Chemical Weapons used in Syria


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
EXCLUSIVE-Chemical weapons used in Syrian fighting - watchdog
Chemical weapons experts have determined that mustard gas was used during fighting in Syria in August, according to a report by an international watchdog seen by Reuters.
The chemical - which causes severe delayed burns to the eyes, skin and lungs and is banned under international law - was used during a battle between Islamic State insurgents and another rebel group, diplomatic sources said.
The report provides the first official confirmation of use of sulfur mustard, commonly known as mustard gas, in Syria since it agreed to destroy its chemical weapons stockpile, which included sulfur mustard.
It poses a dilemma for the U.N. Security Council because Syria is supposed to have completely surrendered the toxic chemicals 18 months ago. Their use violates U.N. Security Council resolutions and the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention.

SO there is a battle between 2 groups of Islamic Terrorists and the AUTOMATICALLY imply Syria did it.. And the media isn't bias :rofl:

Remember when Muthanna Iraq fell to ISIS last year?
Uh oh...Obama gave his word about a Red Line. Better call the golf course and let the boss know someone crossed that line. He'll focus on Syria like a laser, just like he did with the economy.
They will end up hanging Assad one way or another.

who is "they"? getting back to the OP-----my marginally educated guess is
that nitrogen mustard gas will EMERGE as a weapon ----not only in Syria (assad got it from his brother Baathist ---saddam)----but also in Lebanon and------even in Yemen.
Where there are Baathists-----there are Nazis and communists. Strange but
true. Where there are Baathists there is nitrogen mustard gas. Nazi royalty
passes the stuff around. Nitrogen mustard gas is very nasty stuff ----it kills slowly---
from days to years
EXCLUSIVE-Chemical weapons used in Syrian fighting - watchdog
Chemical weapons experts have determined that mustard gas was used during fighting in Syria in August, according to a report by an international watchdog seen by Reuters.
The chemical - which causes severe delayed burns to the eyes, skin and lungs and is banned under international law - was used during a battle between Islamic State insurgents and another rebel group, diplomatic sources said.
The report provides the first official confirmation of use of sulfur mustard, commonly known as mustard gas, in Syria since it agreed to destroy its chemical weapons stockpile, which included sulfur mustard.
It poses a dilemma for the U.N. Security Council because Syria is supposed to have completely surrendered the toxic chemicals 18 months ago. Their use violates U.N. Security Council resolutions and the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention.

SO there is a battle between 2 groups of Islamic Terrorists and the AUTOMATICALLY imply Syria did it.. And the media isn't bias :rofl:

Remember when Muthanna Iraq fell to ISIS last year?

(shrugs indifferently) Once you've resigned yourself to murdering people and said that that's okay, how you murder them doesn't fucking matter.
EXCLUSIVE-Chemical weapons used in Syrian fighting - watchdog
Chemical weapons experts have determined that mustard gas was used during fighting in Syria in August, according to a report by an international watchdog seen by Reuters.
The chemical - which causes severe delayed burns to the eyes, skin and lungs and is banned under international law - was used during a battle between Islamic State insurgents and another rebel group, diplomatic sources said.
The report provides the first official confirmation of use of sulfur mustard, commonly known as mustard gas, in Syria since it agreed to destroy its chemical weapons stockpile, which included sulfur mustard.
It poses a dilemma for the U.N. Security Council because Syria is supposed to have completely surrendered the toxic chemicals 18 months ago. Their use violates U.N. Security Council resolutions and the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention.

SO there is a battle between 2 groups of Islamic Terrorists and the AUTOMATICALLY imply Syria did it.. And the media isn't bias :rofl:

Remember when Muthanna Iraq fell to ISIS last year?

(shrugs indifferently) Once you've resigned yourself to murdering people and said that that's okay, how you murder them doesn't fucking matter.
I agree
Granny says, "Dat's right - The Donald callin' `em out on it...

