China Accuses US of Show of Force with Taiwan Strait Passage


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Once Trump is gone, I doubt they will experience this uncomfortable often. I hope America and the world keep sending the message of full, unwavering support for Taiwan, Japan and others. Silence and meekness is NOT the way to deal with Communists.

The West turned their back on Poland. Though it was so long ago, the lack of courage when it mattered showed how fast it can spiral. Before you know it, tens of millions are dead and many others lives destroyed because Good Men didn't step up when it was needed. Not AFTER the enemy initiates a broader campaign, but before.

BEIJING (AP) — China accused the U.S. of staging a show of force by sailing two Navy warships through the Taiwan Strait on Thursday morning.

The Navy said the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS John S. McCain and USS Curtis Wilbur “conducted a routine Taiwan Strait transit” in accordance with international law.

Their movement “demonstrates the U.S. commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific,” the Navy said in a statement on its website.

China’s Defense Ministry called the move a “show of force” and a provocation that “sent the wrong signal to the ‘Taiwan independence forces’ and seriously endangered peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait area.”

“We firmly oppose this," the ministry said in a statement on its official microblog, adding that it monitored the ships' passage from the air and sea. “The Chinese People’s Liberation Army at all times maintains a high level of alert and can respond at any time to any threat or provocation and resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity."

Read more: China Accuses US of Show of Force with Taiwan Strait Passage |
If Biden seizes power, this kind of show of force will end.

Free China aka Taiwan has been a thorn in Red China's ass since the 1940's. I suspect that next month, they are planning to move on the Freedom Lovers of Taipei.
China, Russia and Iran win, unless Biden realizes that they don't understand "talking points".
Nobody can prevent China from “taking over” Taiwan if it becomes determined to do so. The U.S. provoking China, starting to decouple our economies, upping its Cold War with China ... may only have further provoked China to consider taking such measures. This would be a great tragedy for all involved, especially the Taiwanese.

The result would not be pretty for any American destroyers or carriers sailing near the coast of China, especially in the Taiwan Straight. They would be instantly destroyed in a serious non-nuclear battle.

The U.S. would rightly feel a Chinese naval expedition 40 miles off the coast of the U.S. protecting Cuba or Venezuela or a defiant Mexico was “provocative,” which is all the Chinese are saying here. This U.S. policy overall is unwise. Neither Trump nor Biden “talking tough” or “acting tough” on Taiwan is likely to be productive.

What is ultimately needed is some sort of “realpolitik” understanding with China that recognizes most of China’s “red lines” in regard to Taiwan and the South China Sea, basically granting China principal responsibility for guaranteeing free navigation in these waters, while still allowing occasional FON navy missions from the U.S. and other trading nations that regularly use these waters.
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