Zone1 Chicago and Philly are more deadly than war zones for Black people.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Glad to see that our useless media is actually beginning to pay attention to this insanity. The violence in these inner cities has no place in America, stop ignoring it, stop making excuses, stop pointing the finger at Cops and Republicans. Let's fix it.

Funny how we were all told that as a nation, we were just so tired of having our troops deployed in Afghanistan.... yet as a nation we are not tired of these civilian death rates. If you mention it, you get accused of putting down black people (around here anyways) , and you ought to just focus on the bad things that "white" people do. Meanwhile , those deaths will just continue... day after day, and the cops that would have done good pro-active policing, will be villified by those same people.
It's a form of insanity.
Only black people can "fix" the horrible problems in the shithole neighborhoods THEY have created. But they refuse to step up and fix their own problems.

Throwing ever more money and resources at these shitholes is a total waste of money. It's time to back away and let blacks sink or swim. It's all up to them. Lotsa luck.
Only black people can "fix" the horrible problems in the shithole neighborhoods THEY have created. But they refuse to step up and fix their own problems.

Throwing ever more money and resources at these shitholes is a total waste of money. It's time to back away and let blacks sink or swim. It's all up to them. Lotsa luck.

many of the ones who live in those areas do try... but they are voiceless and have their hands tied. they have been betrayed by the people who have the power to make changes, a long time ago.
many of the ones who live in those areas do try... but they are voiceless and have their hands tied. they have been betrayed by the people who have the power to make changes, a long time ago.
Blacks have two huge problems, imo.

First problem is the ridiculous and dangerous "prison/thug culture" that huge numbers of blacks choose to embrace.

The second huge problem blacks have is the never-ending excuses made for them by well-meaning bleeding heart liberals.

Let blacks grow the fuck up and take care of their own problems - for a change. Sink or swim.
Blacks have two huge problems, imo.

First problem is the ridiculous and dangerous "prison/thug culture" that huge numbers of blacks choose to embrace.

The second huge problem blacks have is the never-ending excuses made for them by well-meaning bleeding heart liberals.

Let blacks grow the fuck up and take care of their own problems - for a change. Sink or swim.
Curtail the massive resources funneled to them through public and private ways. That would take African American leadership to change the current social welfare ways and throw them out. With other groups and cultural people having issues that will be rought up.
Blacks have two huge problems, imo.
First problem is the ridiculous and dangerous "prison/thug culture" that huge numbers of blacks choose to embrace.
The second huge problem blacks have is the never-ending excuses made for them by well-meaning bleeding heart liberals.
Let blacks grow the fuck up and take care of their own problems - for a change. Sink or swim.

Pretty accurate but......
Quite a few "Whiggers" seem to want to embrace it too.

I see an end to the Welfare State on the horizon.
Far to much reckless spending by government to sustain it much longer. We are currently in a unsustainable fiscal death spiral.
Social Security is in jeopardy. (Never Congress, they have a Golden Parachute protection clause.)
If there was ever going to be civil war or chaos, it'll be immediately after that collapse.
And I would wager it's near.
I think the vast majority of people don't believe such a collapse is possible. Especially on the Left. They are going to shocked, confused and unprepared.
I have family in Chicago, so I have been there many times over decades.
Mostly in the Algonquin, Elk Grove, and Shaumberg areas. But all over downtown of course... even in old downtown.
Never once have I witnessed a single crime. Heard a single gunshot. Seen a single act of violence.
Chicago, when you remove the pocketed shitty neighborhood, is one of the safest cities in the world.
Which is exactly why there is no excuse that the city government can't solve the problem.
Years ago, a company that makes devices that can triangulate sound to within feet of the source of that sound, presented to Chicago city officials and law enforcement that they have devices that can detect and triangulate to within feet of a gunshot, and can even identify the caliber of the weapon. And if employed with CCTV cameras, police would know of gunshots, the exact location of them, and have video all before anyone has even called.
City officials turned it down. Racist. Because all the neighborhoods they showed were primarily black neighborhoods.
And that is why it will never get better
Let's fix it.
Sadly, it can't be fixed.

African American leaders are great talkers.

But they are less than great doers.

The situation is hopeless.

The best thing is to ignore it and try one's best to keep away from it as much as possible.

An official under President Nixon best expressed it in the phrase "benign neglect."

Or as people nowadays say, "It is what it is."
My guess is 100 Deaths in 24 hours ( with 265 wounded ) would draw in NG/ MIL regardless of what Gov or EL Presidente think
Philly, Chi-town, and even H-Town are places you go to die.
It's flat out not true.
AREAS of Chicago are literal war zones.
Over 80% of Chicago is very safe, one of the safest cities in the US.
The other 20% no one goes there except those that live there.
Chicago is the most segregated city in America. As long as that stays true, most of the city is quite safe.
It's flat out not true.
AREAS of Chicago are literal war zones.
Over 80% of Chicago is very safe, one of the safest cities in the US.
The other 20% no one goes there except those that live there.
Chicago is the most segregated city in America. As long as that stays true, most of the city is quite safe.
Grew up in Joliet and Chicago Southside along with Rockford and Joliet have always been known for their violence and death.

You can keep Philly, Chi-Town and even H-Town.
Grew up in Joliet and Chicago Southside along with Rockford and Joliet have always been known for their violence and death.

You can keep Philly, Chi-Town and even H-Town.
Oh I don't want them.
Chicago is ok for a visit, during the summer. Have no desire whatsoever to live in a large city like Chicago. Takes 45 minutes and three exits to get across the street
Curtail the massive resources funneled to them through public and private ways. That would take African American leadership to change the current social welfare ways and throw them out. With other groups and cultural people having issues that will be rought up.
Can you write that again? This time in English...
And THAT is probably the best, and only, real "solution" to this huge problem: complete segregation.
Yes, but I’d segregate in a different manner:

The blacks who do NOT blame others, do not commit crime, take advantage of Pell Grants to learn a job skill, and then get a job should join everyone else who is a responsible self-supporting adult In a decent, if modest, neighborhood.

The blacks who blame whitey, refuse to accept accountability for their outcomes, do NOTHING to help themselves escape the crime-ridden, inner-city can just stay where they are.

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