Charging border crossers with a crime is a bad idea .

We are $20 trillion dollars in debt, how many can we afford to let in?
We are the ones who ran up that debt, not the Mexicans.

The Mexicans have virtually zero to do with the state of our economy. I know that clashes with what Fox News tells you. Nothing I can do about that.

Hey…Blueslegend is a busy man…they have pick someone to blame all of our troubles on and then whip up the populace into a hysteria about it. Very German like.
just sad.

When your typical liberal is about to lose it the projection starts then they go Nazi.
so unamerican. and insulting to those who suffered.
now I know what you cons are thinking , “I’m a soulless monster . I want to punish desperate familes trying to beg their way into America . Wouldnt criminal charges do that ?”

You might think so. BUT when you charge and arrest someone for a crime , it triggers all kinds of Constitutional protection .

“Whaaat? But I’ve read the constitution and both amendments. It doesn’t say no nuthin about immigants!”

Turns out there’s ALOT in the constitution after the 2nd amendment . All kinds of rights, and they aren’t limited to just citizens. When you go the crime route the person gets entitled to an attorney , speedy trial , all kinds of stuff.

Which is why most immigration is delt with in immigration court . Cause it’s a lot easier to bounce people .

And now you know !

Yes you like to call these people “criminals”. But it’s more grief than it’s worth. Build more immigration courts if you want to deport people faster .

So if that's the case little timmy , I will jump your fence take a big poop in your pool and drink all your koolaid..

You wouldn't prosecute me now would ya?


Why prosecute you ? You’d get a fine at most .

Much better if I just punch you in the face .

That's jail time , a felony if you where
Mike Tyson
93% of all court cases are plea bargained and they do not go to trial.... only 7% of criminal charges are actually brought to the court....mostly rich people who can afford a good defense....most of the other guys accept the charges and plea for a lesser sentence....this is what our Justice dept strives for.....for the case to not end up in court where it costs the govt a lot of money to prosecute....

I just learned that....

I had always thought people who were charged all usually went to trial so they could defend themselves....? but that is not true.....and the justice dept does all that it can do to prevent the court and trial costs.....

Sometimes, I think this leads to over charging the the Justice dept can scare the death out of them with a whole bunch of charges and then drop most of them in a plea deal so they agree not to go to trial.....

anyway, that's off topic I suppose and a topic for another thread.
We are $20 trillion dollars in debt, how many can we afford to let in?
We are the ones who ran up that debt, not the Mexicans.

The Mexicans have virtually zero to do with the state of our economy. I know that clashes with what Fox News tells you. Nothing I can do about that.

Hey…Blueslegend is a busy man…they have pick someone to blame all of our troubles on and then whip up the populace into a hysteria about it. Very German like.
just sad.

When your typical liberal is about to lose it the projection starts then they go Nazi.

Those who don’t study history (you) are bound to repeat it. We had crime before there were illegal aliens. So much so, we had the Guardian Angels popping up. We had litter before illegals. So much so, we had a nationwide campaign featuring a crying Indian. We had traffic, we had failing schools, we had ghettos….essentially every problem you guys have blamed on illegal aliens (and now the deficit which really got going under Reagan in 1980) we had before they got here in large numbers.

Deny what you’re doing all you wish. But it is very similar to the same things that happened in Germany in the early days Hitler’s rise to power.

I agree the Nazi reference was not tasteful; neither is the picture of America Trump is painting.

I apologize to you personally for the reference.
What other laws should we be ignoring, Timmy?

Oh I got one . Obamacare ! The mandate specifically .
That law/mandate wasn’t ignored. It was changed.
Would you like to try again?

He still trying that bullshit?

The mandate tax was repealed by Congress and signed into fucking law.

He was one of first who stood out as being an idiot when I started looking at joining this board. lol
Last edited:
We are $20 trillion dollars in debt, how many can we afford to let in?
We are the ones who ran up that debt, not the Mexicans.

The Mexicans have virtually zero to do with the state of our economy. I know that clashes with what Fox News tells you. Nothing I can do about that.
GW let them in and I'll let all the carpenters, plumbers, electricians, etc... who lost their income, homes, families, children, etc.. know your opinion.
They you can provide them with your address and they will visit you and beat the shit out you.
Sounds good to me.
We are $20 trillion dollars in debt, how many can we afford to let in?
We are the ones who ran up that debt, not the Mexicans.

The Mexicans have virtually zero to do with the state of our economy. I know that clashes with what Fox News tells you. Nothing I can do about that.