U.S. Has Seen Chemical Weapons Activity in Syria, Pentagon Says
JUNE 27, 2017 | WASHINGTON — President Trump has drawn a new red line for President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, with American officials describing preparations at a Syrian air base for a chemical weapons assault as they sought Tuesday to bolster Mr. Trump’s threat to deter an attack.
But the administration elaborated little on the president’s unexpected, 87-word statement a night earlier that warned that Mr. Assad would “pay a heavy price” if he again released toxic gas on rebel-held territory, leaving lingering questions in Washington and in the Middle East about Mr. Trump’s intentions in Syria. American officials have declined to rate their level of confidence about whether a chemical attack is imminent or to say whether the administration has pursued diplomatic channels to stop it. Military officials, who were initially caught off guard by Monday night’s White House statement, would not discuss what options they were considering. Conversations with allies about the chemical weapons intelligence have been kept largely secret.

In previous administrations, debates about how best to deter atrocities have played out publicly around the world. President George W. Bush took months to argue his case — later proved to be flawed — about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. President Barack Obama offered detailed explanations about his deliberations on how to respond when Mr. Assad used chemical weapons to kill 1,400 people in 2013. On Tuesday, White House officials said only that Mr. Trump’s statement spoke for itself. That silence added to the uncertainty about whether a new military confrontation with Syria was looming just two months after Mr. Trump fired dozens of Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian base, Al Shayrat airfield, after a chemical weapons attack that killed dozens.

Mr. Assad’s government vigorously denied the accusation of preparations for an attack, calling Mr. Trump’s statement a provocation. And in Russia, a close ally of Syria’s, a senior lawmaker accused the United States of using the declaration about chemical weapons to plan an attack on Syria. As if to punctuate his contempt for the Trump administration’s warning, Mr. Assad visited a Russian air base near Latakia in the western part of the country on Tuesday, accompanied by Gen. Valery V. Gerasimov, the Russian military’s chief of staff. The Syrian news media, which reported the visit, distributed a video clip of Mr. Assad climbing into the cockpit of a Russian Sukhoi Su-35 parked at the base, where Russia has conducted many of its bombing operations to support the government’s side in the six-year civil war.


See also:

Chemical Attack Warning Comes After Russia Laid Down Its Own Red Lines on Syria
June 27, 2017 – A White House warning late on Monday night about “potential preparations” by the Assad regime for a chemical weapons attack comes at a particularly tense time in Syria, where President Bashar al-Assad’s Russia ally a week ago effectively warned that it could shoot down U.S. aircraft there.
“The United States has identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime that would likely result in the mass murder of civilians, including innocent children,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer said in a statement, adding that the activities were similar to those taken by the regime before a deadly toxic gas attack in Idlib province on April 4. Spicer reiterated that U.S. forces are in Syria to eliminate the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL). “If, however, Mr. Assad conducts another mass murder attack using chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price,” he said. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley in a tweet added that Assad’s allies would be responsible too. “Any further attacks done to the people of Syria will be blamed on Assad, but also on Russia & Iran who support him killing his own people,” she tweeted.

In response to queries, Combined Joint Taskforce–Operation Inherent Resolve – the U.S.-led mission to destroy ISIS in Iraq and Syria – told it had “nothing to add to the WH statement.” There was no immediate reaction from the Assad regime or Moscow, although Russian state media reported briefly on the White House statement. Iran’s state-funded Press TV commented that the U.S. warning “risks sparking a major confrontation between parties to the Syrian conflict and complicating efforts aimed at resolving it.” “White House Threatens to Murder More Syrians Over Imaginary ‘Chemical Weapons Attacks’” ran a headline on a piece on Russia Insider, a site run by western expats in Russia.

