Change Custom Title

Click on your name in the top right hand corner. From the drop down menu select 'personal details' then type in your user title in the window provided.
Click on your name in the top right hand corner. From the drop down menu select 'personal details' then type in your user title in the window provided.

There's nothing there to change :dunno:

I can update my status, location, etc. but nothing about user title :dunno:
I had a helluvatime finding it too and it was right in front of my face, lol. Here...this is where it is. Do as Noomi said..the look CLOSE. If its a'll bite ya! :lol:

You lying liars really ought to stop lying.


As you can see, there does exist a problem where the title field does not appear.

OP, do you use NoScript? I suspect that may be the cause. There is an easy enough fix, if so.
You lying liars really ought to stop lying.


As you can see, there does exist a problem where the title field does not appear.

OP, do you use NoScript? I suspect that may be the cause. There is an easy enough fix, if so. are not a gold or silver member, dear. Gotta PAY to get that perk. So when can I expect to read your apology to me?
You lying liars really ought to stop lying.


As you can see, there does exist a problem where the title field does not appear.

OP, do you use NoScript? I suspect that may be the cause. There is an easy enough fix, if so. are not a gold or silver member, dear. Gotta PAY to get that perk

Since when did they make custom titles for paying posters only? It wasn't like that with the old software.

This is an outrage. I'm going to start a petition on for President Obama to sign an executive order demanding that our resident patriarch, CK, undo this egregious violation of my cyvyl ryghts.

And while I'm at it, I'll include in that petition that the executive order should include a requirement that CK offer more gyndyr options. "Male" and "Female"? Really, that's all we get? What if one doesn't fit into your bigoted gyndyr binary, CK?

This is truly absurd.

So when can I expect to read your apology to me?

As soon as CK or one of the mods apologizes for running such a cis-bigoted website.
Since when did they make custom titles for paying posters only?

Since the change over to the new software. Pay 'tention. You are using this site FREE. If you want for them.
Just posting here brings money to the site Gracie. It is not written that anyone needs to pay to be part of this forum

Gracie said want, not need.
Since when did they make custom titles for paying posters only?

Since the change over to the new software. Pay 'tention. You are using this site FREE. If you want for them.
Just posting here brings money to the site Gracie. It is not written that anyone needs to pay to be part of this forum
But it is still free for us to use. I used to post at a place where you had to have a credit card on file. Oy. Of course I didn't do it and just left. So did everyone else except a few die hards of the place. It eventually died off.
Test post.

Nope, not there. I never looked for it on the old software, so I have no idea if it ever existed.

Hope everybody finds this post useful! I know I have.

I think somebody should be appointed to assign posters their titles, like Belushi was at that fraternity in Animal House, deciding the new members' nicknames.

I nominate Katasung for the job.
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