China pleased as punch over curtailment of freedom of speech


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
Looks like China Joe's buddies are gloating over the fact their soon to be man in the White House's party is suppressing free speech.

China & North Korea pleased-as-punch over Trump allowing them to build new bridges for massive trade between the master & puppet state!
N Korea Bridge.png

N Korea China.png
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We have "free speech" unless somebody points out the indisputable fact that Biden stole the election. Then the speech has to be suppressed.

The Communists evoking the suppression of disent. We have seen it in other countries. Never thought it would come to the US.

We are at war to protect our Bill of Rights.
Remember when I came on here and told you all that Yahoo got rid of all their comments? I had noticed that there were far more positive comments for Trump and Yahoo got destroyed, especially when they spoke about China. Americans called them out often.

So, why give citizens a voice? Just give them a one direction shot of news with no counter arguments. Ditto for youtube when CNN was being hit hard by commenters. Now social media wants to have an Echo Chamber. They are even trying to hurt the divide, which is why they shut down parler. "If we can't have you, nobody can!". They just want to force you to change how you think, forced compliance if you will. "Re-make your account and come back onto twitter with a nice, peaceful, liberal moniker and speak accordingly and you will be accepted".

The most precious right is Freedom of Speech and Expression. When it is taken away from people, these people rightfully assume that someone is afraid that they are being figured out. If communication among the masses is a threat to them, it is the masses who are wrong and they must be silenced. There is no honour or principle in this, they believe they have it all right and you don't understand your own plight. "We know what's best for you. Sit down, be quiet and let us do the driving".

Trump won because people want to see America win, they are tired of losing to foreign states. I am listening to peoples reactions and responses online, and unlike when Trump took office in 2017 and people were angry, I'm not hearing that same equal happiness that Harris/Biden won. It's as if people are wondering if they've been fooled. Maybe they are going to miss America First after all?

The damage this does to U.S international influence is compounded by a change in policy that many allies aren't going to like. America is going to hand over it's most valuable assets, your perceived nation of liberty, fairness, Rule of Law and opportunity? It's a recipe for disaster.
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Sedition has always been illegal. Nothing new.

Using blatant lies to promote the overthrow of Democracy and to incite insurrection certainly is sedition.
We have "free speech" unless somebody points out the indisputable fact that Biden stole the election. Then the speech has to be suppressed.

The Communists evoking the suppression of disent. We have seen it in other countries. Never thought it would come to the US.

We are at war to protect our Bill of Rights.

No right is unlimited. Abusing your right to free speech by using outright lies to promote insurrection is sedition.

Biden won the election. There was no massive fraud as you claim.

Trump tried stealing the election. He incited insurrection. He failed.
We have "free speech" unless somebody points out the indisputable fact that Biden stole the election. Then the speech has to be suppressed.

The Communists evoking the suppression of disent. We have seen it in other countries. Never thought it would come to the US.

We are at war to protect our Bill of Rights.

No right is unlimited. Abusing your right to free speech by using outright lies to promote insurrection is sedition.

Biden won the election. There was no massive fraud as you claim.

Trump tried stealing the election. He incited insurrection. He failed.

That is what the tyrants always tell you. "Your right of free speech ends when I say it ends."

China Joe's buddies are pleased as punch as well they should be.

Wow, Just wow. I'm in awe at Good Old Joes exercise of absolute power. Not even President yet he controls all speech in America.... I bet old Moscow Mitch is quaking in his boots too!

I hear a secret "Task force" (hint hint) has been assembled to "take care" of the Q problem too.
We have "free speech" unless somebody points out the indisputable fact that Biden stole the election. Then the speech has to be suppressed.

The Communists evoking the suppression of disent. We have seen it in other countries. Never thought it would come to the US.

We are at war to protect our Bill of Rights.

No right is unlimited. Abusing your right to free speech by using outright lies to promote insurrection is sedition.

Biden won the election. There was no massive fraud as you claim.

Trump tried stealing the election. He incited insurrection. He failed.