Last April Trump ordered a cruise missile strike on a Syrian airbase after accusing the regime of a chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhun, Idlib province that killed more than 70 people. “When you kill innocent children, innocent babies, babies, little babies, with a chemical gas that is so lethal – people were shocked to hear what gas it was,” the president said before the airstrike. “That crosses many, many lines, beyond a red line, many, many lines.” The regime denied responsibility for the toxic gas attack, and Russia also disputed the claim. Both suggested other scenarios, including that the gas was released after a rebel chemical weapons storage facility was bombed, or that it was a false-flag operation designed to provide justification for U.S. military intervention. For its part, the Trump administration said it had high confidence that at least one munition containing sarin, a lethal gas, had been dropped from a regime Sukhoi Su-22 warplane.

Four days after two U.S. Navy destroyers in the Mediterranean targeted the Syrian airbase with 59 Tomahawks, Spicer warned that fresh atrocities could bring further retaliation. “The sight of people being gassed and blown away by barrel bombs ensures that if we see this kind of action again, we hold open the possibility of future action,” he told reporters on April 10. After the airstrike, Russia and Iran warned that any further such action against their ally in Damascus would cross their own “red lines,” according to a Reuters report. “What America waged in an aggression on Syria is a crossing of red lines,” the pro-Assad alliance said in a joint statement. “From now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red lines from whoever it is and America knows our ability to respond well.” More recently, Russia laid down another red line in Syria.

Syria used sarin in deadly chemical attack...

Weapons watchdog finds sarin used in deadly attack in Syria
Saturday 1st July, 2017 - An investigation by the international chemical weapons watchdog has confirmed that sarin nerve gas was used in a deadly April 4 attack on a Syrian town
An investigation by the international chemical weapons watchdog confirmed that sarin nerve gas was used in a deadly April 4 attack on a Syrian town, but a report released Friday stopped short of saying who was responsible. The attack on Khan Sheikhoun in Syria's Idlib province killed more than 90 people, including women and children. It sparked outrage around the world as photos and video of the aftermath, including quivering children dying on camera, were widely broadcast. "I strongly condemn this atrocity, which wholly contradicts the norms enshrined in the Chemical Weapons Convention," Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Director-General Ahmet Uzumcu said in a statement. "The perpetrators of this horrific attack must be held accountable for their crimes." The U.S. blamed the Syrian military for the attack and launched a punitive strike days later. Syrian President Bashar Assad has denied using chemical weapons.

A Syrian lawmaker questioned the results and described the report as part of a campaign of "political exploitation" against his country. The findings of the investigation released Friday will be used by a joint U.N.-OPCW investigation team working to assess who was responsible for the attack. The team is expected to issue its next report around October. The OPCW has scheduled a July 5 meeting of its executive council to discuss the matter. The U.S. State Department said in a statement Thursday night, after the report was circulated to OPCW members, that "the facts reflect a despicable and highly dangerous record of chemical weapons use by the Assad regime." Only some details of the report were released to the public. Assad's staunch ally, Russian President Vladimir Putin, said earlier this month that he believed the attack was "a provocation" staged "by people who wanted to blame" Assad.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the report doesn't back claims by the U.S. and its allies that the sarin was dropped from aircraft. "They don't know how the sarin ended up there, yet tensions have been escalating for all these months," Lavrov said in Moscow. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said that while the report did not apportion blame, "the U.K.'s own assessment is that the Assad regime almost certainly carried out this abominable attack." Both the U.S. and the OPCW defended the probe's methodology. Investigators did not visit the scene of the attack, deeming it too dangerous, but analyzed samples from victims and survivors as well as interviewing witnesses. Mohammad Kheir Akkam, a member of Syria's parliament, said that the lack of on-site investigations undermined the findings. "We should ask how did they get to these results," Akkam said. "Let us ask those who carried out this investigation. How did they reach those results without taking samples from the same area?"