Hey…Blueslegend is a busy man…they have pick someone to blame all of our troubles on and then whip up the populace into a hysteria about it. Very German like.
just sad.

When your typical liberal is about to lose it the projection starts then they go Nazi.
so unamerican. and insulting to those who suffered.

Too damn funny.

We didn’t use to jail kids for no reason. That was something reserved to the darkest corners of the world.

It’s quite un-American to support a President who does so as a bargaining chip
What other laws should we be ignoring, Timmy?

Oh I got one . Obamacare ! The mandate specifically .
That law/mandate wasn’t ignored. It was changed.
Would you like to try again?

He still trying that bullshit?

The mandate tax was repealed by Congress and signed into fucking law.

He was one of first who stood out as being an idiot when I started looking at this board. lol
Yes, dear, Timmy is an idiot.
now I know what you cons are thinking , “I’m a soulless monster . I want to punish desperate familes trying to beg their way into America . Wouldnt criminal charges do that ?”

You might think so. BUT when you charge and arrest someone for a crime , it triggers all kinds of Constitutional protection .

“Whaaat? But I’ve read the constitution and both amendments. It doesn’t say no nuthin about immigants!”

Turns out there’s ALOT in the constitution after the 2nd amendment . All kinds of rights, and they aren’t limited to just citizens. When you go the crime route the person gets entitled to an attorney , speedy trial , all kinds of stuff.

Which is why most immigration is delt with in immigration court . Cause it’s a lot easier to bounce people .

And now you know !

Yes you like to call these people “criminals”. But it’s more grief than it’s worth. Build more immigration courts if you want to deport people faster .

all we need is you, and people like you, to put one of these signs in your front window.


with a note illegal aliens get preferential treatment.
We are $20 trillion dollars in debt, how many can we afford to let in?
We are the ones who ran up that debt, not the Mexicans.

The Mexicans have virtually zero to do with the state of our economy. I know that clashes with what Fox News tells you. Nothing I can do about that.

Hey…Blueslegend is a busy man…they have pick someone to blame all of our troubles on and then whip up the populace into a hysteria about it. Very German like.
just sad.

When your typical liberal is about to lose it the projection starts then they go Nazi.

Those who don’t study history (you) are bound to repeat it. We had crime before there were illegal aliens. So much so, we had the Guardian Angels popping up. We had litter before illegals. So much so, we had a nationwide campaign featuring a crying Indian. We had traffic, we had failing schools, we had ghettos….essentially every problem you guys have blamed on illegal aliens (and now the deficit which really got going under Reagan in 1980) we had before they got here in large numbers.

Deny what you’re doing all you wish. But it is very similar to the same things that happened in Germany in the early days Hitler’s rise to power.

I agree the Nazi reference was not tasteful; neither is the picture of America Trump is painting.

I apologize to you personally for the reference.
There’s all kinds of rules depending on where you are and why .

You can’t just catapult people into the sea cause they come up to the border crossing .
so then answer the question

You don’t understand. They do have some due process just by showing up and claiming asylum. Which is very hard to get by the way .

Cubans used to have a wet foot / dry foot distortion . If they could make it tonUS LAND they had due process . Vs if they were stopped at sea.
One of my friends is an Immigration Lawyer who specializes in...Asylum!
It doesn't work that way.
now I know what you cons are thinking , “I’m a soulless monster . I want to punish desperate familes trying to beg their way into America . Wouldnt criminal charges do that ?”

You might think so. BUT when you charge and arrest someone for a crime , it triggers all kinds of Constitutional protection .

“Whaaat? But I’ve read the constitution and both amendments. It doesn’t say no nuthin about immigants!”

Turns out there’s ALOT in the constitution after the 2nd amendment . All kinds of rights, and they aren’t limited to just citizens. When you go the crime route the person gets entitled to an attorney , speedy trial , all kinds of stuff.

Which is why most immigration is delt with in immigration court . Cause it’s a lot easier to bounce people .

And now you know !

Yes you like to call these people “criminals”. But it’s more grief than it’s worth. Build more immigration courts if you want to deport people faster .

So if that's the case little timmy , I will jump your fence take a big poop in your pool and drink all your koolaid..

You wouldn't prosecute me now would ya?


Why prosecute you ? You’d get a fine at most .

Much better if I just punch you in the face .

