Challenge For Minorities To PROVE 'Black Lives Matter'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Foreign-funder Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa & especially BLM have looted, burned, destroyed, assaulted, murdered, and xause BILLIONS of dollars in damage in communities all over the US declaring 'BLACK Lives Matter'.

They have destroyed hundreds of minority-owned businesses, destroyed black lives in the process, and have even attack peaceful Americans just for pointing out ALL lives matter.

In all of the liberal support and favorable coverage NO ONE is talking about the proverbial 'elephant in the room':

]Chicago shootings: 33 shot, 9 fatally in weekend violence, including boy, teen |

I'm not talking about a 1-time incident. Pick up any news paper, search any internet news site - THIS HAPPENS EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND IN CHICAGO & OTHER CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES!

'BLACK Lives Matter'?! REALLY?

Every day...every crime / shootings / murder is out of control!

Shooting each other.

Murdering each other.

Robbing each other.

Destroying each others' businesses/property.

Selling each other poison (drugs) to selfishly get ahead while destroying black lives / killing each other.

Single mothers having to raise their families alone because of the high number of Black men who abandon them

The massive abortion rate, blacks literally murdering thousands of babies every year.

How is anyone supposed to believe Antifa and BLM when they say 'Black Lives Matter' when they blame the police while many blacks continue to show a total disregard for Black lives...and while they refuse to even acknowledge / talk about these problems within the Black communities / culture?

You burned down a neighborhood, marched, and screamed 'Black Lives Matter' - I'm not impressed or buying it.

You want me to believe Black lives matter?


STOP shooting / killing each other.
STOP destroying each others' businesses...
STOP pushing drugs in the neighborhoods
STOP killing Black babies by the score
STOP abandoning your families.
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Foreign-funder Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa & especially BLM have looted, burned, destroyed, assaulted, murdered, and xause BILLIONS of dollars in damage in communities all over the US declaring 'BLACK Lives Matter'.

They have destroyed hundreds dreds of minority-owned businesses, destroyed black lives in the process, and have even attack peaceful Americans just for pointing out ALL lives matter.

In all of the liberal support and favorable coverage NO ONE is talking about the proverbial 'elephant in the room':

]Chicago shootings: 33 shot, 9 fatally in weekend violence, including boy, teen |

I'm not talking about a 1-time incident. Pick up any news paper, search any internet news site - THIS HAPPENS EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND IN CHICAGO & OTHER CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES!

'BLACK Lives Matter'?! REALLY?

Every day...every crime / shootings / murder is out of control!

Shooting each other.

Murdering each other.

Robbing each other.

Destroying each others' businesses/property.
Selling each other poison (drugs) to selfishly get ahead while destroying lives / killing each other.

Single mothers having to raise their families because of the high number of Black men who abandon them

The massive abortion rate, blacks literally murdering thousands of babies every year.

How is anyone supposed to believe Antifa and BLM when they say 'Black Lives Matter' when they blame the police while many blacks continue to show total a total disregard for Black lives...and while they refuse to even acknowledge / talk about these problems within the Black communities / culture?

You burned down a neighborhood, marched, and screamed 'Black Lives Matter' - I'm not impressed or buying it.

You want me to believe Black lives matter?


STOP shooting / killing each other.
STOP destroying each others' businesses...
STOP pushing drugs in the neighborhoods
STOP killing Black babies by the score
STOP abandoning your families.

Where is Maxine Watters here to say people need to be more confrontational ? to save those lives lost? And where is AOC to say there is no justice?

No, they wont be there because George Floyd's grave stone is only a stepping stone for them to further the racist narrative. THAT is what is important to them. Whats actually going on in the black community, they can continue to placate with welfare and other payments. But as far as the will to find a solution to real problems... all these mass deaths each week? they have only been silent.

Pointing out Cops and blaming the problems of the black communities on them is only a way to hide their failed policies and a way to promote more of them.
1 policeman kills a black man, and the entire nation goes crazy...

33 people get shot, 9 (NINE) murdered in Chicago in 1 weekend, and almost no one gears about it or talks about it....

1 policeman kills a black man, and the entire nation goes crazy...

