China could’ve reduced spread by 95% with early interventions.

Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.
All you have to do is spend a few minutes perusing the topics on this forum. Even at this very late date, there are still fools blowing off the seriousness of this disease.

As we have seen demonstrated quite starkly in the past two months right here at home, people in government and some of our media are no different than the people on this forum.

Why should China be any different?
Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.
All you have to do is spend a few minutes perusing the topics on this forum. Even at this very late date, there are still fools blowing off the seriousness of this disease.

As we have seen demonstrated quite starkly in the past two months right here at home, people in government and some of our media are no different than the people on this forum.

Why should China be any different?
I mean China kind of went a little past incompetence when they imprisoned...probably killed doctors who were trying to warn the outside world about this.
Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.

... by following Dopey Donald Trump's strategy of choking, and surrender to a microbe.

Why do I keep expecting people on here to make a coherent point?

You are seeking to educate yourself from the knowledge and expertise of others?

You should go back to getting your information from the back of public toilet doors. You haven't graduated from that school.
I didn’t think Russian trolls were still a thing. Is that a Russian saying are something, because it does not translate to English that well at all. I don’t even know what you’re trying to imply. That being educated by experts is bad? Who even writes on toilet doors anymore? What is this the 90’s? Hey, Tupac called, he wants you to know that he died 20 years ago, and that no one writes on bathroom doors anymore.
Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.

Not sure the study is as critical of China's response as you are. Cherry picking?

"The study estimates that by the end of February 2020 there was a total of 114, 325 COVID-19 cases in China. It shows that without non-pharmaceutical interventions – such as early detection, isolation of cases, travel restrictions and cordon sanitaire – the number of infected people would have been 67 times larger than that which actually occurred.

The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively.

Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts. We also show that China’s comprehensive response, in a relatively short period, greatly reduced the potential health impact of the outbreak.”
Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.

Your reading comprehension appears to be faulty:

Study author Dr Shengjie Lai, of the University of Southampton, comments: “Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts. We also show that China’s comprehensive response, in a relatively short period, greatly reduced the potential health impact of the outbreak.

The research also found that improved disease detection, isolation of cases and social distancing (for example, the cancelling of large public events, working from home and school closures) are likely to have had a far greater positive impact on containment than travel restrictions. The authors suggest social distancing should be continued for the next few months in China to prevent case numbers increasing again after the lifting of travel restrictions in late February.​

Trump delayed testing, made the pandemic appear harmless, miraculously going away, and thus made social distancing and school closures appear unnecessary (go to work), and imposed travel restrictions (not helpful) instead.

Considering it is going to take some time to figure out what a country is dealing with in case of a NEW virus, China gets good marks, according to your own link.

Yeah, but "the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today". We'll all just wait until the consequences and second-order effects of Trump's criminal incompetence kick in to see what you are going to say.
Wait are you suggesting that this article is condemning and complimenting the Chinese government at the same time? It’s a pretty clear condemnation. I can’t believe people are trying to still back up the same government that has 2 million Muslims in a concentration camp that they are systematically sterilizing. They’ve known about the virus since mid-November...hid it from the world while acting like everything was business as usual letting hundreds of infected carriers travel. WE WOULDN’T HAVE TO PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AND ALMOST A COMPLETE SHUTDOWN OF THE WORLD ECONOMY IF CHINA CARED ABOUT HUMAN LIVES MORE THAN MAINTAINING THE IMAGE OF THEIR GOVERNMENT. I thought we all knew everyone has to be careful about what is said about China, as evidenced by Disney and the NBA. We wouldn’t even know about this virus except few doctors in China got brave and let the cat out of the bag...and are either dead or in a gulag right now. And here you are pretending like a massively tyrannical government putting all of citizenry under house arrest, after they fucked up in the first place, is somehow worthy of applause. Like wtf? “At least China isn’t racist like trump with his travel ban.” Yeah except for the whole Muslim concentration camp thing, but who cares about that. Oh and the travel restrictions worked. Europe is getting rocked right now, and we bought ourselves a month to see what works and what doesn’t. China and the EU both royally fucked this up. The EU should’ve had the same restrictions as us WHEN we did them, not this week. But I guess that means the EU is now racist. Once the virus broke containment in Europe, the rest of the world was going to follow. The virus had a month to spread around all their airports and public transit, and now its coming here. The evidence is out there in the numbers on whose fault this is. The PRC and Xi royally fucked up, and the EU wanted to pretend like airports aren’t Petri dishes with thousands of people passing through them a day, cramming people onto planes with recycled ventilation going god knows where.
Oh no, it's the race card! Lol.

