Chess grandmasters - 1512 men and 35 women


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
As of april 2017.

List of chess grandmasters - Wikipedia

Can any of you man-hating liberals explain this?. Do you really think this is part of some giant conspiracy to hold down women?? Or are women just mentally inferior - as everyone has always believed.

Why is it 99% of all super-intellects, whether in physics or math or IT or business or chess, are men.?
As of april 2017.

List of chess grandmasters - Wikipedia

Can any of you man-hating liberals explain this?. Do you really think this is part of some giant conspiracy to hold down women?? Or are women just mentally inferior - as everyone has always believed.

Why is it 99% of all super-intellects, whether in physics or math or IT or business or chess, are men.?

Um...yea.....I don't think I'll wade into this one. Could be fun to watch tho.
I have never met a woman that knows how to play chess. Checkers and Go Fish on the other hand..
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I have never met a woman that knows how to play chess. Checkers and Go Fish on the other hand..

Fact is women are not as competitive as men. They don't have the drive and aggression of men. That's why most never do anything in life. There is no conspiracy against them.
As of april 2017.

List of chess grandmasters - Wikipedia

Can any of you man-hating liberals explain this?. Do you really think this is part of some giant conspiracy to hold down women?? Or are women just mentally inferior - as everyone has always believed.

Why is it 99% of all super-intellects, whether in physics or math or IT or business or chess, are men.?
I was and still am I guess an expert chess player. I only had one female beat me in all the times I played. She was very good. But, we all know chess is racist because white always moves first and for the chess board to be properly set, you MUST have a white square on your right. Now, I guess it's Misogynist as well.
White square on the right




The board won't be set up right any other way and then they chess notation would be off if you replicate a game.
Anyone care to play a game via conversion? Standardized alpha-numeric notation of course.
As of april 2017.

List of chess grandmasters - Wikipedia

Can any of you man-hating liberals explain this?. Do you really think this is part of some giant conspiracy to hold down women?? Or are women just mentally inferior - as everyone has always believed.

Why is it 99% of all super-intellects, whether in physics or math or IT or business or chess, are men.?

[...and no blacks, I don't even have to check to know that.]

In a free society, there are very, very few women in technical jobs and true leadership positions. For a free society (where the government doesn't' coerce people to discriminate), look at America before the 1960s.

It's not because of "discrimination" (which only exists by government coercion), it's because men and women are born different. There are no preferences (government coercion) for women in chess competitions, and therefor very little female presentation in high ranks.

Technical jobs (IT, esports, etc.) don't allow much room for pretending in sexual equality within the field. Also, self-employment jobs (esports, independent programming) are free of government coercion (no employees), so again there is very little female representation in these fields.

Microsoft can hire "female programmers", but you can bet instead of writing sophisticated code, these women are doing non-programming things like spell-checking (or translating) text strings.
In a free society, there are very, very few women in technical jobs and true leadership positions. For a free society (where the government doesn't' coerce people to discriminate), look at America before the 1960s.


Yes indeed. There is no giant conspiracy against women. They don't have the ability or the drive men have and without AA very few can get good jobs.
Yes indeed. There is no giant conspiracy against women. They don't have the ability or the drive men have and without AA very few can get good jobs.

No, there is no conspiracy against women. Women have different abilities and interests. It's really a joke to watch libtards sit around talking about how to get more women interested in technology fields. No one has to sit around and discuss how to get boys interested in technology.

Google just fired a good engineer, James Damore, after he wrote a memo disagreeing with Google's diversity program. He explained men and women are biologically different. Libtards can't tolerate open discussion on any issue, because they're full of sh1t on everything. Aside from the company leaning to the left, Damore was probably also fired for legal defensive reasons. When there's a sexual discrimination suit, if they didn't fire Damore, he'd be referenced in court to help "prove" Google is guilty of sexual discrimination and has a hostile work environment.
This thread is suspiciously void of any female posters.......I suppose they are busy contemplating if they should castle on their queen side.
This thread is suspiciously void of any female posters.......I suppose they are busy contemplating if they should castle on their queen side.

The brainless bimbos have no answer. They know they are inferior to men physically, mentally, and psychologically..
HAHAHA. The board notes your pathetic attempt to change the subject. Can you address the issue and explain why women are so inferior at chess??

Men's brains have almost seven times more gray matter than women ... that's why women are so inferior at chess.

Libtards are in denial of reality when they claim men and women can do the same things. Libtards know they're full of sh1t which is why they refuse to allow anyone to debate the subject of women in chess, leadership, etc. Libtards then have the government impose massive amounts of sexual preferences for women to compensate for women's inferior aptitude in certain areas. Chess tournaments escape this government tyranny because chess players are not employees (not subject to EOC) and chess is such a black-and-white, one-on-one competition. It's a far different thing to quietly give women preferences in hiring and promotion than to force a Chess Tournament to give female players a few extra queens to play with in front of all the spectators' faces.

Anyway, what I was addressing is your comment, "The brainless bimbos have no answer. They know they are inferior to men physically, mentally, and psychologically." Women are prone to brainless hysteria and libtards are always itching to brainlessly scream misogyny as if pointing out women's inferior aptitude somehow proves women are the equal of men but that they struggle because they're oppressed. And, here you are uses pejorative language like "brainless" and "bimbo". Usually when someone does have the courage to talk about differences between the sexes, they do it as if they're walking on egg shells. But, not you.

Women are not brainless. They just have smaller brains and a small fraction of the gray matter men have. Women do have more white brain matter than men. And, women do surpass men in some areas of aptitude. Bottom line, women are designed to be mothers and men are designed to be builders.
Are you autistic? Don't you understand figures of speech.? When i said women are brainless, i didn't mean it literally. THINK.

The use of some figures of speech is stupid. Don't you understand stupid? A blanket statement of calling women brainless bimbos makes you look like a troll or like someone very lonely.
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