BLM attacking cops right now !!!

It was last night and I am sure someone lives in the Twin Cities if not then there would be no one to attack or counter attack..
After Philandro Castile it's understandable for a black man to react this way to a "traffic stop".

Minneapolis is an official terrorist city
Might as well be in Iran
Does anyone here live there ??
Nut balls. The dead guy should not have shot at the police if he did not want them to shoot back.
Have been to Minnesota for winter training. Did not like it. Temperature in Minneapolis today is 17 degrees with snow. All demonstrations should be countered by police, using water cannon, to cool down the hot heads.
I am so glad that I do not live there, or in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, and a number of other democrat-run cities. The indications are that Biden's win over Trump means nothing, the people responsible for maintaining law in order in those places where violence and destruction are occurring are not taking the necessary steps to provide public safety and security, and I think we're in for more of the same in 2021 that we saw in 2020.

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