That's jail time , a felony if you where
Mike Tyson
93% of all court cases are plea bargained and they do not go to trial.... only 7% of criminal charges are actually brought to the court....mostly rich people who can afford a good defense....most of the other guys accept the charges and plea for a lesser sentence....this is what our Justice dept strives for.....for the case to not end up in court where it costs the govt a lot of money to prosecute....

I just learned that....

I had always thought people who were charged all usually went to trial so they could defend themselves....? but that is not true.....and the justice dept does all that it can do to prevent the court and trial costs.....

Sometimes, I think this leads to over charging the the Justice dept can scare the death out of them with a whole bunch of charges and then drop most of them in a plea deal so they agree not to go to trial.....

anyway, that's off topic I suppose and a topic for another thread.

Great lawyers, good ol boy network, pay offs ...
We are $20 trillion dollars in debt, how many can we afford to let in?
We are the ones who ran up that debt, not the Mexicans.

The Mexicans have virtually zero to do with the state of our economy. I know that clashes with what Fox News tells you. Nothing I can do about that.

Hey…Blueslegend is a busy man…they have pick someone to blame all of our troubles on and then whip up the populace into a hysteria about it. Very German like.
just sad.

When your typical liberal is about to lose it the projection starts then they go Nazi.

Those who don’t study history (you) are bound to repeat it. We had crime before there were illegal aliens. So much so, we had the Guardian Angels popping up. We had litter before illegals. So much so, we had a nationwide campaign featuring a crying Indian. We had traffic, we had failing schools, we had ghettos….essentially every problem you guys have blamed on illegal aliens (and now the deficit which really got going under Reagan in 1980) we had before they got here in large numbers.

Deny what you’re doing all you wish. But it is very similar to the same things that happened in Germany in the early days Hitler’s rise to power.

I agree the Nazi reference was not tasteful; neither is the picture of America Trump is painting.

I apologize to you personally for the reference.

So there's no difference between 1,000 rapes and 2,000 rapes? Ouch you were just obliterated.
What other laws should we be ignoring, Timmy?

Oh I got one . Obamacare ! The mandate specifically .
That law/mandate wasn’t ignored. It was changed.
Would you like to try again?

He still trying that bullshit?

The mandate tax was repealed by Congress and signed into fucking law.


The tax penalty . Not the mandate .
and? it was repealed.
What are the limits of your generosity, a recent study found 160 million poor people want to come to the USA how many are you willing to allow in? Will you sacrifice your standard of living to help these poor people?

I didn’t say let them in . Just give them the due process that’s THE LAW .

No need to be evil and split families for the sole purpose of making an example out of them .
Your point is lost on the Trumpbots. It is actually easier to kick them out by NOT charging them with a crime. But Trump was playing to his base by being "really mean to the illegal rapists."
What are the limits of your generosity, a recent study found 160 million poor people want to come to the USA how many are you willing to allow in? Will you sacrifice your standard of living to help these poor people?

I didn’t say let them in . Just give them the due process that’s THE LAW .

No need to be evil and split families for the sole purpose of making an example out of them .
Your point is lost on the Trumpbots. It is actually easier to kick them out by NOT charging them with a crime. But Trump was playing to his base by being "really mean to the illegal rapists."

Your side lost 30 states including three of your own blue states. How does it feel to be so thoroughly rejected by the American people?
We are the ones who ran up that debt, not the Mexicans.

The Mexicans have virtually zero to do with the state of our economy. I know that clashes with what Fox News tells you. Nothing I can do about that.

Hey…Blueslegend is a busy man…they have pick someone to blame all of our troubles on and then whip up the populace into a hysteria about it. Very German like.
just sad.

When your typical liberal is about to lose it the projection starts then they go Nazi.
so unamerican. and insulting to those who suffered.

Too damn funny.

We didn’t use to jail kids for no reason. That was something reserved to the darkest corners of the world.

It’s quite un-American to support a President who does so as a bargaining chip

We didn't this many illegal kids...

We are the ones who ran up that debt, not the Mexicans.

The Mexicans have virtually zero to do with the state of our economy. I know that clashes with what Fox News tells you. Nothing I can do about that.

Hey…Blueslegend is a busy man…they have pick someone to blame all of our troubles on and then whip up the populace into a hysteria about it. Very German like.
just sad.

When your typical liberal is about to lose it the projection starts then they go Nazi.
so unamerican. and insulting to those who suffered.

Too damn funny.

We didn’t use to jail kids for no reason. That was something reserved to the darkest corners of the world.

It’s quite un-American to support a President who does so as a bargaining chip
what's hilarious is you don't know the difference between citizen and enemy.

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