

that'll send a much better signal than floating a carrier group through Taiwanese waters to Japan and back ;)

bye for now.

2 : you should know that many many "poor"/"middle-class" people and even many good soldiers are totally fed up with :
2a : regional wars
2b : the risk of nuclear war
2c : the wealth-gap between the rich and the poor being so huge all the time
2d : the rich who do not care about "poor" cannonfodder / casualties, at least not *really*.

That's awful!

Still no reason to allow the commies to enslave Taiwan.
2 : you should know that many many "poor"/"middle-class" people and even many good soldiers are totally fed up with :
2a : regional wars
2b : the risk of nuclear war
2c : the wealth-gap between the rich and the poor being so huge all the time
2d : the rich who do not care about "poor" cannonfodder / casualties, at least not *really*.

That's awful!

Still no reason to allow the commies to enslave Taiwan.
With all due respect, they "enslaved" (took over, rather) Tibet as well, for the same regional strategic+tactical reasons, they quelled all opposition under the valid excuse of fighting sedition / seperatism / terrorism (by Tibetans who wanted their government and religion back in charge of their country), but they kept that up for so long, that you now have scores upon scores of peaceful/cowardly-minded Tibetans who actually make *good money* and thus live peaceful prosperous lives, by just farming herbs for the Chinese population in the Tibetan highlands.

and.. also.. : the Japanese did actually try to invade mainland China back in WW2... so it's not entirely surprising to me, this statement by the Chinese (title of this thread)..
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and.. also.. : the Japanese did actually try to invade mainland China back in WW2... so it's not entirely surprising to me, this statement by the Chinese (title of this thread)..

Yes, Japan invaded and was barbaric.

Still no reason to allow the commies to enslave Taiwan.

You're right, China should also free Tibet.
Yes, Japan invaded and was barbaric.

Still no reason to allow the commies to enslave Taiwan.

You're right, China should also free Tibet.
now you're ignoring the fact that the 'spreading freedom' projects of NATO, led by the indoctrinated and often dumb-ass USA, have caused gigantic amounts of victims, in Vietnam, in Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc, etc, etc.

you're also ignoring my arguments by just being stubborn and arrogant at the same time,
so i rest my case here.
now you're ignoring the fact that the 'spreading freedom' projects of NATO, led by the indoctrinated and often dumb-ass USA, have caused gigantic amounts of victims, in Vietnam, in Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc, etc, etc.

We need to allow China to enslave Taiwan and continue enslaving Tibet because Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc, etc, etc?

I understand why you'd want to rest after that claim.

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