Chicago Catholic Democrat Bubble Bursting


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Chicago is full of Catholics who have been voting Democrat and living in the Democrat bubble for a very long time...Cardinal Francis George was born in Chicago but he finds himself opposed to Democrat Governor Pat Quinn who claims to be Catholic......will Chicagoans turn toward the Republican party or will the Democrats continue to stampede over their long-held beliefs and end in disaster as Cardinal George imagines...once the liberal mask disappears....?

When Gov. Pat Quinn signed into law same-sex marriage in Illinois, he did more than redefine marriage in the state. His pen may have burst the bubble in which many Illinois Catholics live.

The civil rights movement in Chicago taught Democrats that they could say one thing and do another, and get Catholics to go along with them. Democrat segregationists in Chicago won by putting a liberal mask on their policies. Today, living in the bubble, few notice that if Catholic Democrats really wanted civil rights for blacks in the 1960s, why is Chicago still the most segregated city in the nation?

The Democratic Party now stands against what Catholics should believe. Let's make a list: abortion on demand, the contraceptive mandate, continued urban segregation, same-sex marriage, and unending illegal immigration. The list goes on.

With this list in mind, it looks like the present-day Democratic Party will bring Cardinal George's prophecy to fruition. Many will be asked to choose: Catholic or Democrat? If history is a guide, most will choose Democrat.

That choice will be fraught with consequences. It could lead to what happened in Cuba or Nigeria. It could mean, as Cardinal Francis George imagines, lining up faithful Catholics against a wall in Chicago and shooting them dead. Nothing breaks your bubble like being shot by those you trusted.

Read more: Articles: Has the Catholic Bubble in Chicago Finally Burst?
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Wait they're democrats who are Catholic? I was led to believe dems where godless drones..

Oh you are saying they are only real to further your partisanship..
Obviously this will go over the far left's head as the Catholic Dems in Chicago were JFK Dems and not the far left Ted Kennedy.

Then again once of the reasons why the Catholics could abandon the far left Dems is because they choose to denounce any form of Christianity and try and change the church's beliefs via the government.
Wait they're democrats who are Catholic? I was led to believe dems where godless drones..

Oh you are saying they are only real to further your partisanship..

All catholics follow the church's teaching on sexuality and ignore teaching on social responsibility. We all know this is true.
Obviously this will go over the far left's head as the Catholic Dems in Chicago were JFK Dems and not the far left Ted Kennedy.

Then again once of the reasons why the Catholics could abandon the far left Dems is because they choose to denounce any form of Christianity and try and change the church's beliefs via the government.

agreed...some appear to be waking up...

although Dick Durbin is still hanging onto his seat the Governors race appears to be a close one....and even Obama's approval rating is quite narrow in his home state....

PPP's newest Illinois poll finds that the race for Governor next year is a toss up. Pat Quinn continues to be one of the most unpopular Governors in the country, but the Democratic lean of the state is enough to still make him neck and neck in hypothetical contests with the Republicans vying to take him on next fall.

Only 34% of voters approve of the job Quinn is doing to 60% who disapprove. That ties him for the third most unpopular Governor in the country. That's actually an improvement for Quinn though- his numbers are up from a 25/64 approval spread a year ago at this time, which had made him the most unpopular Governor anywhere. He's seen a little bit of improvement with Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike.

In match ups with his potential GOP foes Quinn leads Bruce Rauner 41/38, trails Dan Rutherford 41/39, and ties both Bill Brady and Kirk Dillard at 41% and 39% respectively. Quinn trails by 4-7 points with independents and loses 13-15% of the Democratic vote in each of the match ups.
Barack Obama's numbers in Illinois really help exemplify the extent to which he's struggling everywhere right now. He's only on narrowly positive ground in his home state with 50% of voters approving of him to 46% who disapprove.

Illinois Governor's race looks like a toss up - Public Policy Polling
Although Cook County still boasts a huge and dominating Roman Catholic 'adherent' demographic, within the City of Chicago, it's a good bet that it's far less, thanks to the influx of African-American Baptists and other Protestant denominations during the course of the Second Great Migration from the South, in the 1940-1970 timeframe...

Mind you, those small City-resident enclaves of Catholic Irish and Catholic Poles and Catholic Italians are still quite powerful, in City Hall, and the advent of very large Catholic Latin (mostly Mexican) neighborhoods gave Catholicism in Chicago a boost, but the Catholic Church doesn't carry as much weight within the City Limits as it once did...

Now... within the overall Archdiocese of Chicago, which includes Chicago, all of Cook County, and (all of?) Lake County (adjacent to the Wisconsin border)... where, between those two counties, a huge percentage of Illinois' population resides... the impact of the Cardinal's relations with the Democrat Governor may very well prove substantial.