Facts aren't racist and I note you didnt actually speak to any of them, but opted for deflection and scarecrows instead.

I agree. Facts aren't racist. Neither are viruses.

A virus doesn't care if it's in a Chinese person or a white person. So calling this the "Chinese Virus" to deflect blame from Trump's incompetence isn't going to protect you.
So calling this the "Chinese Virus"

Maybe we should call it the Martian Flu?

Or the Plutonian Plague?
I like the Mara Lago-45 Virus!
Trump delayed testing, made the pandemic appear harmless, miraculously going away, and thus made social distancing and school closures appear unnecessary (go to work), and imposed travel restrictions (not helpful) instead.
Wait are you suggesting that this article is condemning and complimenting the Chinese government at the same time? It’s a pretty clear condemnation.

You don't even understand your own link.

The study models virus spread and different counter-measures for the case of Corona. It doesn't make a judgment. It doesn't dwell on whether counter-measures, early after the detection of a novel virus, are even possible, or at least plausibly achievable. The only judgment actually rendered is positive:

"Study author Dr Shengjie Lai, of the University of Southampton, comments: 'Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts. We also show that China’s comprehensive response, in a relatively short period, greatly reduced the potential health impact of the outbreak.'”

Yes, locking up Muslims is atrocious. Still, they dealt comparatively well with the outbreak. We could learn something from them, and from the study. A condemnation of China's response to the coronavirus it is not. China took it very seriously while the Orange Blob still claimed there are going to be miracles to make the pandemic go away, miraculously.

Take a breath, and read the link again. And then again, if need be, until you actually start to understand what's in there, and what is not.
This is the latest example of why we need to fight for human rights and fight authoritarian, corrupt governments everywhere. China fucked the world. There’s no denying that fact.
This is the latest example of why we need to fight for human rights and fight authoritarian, corrupt governments everywhere. China fucked the world. There’s no denying that fact.

"we need to fight for human rights and fight authoritarian, corrupt governments everywhere." Why not start with the US?
Maybe we should call it the Martian Flu?

Or the Plutonian Mollywobbles?

Or maybe we should call it.

The Novel Coronavirus

All SCIENTIFICALLY accurate descriptions.

But, naw, let's call it "Chinese Flu" even though it isn't Chinese and not even a flu.

Or let's do what one of Trump's little Nazis did, and call it Kung Flu to the face of a Chinese-American reporter.

A White House official called coronavirus the 'Kung-Flu' to an Asian-American reporter's face

View attachment 313331

A White House official called the novel coronavirus the "Kung-Flu" to CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang's face, the journalist tweeted on Tuesday.

"This morning a White House official referred to #Coronavirus as the "Kung-Flu" to my face. Makes me wonder what they're calling it behind my back," Jiang said.

It began in China you jackass. Wuhan to be precise. The Chinese Communist Party is solely responsible for this event. They covered it up, murdered their own doctors who tried to warn the world, kicked out reporters who tried to get the story out, withhold critical medical info from the international community, & threaten to withhold medications. They are evil. Communism is evil. Communist governments are evil. Are you too dense to understand this?
Oh no, it's the race card! Lol.

Facts aren't racist and I note you didnt actually speak to any of them, but opted for deflection and scarecrows instead.

I agree. Facts aren't racist. Neither are viruses.

