Chelsea:Beard & penis can be a woman


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Clearly she is qualified to be in elected office:

In an interview with The Sunday Times, journalist Decca Aitkenhead asked the Clintons if someone with a beard and a penis can ever be a woman, to which Chelsea replied emphatically, 'Yes.'

However, as Aitkenhead describes it, Hillary looked 'uneasy', and blamed generational gaps for being less accepting.

Chelsea and Hillary Clinton have awkward moment as they disagree on trans self-identification | Daily Mail Online

Poor Hillary, she doesn’t quite “get it”, clearly she is unqualified.

Funny she has to do a media tour with her dim witted daughter since she is so boring and uninspiring to anyone with an IQ above 60.
Look, i may be a backwoods redneck bluecollar , but i think i can define gender

In fact, i invite anyone on this BB to my farm , come check out the critters

It's easy gender has a certain plumbing, the other has a certain set of plumbing

h*ll, one can tell a field or two away.....

Chelsea is a total moron

what a fuckward ....piece of you know what!
Look, i may be a backwoods redneck bluecollar , but i think i can define gender

In fact, i invite anyone on this BB to my farm , come check out the critters

It's easy gender has a certain plumbing, the other has a certain set of plumbing

h*ll, one can tell a field or two away.....

Unless you are a libtard, then there are far too many genders to ascertain what someone is. It all depends on what they identify as.

If he wants to be a woman, she can get her ass in the kitchen and make us all some pie.

And sammichs
Chelsea is an idiot

because if a "woman" has a penis

is not a woman

it is a man

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