China is doing it right and the US is doing it wrong


VIP Member
Jan 20, 2011
IÂ’m telling you now Cuba, Russia, and China have it right. IÂ’m telling you it looks like America are going to go back toward capitalism and soon Democrats will be jumping on planes and boats to these utopias. You should start know to get ahead of the crowd and get there before it becomes too many and those countries start turning people away. I have friends down here in Miami that for a small price can get you to Cuba by boat if you have trouble getting a citizenship through legal channels. Democrats should hurry and beat the rush now while you can.
IÂ’m telling you now Cuba, Russia, and China have it right. IÂ’m telling you it looks like America are going to go back toward capitalism and soon Democrats will be jumping on planes and boats to these utopias. You should start know to get ahead of the crowd and get there before it becomes too many and those countries start turning people away. I have friends down here in Miami that for a small price can get you to Cuba by boat if you have trouble getting a citizenship through legal channels. Democrats should hurry and beat the rush now while you can.

ive been offering that bet for years, takers 0. Even had a guy tell me how great China was for hours, told him he should move there, end of conversation. Dems hate this country so much and this country always needs to get better in their eyes and wham, they stay now i know its because of the money but cant they at least start a discussion with "I think america should do this, but im staying because i love a paycheck" than i can at least ignore them and we can all move on.
I know. Chicago, Dee_troyt and East L.A. are nicer. Gawd Blast murka !
These commies don't even have bath water !
[ame=]The Hooters-girls of Beijing - YouTube[/ame]
The right wingers should be in the first flights out to Iran and Saudi Arabia, makes you wonder why they haven't gone to their right wing utopias yet...
I’m telling you now Cuba, Russia, and China have it right. I’m telling you it looks like America are going to go back toward capitalism and soon Democrats will be jumping on planes and boats to these utopias. You should start know to get ahead of the crowd and get there before it becomes too many and those countries start turning people away. I have friends down here in Miami that for a small price can get you to Cuba by boat if you have trouble getting a citizenship through legal channels. Democrats should hurry and beat the rush now while you can.

Actually -- a lot of stuff that China IS doing right -- like their build-out of 100s of nuclear power plants and the Laissez Faire policies that have exploded their middle class ranks.

GOING there for economic opportunity and freedom wouldn't be a totally bad deal. Going there for social freedom would be a bad deal.

Supposedly -- we don't have to choose between economic and social freedom. Or at least we didn't use to.. But as Mayor Bloomberg has demonstrated, there are more totalitarian regimes than the 3 you named..
The idea that Democrats/liberals hate America is a lie that needs to die.
I hear Progressives praise China and say this is Marxism at its best.......Except China is barely communist anymore.... they are still fascistic which is why progressives love it but in order to survive they are becoming capitalist.... Only the Progressives and their communists counterparts thinks they will stay as they are right now.....See Nixon wasn't a complete idiot....He knew if you feed freedom in small doses to people with absolutely none sooner or later they will ask for more and more....In 25 years China will ether be broke and desolate or they will be a free republic.
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I did it!
I lived long enough to hear the righties praising communist countries.



Congrats.. You're not talking about my obvious observations about China pulling MILLIONS of their citizens out of poverty by just ALLOWING foreign capital to come in and develop their country for them --- ARE YOU?

Because I'm not a Right Winger. I can out-Liberal most of the folks on this board. I just love ECONOMIC freedom as much as I do SOCIAL freedom..
Places that have nets outside their dorms and such to catch workers jumping is not a place I would want to work.