A virus doesn't care if it's in a Chinese person or a white person. So calling this the "Chinese Virus" to deflect blame from Trump's incompetence isn't going to protect you.
So calling this the "Chinese Virus"

Maybe we should call it the Martian Flu?

Or the Plutonian Plague?
I like the Mara Lago-45 Virus!

How long have you had it?
This is the latest example of why we need to fight for human rights and fight authoritarian, corrupt governments everywhere. China fucked the world. There’s no denying that fact.

"we need to fight for human rights and fight authoritarian, corrupt governments everywhere." Why not start with the US?

Yeah, there's just a problem with that: The only thing that could have halted this - as we now know - would have been to prohibit the sale of wild animals (bats in particular) on markets, and rigorously to enforce that prohibition. Our righties, of course, would have decried that as government overreach and a totalitarian interference with free - FREE!!! - markets. Them EVIL communists, again. At least they would have done so a few months ago.
Maybe we should call it the Martian Flu?

Or the Plutonian Mollywobbles?

Or maybe we should call it.

The Novel Coronavirus

All SCIENTIFICALLY accurate descriptions.

But, naw, let's call it "Chinese Flu" even though it isn't Chinese and not even a flu.

Or let's do what one of Trump's little Nazis did, and call it Kung Flu to the face of a Chinese-American reporter.

A White House official called coronavirus the 'Kung-Flu' to an Asian-American reporter's face

View attachment 313331

A White House official called the novel coronavirus the "Kung-Flu" to CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang's face, the journalist tweeted on Tuesday.

"This morning a White House official referred to #Coronavirus as the "Kung-Flu" to my face. Makes me wonder what they're calling it behind my back," Jiang said.

It began in China you jackass. Wuhan to be precise. The Chinese Communist Party is solely responsible for this event. They covered it up, murdered their own doctors who tried to warn the world, kicked out reporters who tried to get the story out, withhold critical medical info from the international community, & threaten to withhold medications. They are evil. Communism is evil. Communist governments are evil. Are you too dense to understand this?

With a 14 day incubation cycle, no country could have contained it. China is not responsible for Trumpybear and his Banana Republicans cavalier attitude toward the viral threat.
Taking issue with the actions of china isn't racist.

And, again, you've addressed none of those points. Not a single one. 4 posts of logical fallacies and literally nothing else.

Again, I have addressed your points. You are a racist. Deal with it.

Sure, sure Joey. Fling your nonsense.

You've spoken to none of them. Zero.

That is his knee jerk response to anything he can't answer. Saves him from having to think.
And then there are the rumors it was a bio weapon that accidentally found it's way into the general population.
This study shows very damning evidence for China.
Any idea when the study on how much better things could have turned out if Trump had not waited to get serious is being published?
Everyone is freaking out about not having testing right now, and it seemed like South Korea had this under control. But they’re now experiencing a secondary spike that’ll probably be worse than the original spike. Why? The problem with testing is that it creates a false sense of security. you’re herding people into lines, and places where everyone is touching the same doorknobs, faucets, counters, etc., they leave the testing facility negative, when they could be picking up the virus there, and then going into work, the grocery store, or wherever. That’s only considering the people who volunteer for testing. All you need is 10% bad apples who say fuck that I don’t have it, pick it up, and are out and about giving it to everyone else. Testing is only going to be effective if you’re forcing everyone to take the test periodically, and there’s not really a practical way to do that. Mind you if you were to do that, the most practical ways involve making everyone go to a single location. What saved South Korea more than the tests, was probably the masks, which are fairly commonly worn over there without a global pandemic. Masks don’t do much to shield you from the virus but do help in reducing the spread (mask absorbing most of the moisture from a cough or a sneeze), but no one knows for sure how much. You can lock down people, and they’re fine with that for 3 weeks to a month, until they start thinking the virus maybe isn’t an issue and, or say fuck it anyway and start going out again. We’re social/communal beasts, we’re not keen on staying in one place for too long.