The days when the South Side Irish Roman Catholic Democrats ran City Hall seem to be pretty much a thing of the past, or, at least, a rapidly diminishing state of affairs.

And, given that many of the State's various Democratic Committees and politicians and elected officials also do not care much for Governor Patrick Quinn... well... the Cardinal's feedback is simply more fuel for the fire rather than

I really don't see Chicago electing a Republican as Mayor, for example, anytime between now and the Second Coming.

I could be wrong, mind you, but the Smart Vegas Money is probably on Chicago staying Democrat for many years to come.
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While some democrats in Chicago are still of the old line, there's not enough of them to make any real difference in the State.

In places like Chicago, they know which side their bread is buttered on. If God gets between them and their rice bowl, guess who's gonna win that battle?

[ame=]"Money" - Liza Minnelli, Joel Grey - YouTube[/ame]
I was actually always amazed at this idiotic tradition that Catholics in the US HAVE TO be dimocraps.

same is pertinent for Jews.

Dimocraps, especially today are the worst enemies for ones and the others.
I was actually always amazed at this idiotic tradition that Catholics in the US HAVE TO be dimocraps.

same is pertinent for Jews.

Dimocraps, especially today are the worst enemies for ones and the others.

A lot of it is inherited. "My Father was a democrat and so am I"

A lot more of it is from the criminal activity that dimocrap scum routinely operate in and around. Like Unions are just a group of people trying to better their lives? Yeah, right.

If you're connected to the Mob, that means you're connected to the dimocrap party.

If you depend on Unions to make a living and stay employed, you're obligated to the dimocrap party.

The worst thing JFK ever did was open the door for Public Employees to Unionize.... And dimocrap scum immediately found a way to take advantage.....

"Hey Guido. How 'bout dis? You make sure I get elected and I make sure your Union gets a fat, new contract."

A lot of the democrats up North are from Eastern Europe and Italy, where EVERYTHING is for sale and where EVERYTHING is a scam.

It doesn't make sense to them that working for the betterment of the Country improves their lives as well as everybody else's. All they know is the scam.

Been there, seen it, lived it, left it.

You find criminals, you find scam artists, you find people constantly beating each other to see who gets to the feed trough first?

You find dimocraps.

It's all they know. Them, their parents, their Grandparents, their great Grandparents.....

It's all they know
I was actually always amazed at this idiotic tradition that Catholics in the US HAVE TO be dimocraps.

same is pertinent for Jews.

Dimocraps, especially today are the worst enemies for ones and the others.

A lot of it is inherited. "My Father was a democrat and so am I"

A lot more of it is from the criminal activity that dimocrap scum routinely operate in and around. Like Unions are just a group of people trying to better their lives? Yeah, right.

If you're connected to the Mob, that means you're connected to the dimocrap party.

If you depend on Unions to make a living and stay employed, you're obligated to the dimocrap party.

The worst thing JFK ever did was open the door for Public Employees to Unionize.... And dimocrap scum immediately found a way to take advantage.....

"Hey Guido. How 'bout dis? You make sure I get elected and I make sure your Union gets a fat, new contract."

A lot of the democrats up North are from Eastern Europe and Italy, where EVERYTHING is for sale and where EVERYTHING is a scam.

It doesn't make sense to them that working for the betterment of the Country improves their lives as well as everybody else's. All they know is the scam.

Been there, seen it, lived it, left it.

You find criminals, you find scam artists, you find people constantly beating each other to see who gets to the feed trough first?

You find dimocraps.

It's all they know. Them, their parents, their Grandparents, their great Grandparents.....

It's all they know

yes. that is what will eventually ruin this country.
not welfare state ( although it has it's fair share in it).
I was actually always amazed at this idiotic tradition that Catholics in the US HAVE TO be dimocraps.

same is pertinent for Jews.

Dimocraps, especially today are the worst enemies for ones and the others.

A lot of it is inherited. "My Father was a democrat and so am I"

A lot more of it is from the criminal activity that dimocrap scum routinely operate in and around. Like Unions are just a group of people trying to better their lives? Yeah, right.

If you're connected to the Mob, that means you're connected to the dimocrap party.

If you depend on Unions to make a living and stay employed, you're obligated to the dimocrap party.

The worst thing JFK ever did was open the door for Public Employees to Unionize.... And dimocrap scum immediately found a way to take advantage.....

"Hey Guido. How 'bout dis? You make sure I get elected and I make sure your Union gets a fat, new contract."

A lot of the democrats up North are from Eastern Europe and Italy, where EVERYTHING is for sale and where EVERYTHING is a scam.

