Cheese Blintz and Cherry Blintz


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Didn't present well cause the cheese one fell apart, but both were amazingly good. I always make the best cheese filled stuff, like cheese knishes, kugal, cheese cakes, and lobster tail looking danishes (sfogliatella).
The crepes you use a blender and mix flour(about1/2- 3/4 cup), oil heaping table spoon, 1 egg, 1/3 cup of milk or soy milk,spoonful of vanilla extract, pinch of salt and two heaping tablespoons of sugar.= Per 2 blintzes
oil a large non stick fry pan and pour and spread out "thin" on hot pan, bubbles and loosens means ready to flip like pancakes do.

The filling can be blueberry pie filling or cherry pie filling, while black cheery filling makes a good toping for the cheese blintz. Large Fold in the filling like a short burrito, so it doesn't ooze out, and fry the blintz in buttered pan tull slight crisp and sear each side then serve with tablespoon of sour cream over it.

The filling for the cheese is more prep, done before you make the crepes; mixing bowl 1/3 of a container of ricotta cheese, 1 heaping tablespoon of sour cream,
3-4 tablespoons of sugar, 1 egg, tablespoon of soy milk, pinch of salt, teaspoon of vanilla extract, after mixing well set temp 375 for about 35 minutes or until solid. There will be plenty cheese filling for the fridge for future blintzes
Fill the crepe with solid not runny baked cheese and large fold the same way you did the cherry.
Pan fry in butter the same way and platw topa with a heaping tablespoon of sourcream and a tablespoon of black cherry or regular cheery filling as well.
(measurements are aprox because I eye the consistency of my crepe batter.)
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