Would it be nice if hospitals had the test, to see which patients had it. Sure, but what’s just as effective for them is treating everyone who comes in like they do have it. It’s the same thing they did for AIDS in the 90s, just act like everyone you treat has it.

You know what would’ve been the best way to deal with this virus. Every country cut off air travel from China, make your citizens visiting China stay there and spend a few 100 million for their room and board until you can effectively test them after a quarantine period, and then fly them back. It would’ve sucked for them, but the damage it’s doing to the people dying now, the overrun hospitals in the EU, the unprecedented damage it’s doing to the worldwide economy, and the 10s of trillions of dollars world governments are throwing at this to attempt to slow it would’ve been 100% worth it. But also, we would’ve never been in this situation if the PRC did the right thing in the first place, and weren’t so bizarrely concerned about how their government looked.
Wait are you suggesting that this article is condemning and complimenting the Chinese government at the same time? It’s a pretty clear condemnation.

You don't even understand your own link.

The study models virus spread and different counter-measures for the case of Corona. It doesn't make a judgment. It doesn't dwell on whether counter-measures, early after the detection of a novel virus, are even possible, or at least plausibly achievable. The only judgment actually rendered is positive:

"Study author Dr Shengjie Lai, of the University of Southampton, comments: 'Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts. We also show that China’s comprehensive response, in a relatively short period, greatly reduced the potential health impact of the outbreak.'”

Yes, locking up Muslims is atrocious. Still, they dealt comparatively well with the outbreak. We could learn something from them, and from the study. A condemnation of China's response to the coronavirus it is not. China took it very seriously while the Orange Blob still claimed there are going to be miracles to make the pandemic go away, miraculously.

Take a breath, and read the link again. And then again, if need be, until you actually start to understand what's in there, and what is not.
They did so by putting the entire country on lockdown, only after it got out of hand. Easy to do in an authoritarian government...The same government that hid the virus from the world since mid November, what aren’t you getting about that? Doctors don’t risk their lives to defy their authoritarian government if they think their government is taking necessary steps to handle a disease. Those doctors weren’t addressing their government (they probably had been trying for a while) they were addressing the world. The PRC didn’t do what they should’ve been doing, and they let millions travel. They let probably 30 infected people a day travel elsewhere. 30 people out there infecting at least 3 others each, who go on to infect another 3 people, and so on.

Problem with locking down like China did, no one gets immunity to the disease. The disease is out there now. It’s going to get reintroduced. And it’s going to spread again just as quickly. Are they going to do another shut down in a month or 2? There’s still a billion people over there waiting to catch this disease.
Maybe we should call it the Martian Flu?

Or the Plutonian Mollywobbles?

Or maybe we should call it.

The Novel Coronavirus

All SCIENTIFICALLY accurate descriptions.

But, naw, let's call it "Chinese Flu" even though it isn't Chinese and not even a flu.

Or let's do what one of Trump's little Nazis did, and call it Kung Flu to the face of a Chinese-American reporter.

A White House official called coronavirus the 'Kung-Flu' to an Asian-American reporter's face

View attachment 313331

A White House official called the novel coronavirus the "Kung-Flu" to CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang's face, the journalist tweeted on Tuesday.

"This morning a White House official referred to #Coronavirus as the "Kung-Flu" to my face. Makes me wonder what they're calling it behind my back," Jiang said.

It began in China you jackass. Wuhan to be precise. The Chinese Communist Party is solely responsible for this event. They covered it up, murdered their own doctors who tried to warn the world, kicked out reporters who tried to get the story out, withhold critical medical info from the international community, & threaten to withhold medications. They are evil. Communism is evil. Communist governments are evil. Are you too dense to understand this?

With a 14 day incubation cycle, no country could have contained it. China is not responsible for Trumpybear and his Banana Republicans cavalier attitude toward the viral threat.

Had the Beijing regime released the data up front, not covered it up, or murdered their own doctors who actually were trying to warn the world, this wouldn't have happened. Everything that has happened can be put at the feet of the Chinese Communist Party....

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