Chaos: Early Voting Mess In Florida


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Amanda Terkel

WASHINGTON -- Once again, Florida and its problems at the polls are at the center of an election.

Early voting is supposed to make it easier for people to carry out their constitutional right. Tuesdays are notoriously inconvenient to take off work, so many states have given voters the option of turning out on weekends or other weekdays in the run-up to Election Day.

But in Florida this year, it has been a nightmare for voters, who have faced record wait times, long lines in the sun and a Republican governor, Rick Scott, who has refused to budge and extend early voting hours.

"People are getting out to vote. That's what's very good," said Scott.

People are getting out to vote -- but many of them are having to wait in line for three or four hours to do so. One contributor to DailyKos claimed it took 9 hours to vote. In Miami-Dade on Saturday, people who had gotten in line by 7:00 p.m. were allowed to vote; the last person wasn't checked in until 1 a.m., meaning it took some individuals six hours to cast a ballot.

"We're looking at an election meltdown that is eerily similar to 2000, minus the hanging chads," said Dan Smith, a political science professor at the University of Florida.

Miami-Dade attempted to deal with the problem on Sunday by allowing voters to cast absentee ballots in person between 1:00 and 5:00 p.m. However, after just two hours, the Miami-Dade elections department shut down the location after too many people showed up. People outside the locked doors were reportedly screaming, "We want to vote!"

And if getting turned away from the polls weren't enough of an indignity, some of those 180 people ended up getting their cars towed from the parking lot across the street, according to a Miami Herald reporter.

More: Florida Early Voting Fiasco: Voters Wait For Hours At Polls As Rick Scott Refuses To Budge
This is sad, regardless of one's politics, that voters would have to endure such needless hardship to vote.
Uh...New York, the third most populous state, has no in person early voting...where is the outrage?
Uh...New York, the third most populous state, has no in person early voting...where is the outrage?

We also don't have the long lines or wait.

We do this shit right.

As an aside, what conclusions do you draw from the unusually high turn out for early voting in FL.

The standard model? Or do you think this is something new outside the standard model?
Has anyone asked why the waits were so long?
There were ample voting machines so that was not the problem.
The ballots were long with a lot of issues to vote on besides President.
The long lines were because of uninformed and lazy voters. Voters whose first look at the ballot was when they were handed one at the early voting site.
These voters are more responsible for long lines than Gov. Scott.
The only way to shorten the lines is to keep the ballot simple.
Scarborough dismissed the story as an attempt to say: "Republicans bad. Rick Scott bad. Voting suppression." As Brzezinski and the Morning Joe guests continued to discuss the early voting issues in Florida, Scarborough repeatedly interrupted, yelling "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi," making it nearly impossible for anyone to get a word in edgewise.

More: MSNBC's Scarborough Shouts Over Report On Early Voting Problems in Florida | Blog | Media Matters for America

NOTE: For those who may not know, Scarborough is a former Florida U.S. Congressman.
Has anyone asked why the waits were so long?
There were ample voting machines so that was not the problem.
The ballots were long with a lot of issues to vote on besides President.
The long lines were because of uninformed and lazy voters. Voters whose first look at the ballot was when they were handed one at the early voting site.
These voters are more responsible for long lines than Gov. Scott.
The only way to shorten the lines is to keep the ballot simple.


Took me about 4 hours to get through the line and vote here in FL.

Their printers went down and they were complaining how everyone using their phones so close was causing interference. Then they only gave us half a ballot and made us wait another 30 minutes while they printed the other half. It was a mess.

Not sure why we weren't using the electronic machines like I was seeing in the news.
As Americans, we should all be ashamed of what is taking place in Florida...again...

Foreign countries are laughing at us - and I don't blame them. It's pitiful.
Voter suppression is very ugly.
Pre-emptive whining already?! Relax, your guy has a pretty good chance of wining.

I know Obama will likely win, but that's not the point. Voting is a RIGHT - and what's taking place in Florida is shameful. We should all be ashamed. Florida has had plenty of time since the 2000 debacle to clean up its act. There's just no excuse - other than dirty tricks and voter suppression.
This is sad, regardless of one's politics, that voters would have to endure such needless hardship to vote.

Endless hardships? You're kidding right? The hardships were faced by the millions of American troops that shed their blood here in this nation and around the world to give these people the right to vote. Tell me about hardships faced by voters when their polling places are blown up, when there are armed men at the polling stations willing to kill you if you vote "wrong", when you must traverse a nation torn apart by war to even get to your polling station and on and on and on. Waiting in line for a few hours is nowhere near the hardships faced by the ones that gave us the priviledge of voting or by the citizens of otehr nations who face the hardships I listed above.
This is sad, regardless of one's politics, that voters would have to endure such needless hardship to vote.

Endless hardships? You're kidding right? The hardships were faced by the millions of American troops that shed their blood here in this nation and around the world to give these people the right to vote. Tell me about hardships faced by voters when their polling places are blown up, when there are armed men at the polling stations willing to kill you if you vote "wrong", when you must traverse a nation torn apart by war to even get to your polling station and on and on and on. Waiting in line for a few hours is nowhere near the hardships faced by the ones that gave us the priviledge of voting or by the citizens of otehr nations who face the hardships I listed above.

Holy shit, what kind of drugs are you on?

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