That is what the tyrants always tell you. "Your right of free speech ends when I say it ends."

China Joe's buddies are pleased as punch as well they should be.


If we do not have free speech, then why isn't the FBI knocking on your door right now?

Why haven't there been mass arrests of everyone that's been promoting Trumpbot lies for the past several years?

We've had free speech and have it now, but when it's abused to the point of sedition, then people should go to prison.
This whole thing about Trump and the threat from the Right is nothing more than a deflection away from the fact that the Democrats stole the election. Straight out of the Communist handbook on misinformation and the Use Idiots are going along with it.
We have "free speech" unless somebody points out the indisputable fact that Biden stole the election. Then the speech has to be suppressed.

The Communists evoking the suppression of disent. We have seen it in other countries. Never thought it would come to the US.

We are at war to protect our Bill of Rights.

No right is unlimited. Abusing your right to free speech by using outright lies to promote insurrection is sedition.

Biden won the election. There was no massive fraud as you claim.

Trump tried stealing the election. He incited insurrection. He failed.

That is what the tyrants always tell you. "Your right of free speech ends when I say it ends."

China Joe's buddies are pleased as punch as well they should be.


If we do not have free speech, then why isn't the FBI knocking on your door right now?

Why haven't there been mass arrests of everyone that's been promoting Trumpbot lies for the past several years?

We've had free speech and have it now, but when it's abused to the point of sedition, then people should go to prison.

Our Founding Fathers knew that the government will fail the people. It is in the nature of men to be tyrants that will lie, cheat and steal to get power. In this case it is the filthy ass Democrat Party being corrupt to get the power to make this country a Socialist shithole so the greedy little bastards can get their free stuff. Despicable, isn't it?

Not only have the Democrats failed the American people but so have the Republican Party who suppose to check the Democrats and so did the cowardly Supreme Court.

Our Founding Fathers knew tyrannical shit like this would happen and at the end of the day we couldn't depend upon government to protect our Liberties so they established the final check on government abuse; the right to keep and bear arms.

It is up to us to have the courage to use the tools the founders of this country gave us. If not then we deserve to be a soulless dismal oppressive Socialist shithole that the Liberals have planned for us in their great "reset". Their filthy destructive "hope and change" was waylaid by Trump so now China Joe and the boys have the reset planned.
We have "free speech" unless somebody points out the indisputable fact that Biden stole the election. Then the speech has to be suppressed.

The Communists evoking the suppression of disent. We have seen it in other countries. Never thought it would come to the US.

We are at war to protect our Bill of Rights.

No right is unlimited. Abusing your right to free speech by using outright lies to promote insurrection is sedition.

Biden won the election. There was no massive fraud as you claim.

Trump tried stealing the election. He incited insurrection. He failed.

That is what the tyrants always tell you. "Your right of free speech ends when I say it ends."

China Joe's buddies are pleased as punch as well they should be.


If we do not have free speech, then why isn't the FBI knocking on your door right now?

Why haven't there been mass arrests of everyone that's been promoting Trumpbot lies for the past several years?

We've had free speech and have it now, but when it's abused to the point of sedition, then people should go to prison.

Our Founding Fathers knew that the government will fail the people. It is in the nature of men to be tyrants that will lie, cheat and steal to get power. In this case it is the filthy ass Democrat Party being corrupt to get the power to make this country a Socialist shithole so the greedy little bastards can get their free stuff. Despicable, isn't it?

Not only have the Democrats failed the American people but so have the Republican Party who suppose to check the Democrats and so did the cowardly Supreme Court.

Our Founding Fathers knew tyrannical shit like this would happen and at the end of the day we couldn't depend upon government to protect our Liberties so they established the final check on government abuse; the right to keep and bear arms.

It is up to us to have the courage to use the tools the founders of this country gave us. If not then we deserve to be a soulless dismal oppressive Socialist shithole that the Liberals have planned for us in their great "reset". Their filthy destructive "hope and change" was waylaid by Trump so now China Joe and the boys have the reset planned.

Stop the Squeal, You're killing people now.


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