It doesn't make sense to them that working for the betterment of the Country improves their lives as well as everybody else's. All they know is the scam.

Been there, seen it, lived it, left it.

You find criminals, you find scam artists, you find people constantly beating each other to see who gets to the feed trough first?

You find dimocraps.

It's all they know. Them, their parents, their Grandparents, their great Grandparents.....

It's all they know

yes. that is what will eventually ruin this country.
not welfare state ( although it has it's fair share in it).

The Welfare State is the ultimate in criminal activity. It is the end game, the Shangri-La at the end of every dimocrap rainbow.

With them in charge, of course.

And it is why they always, always fail. Most of the..... No, actually, ALL of the time with catastrophic results.
Urban Catholics are lock-step Democrats for a number of significant reasons that "trump" abortion, birth control, and so on.

Such Catholics believe in "social justice," which is shorthand for "get government to take care of the poor, so I don't have to feel bad for not giving any of my own money to charity." Part of the social justice mentality is the belief that "undocumented immigrants" are poor souls who are entitled to all of the comforts the Government can provide. So don't look to Catholics to be worrying about unbridled illegal immigration.

Such Catholics are largely ethnic, so vote Democrat as a matter of rote.

Such Catholics are largely employed by local government (police, fire, administration), so they and their entire families vote their pocketbooks, which is, in most Eastern metropolises, Democrat.

Don't kid yourself, the Machine is forever.
Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are calling the Pope a marxist. So the Right is working hard to alienate the Catholics.
Pope Francis Addresses 'Ultraconservatives' (and Limbaugh?) Calling Him A Marxist - Fox Nation

Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church, actually responded to by Rush Limbaugh. Yes. Really. Not by name, though, but His Holiness did address the accusation that he’s a Marxist, an accusation lobbed most notably by Limbaugh just a few weeks ago.

It hasn’t just been Limbaugh going after the Pope for his views on capitalism, it’s been other conservative and libertarian voices like Fox’s Andrew Napolitano, who wrote a scatting editorial on His Holiness, Sarah Palin, who found it striking how “liberal” the Catholic leader sounds, and a Fox News columnist who argued that Pope Francis is actually the “Catholic Church’s Obama.”

Sounds like a coordinated effort. Or the infamous "right wing echo chamber".
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Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are calling the Pope a marxist. So the Right is working hard to alienate the Catholics.

except private views of Pope do not matter for anybody, including Catholics.
the left in it's full display of ignorance what matters and what does not for a Catholic considering the Pope :D
I was actually always amazed at this idiotic tradition that Catholics in the US HAVE TO be dimocraps.

It is because they were immigrants, and we know how much the GOP hates immigrants.

Mexicans, for example. Mostly Catholic, hated by the Rigth with a passion.

So they naturally gravitate to where they know...actually liked.

And now the Right is calling the Pope a marxist. That should really attract more Catholics to the GOP! :lol:
Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are calling the Pope a marxist. So the Right is working hard to alienate the Catholics.

He is a marxist.

Try crawling out from under your rock once in while
The Pope is anti-marxism.

The Church is critical of the Left's position on abortion.

The Church is critical of the Right's position on immigration reform.
A lot of it is inherited. "My Father was a democrat and so am I"

A lot more of it is from the criminal activity that dimocrap scum routinely operate in and around. Like Unions are just a group of people trying to better their lives? Yeah, right.

If you're connected to the Mob, that means you're connected to the dimocrap party.

If you depend on Unions to make a living and stay employed, you're obligated to the dimocrap party.

The worst thing JFK ever did was open the door for Public Employees to Unionize.... And dimocrap scum immediately found a way to take advantage.....

"Hey Guido. How 'bout dis? You make sure I get elected and I make sure your Union gets a fat, new contract."

A lot of the democrats up North are from Eastern Europe and Italy, where EVERYTHING is for sale and where EVERYTHING is a scam.

It doesn't make sense to them that working for the betterment of the Country improves their lives as well as everybody else's. All they know is the scam.

Been there, seen it, lived it, left it.

You find criminals, you find scam artists, you find people constantly beating each other to see who gets to the feed trough first?

You find dimocraps.

It's all they know. Them, their parents, their Grandparents, their great Grandparents.....

It's all they know

yes. that is what will eventually ruin this country.
not welfare state ( although it has it's fair share in it).

The Welfare State is the ultimate in criminal activity. It is the end game, the Shangri-La at the end of every dimocrap rainbow.

With them in charge, of course.

And it is why they always, always fail. Most of the..... No, actually, ALL of the time with catastrophic results.

exactly.......the Demonrats used the blacks and now they are using the illegals for union purposes/votes...

the Chicago population is now 30% Hispanic....
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