He said the timing of the report "points to political exploitation," adding that it appeared linked to the U.S. warnings this week that the Syrian government is preparing to use chemical weapons. Syria joined the OPCW in 2013 after it was blamed for a deadly poison gas attack in a Damascus suburb. As it joined, Assad's government declared some 1,300 tons of chemical weapons and precursor chemicals that were subsequently destroyed in an unprecedented international operation. However, the organization still has unanswered questions about the completeness of Syria's initial declaration, meaning that it has never conclusively been able to confirm that the country has no more chemical weapons. The investigative team responsible for the report has previously concluded "with a high degree of confidence" that chlorine and sulfur mustard, commonly known as mustard gas, had been used as weapons in Syria.

KTVB.COM | News | Idaho News on Demand
Syria used sarin in deadly chemical attack...

Weapons watchdog finds sarin used in deadly attack in Syria
Saturday 1st July, 2017 - An investigation by the international chemical weapons watchdog has confirmed that sarin nerve gas was used in a deadly April 4 attack on a Syrian town
An investigation by the international chemical weapons watchdog confirmed that sarin nerve gas was used in a deadly April 4 attack on a Syrian town, but a report released Friday stopped short of saying who was responsible. The attack on Khan Sheikhoun in Syria's Idlib province killed more than 90 people, including women and children. It sparked outrage around the world as photos and video of the aftermath, including quivering children dying on camera, were widely broadcast. "I strongly condemn this atrocity, which wholly contradicts the norms enshrined in the Chemical Weapons Convention," Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Director-General Ahmet Uzumcu said in a statement. "The perpetrators of this horrific attack must be held accountable for their crimes." The U.S. blamed the Syrian military for the attack and launched a punitive strike days later. Syrian President Bashar Assad has denied using chemical weapons.

A Syrian lawmaker questioned the results and described the report as part of a campaign of "political exploitation" against his country. The findings of the investigation released Friday will be used by a joint U.N.-OPCW investigation team working to assess who was responsible for the attack. The team is expected to issue its next report around October. The OPCW has scheduled a July 5 meeting of its executive council to discuss the matter. The U.S. State Department said in a statement Thursday night, after the report was circulated to OPCW members, that "the facts reflect a despicable and highly dangerous record of chemical weapons use by the Assad regime." Only some details of the report were released to the public. Assad's staunch ally, Russian President Vladimir Putin, said earlier this month that he believed the attack was "a provocation" staged "by people who wanted to blame" Assad.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the report doesn't back claims by the U.S. and its allies that the sarin was dropped from aircraft. "They don't know how the sarin ended up there, yet tensions have been escalating for all these months," Lavrov said in Moscow. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said that while the report did not apportion blame, "the U.K.'s own assessment is that the Assad regime almost certainly carried out this abominable attack." Both the U.S. and the OPCW defended the probe's methodology. Investigators did not visit the scene of the attack, deeming it too dangerous, but analyzed samples from victims and survivors as well as interviewing witnesses. Mohammad Kheir Akkam, a member of Syria's parliament, said that the lack of on-site investigations undermined the findings. "We should ask how did they get to these results," Akkam said. "Let us ask those who carried out this investigation. How did they reach those results without taking samples from the same area?"

He said the timing of the report "points to political exploitation," adding that it appeared linked to the U.S. warnings this week that the Syrian government is preparing to use chemical weapons. Syria joined the OPCW in 2013 after it was blamed for a deadly poison gas attack in a Damascus suburb. As it joined, Assad's government declared some 1,300 tons of chemical weapons and precursor chemicals that were subsequently destroyed in an unprecedented international operation. However, the organization still has unanswered questions about the completeness of Syria's initial declaration, meaning that it has never conclusively been able to confirm that the country has no more chemical weapons. The investigative team responsible for the report has previously concluded "with a high degree of confidence" that chlorine and sulfur mustard, commonly known as mustard gas, had been used as weapons in Syria.

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oh, but syria didn't do it, they gave up all their chemicals

some 20 or 30 stories at least from around the world about english

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