33 people get shot, 9 (NINE) murdered in Chicago in 1 weekend, and almost no one gears about it or talks about it....

Its called a two tier justice system.
1 policeman shoots and kills a knife-wielding black girl trying to kill someone else, the 'race baiters' start fanning the flames again...

27 people get shot, 5 (FIVE) murdered, in Chicago in another violent Chicago weekend, and its not worth the nation's attention.

Do those 32 people's lives matter less than the one?

Would it have made a difference if the 32 would have all been shot in a mass shooting in Chicago, or would the fact that the gunman(gunmen) being black make it less worth reporting since there were multiple shootings?
By far-and-away, Black Folk are their OWN worst enemy... :oops:

The whiney ones and delusional ones and the excuse-makers try to push the blame onto Whitey but it just ain't so...

Malcom X was right about one thing: nobody's gonna solve Black Folks' problems except Black Folk...
It was reported that a black man killed a baby and shot the parents in a drive-by in Chicago several weeks ago?

Why doesn't a black man taking the life of an innocent, defenseless black BABY warrant the same emotional outpouring / reporting as a police officer killing a black man or a 13yo black girl?

Do blacks REALLY NOT care about the mass shootings and murders of their fellow blacks by other blacks in these cities, or is it people with agendas telling them what is important / what they care about?
It was reported that a black man killed a baby and shot the parents in a drive-by in Chicago several weeks ago?

Why doesn't a black man taking the life of an innocent, defenseless black BABY warrant the same emotional outpouring / reporting as a police officer killing a black man or a 13yo blackgirl?

Once again, black on black crime doesn't matter to the left. In fact, they like it, which is why it's so prevalent in virtually every place they are in charge.
There's an awful lot of white folks in jail. Maybe you ought to clean up your own house before you bitch about your neighbor's house
At this point blacks can be considered equal to rabid animals. Leave them alone. Let them kill one another as much as they want. Every time a black kills another black a white life is saved and a white cop stays out of jail. This includes abortion.
There's an awful lot of white folks in jail. Maybe you ought to clean up your own house before you bitch about your neighbor's house

Proportionally, whites are under-represented in prison in this country. But by all means, lie about it if it makes you feel better.

Foreign-funder Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa & especially BLM have looted, burned, destroyed, assaulted, murdered, and xause BILLIONS of dollars in damage in communities all over the US declaring 'BLACK Lives Matter'.

They have destroyed hundreds of minority-owned businesses, destroyed black lives in the process, and have even attack peaceful Americans just for pointing out ALL lives matter.

In all of the liberal support and favorable coverage NO ONE is talking about the proverbial 'elephant in the room':

]Chicago shootings: 33 shot, 9 fatally in weekend violence, including boy, teen |

I'm not talking about a 1-time incident. Pick up any news paper, search any internet news site - THIS HAPPENS EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND IN CHICAGO & OTHER CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES!

'BLACK Lives Matter'?! REALLY?

Every day...every crime / shootings / murder is out of control!

Shooting each other.

Murdering each other.

Robbing each other.

Destroying each others' businesses/property.

Selling each other poison (drugs) to selfishly get ahead while destroying black lives / killing each other.

Single mothers having to raise their families alone because of the high number of Black men who abandon them

The massive abortion rate, blacks literally murdering thousands of babies every year.

How is anyone supposed to believe Antifa and BLM when they say 'Black Lives Matter' when they blame the police while many blacks continue to show a total disregard for Black lives...and while they refuse to even acknowledge / talk about these problems within the Black communities / culture?

You burned down a neighborhood, marched, and screamed 'Black Lives Matter' - I'm not impressed or buying it.

You want me to believe Black lives matter?


STOP shooting / killing each other.
STOP destroying each others' businesses...
STOP pushing drugs in the neighborhoods
STOP killing Black babies by the score
STOP abandoning your families.
It's not about black lives. It's about fomenting a Marxist-Democrat overthrow of our capitalist system.
Foreign-funder Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa & especially BLM have looted, burned, destroyed, assaulted, murdered, and xause BILLIONS of dollars in damage in communities all over the US declaring 'BLACK Lives Matter'.

They have destroyed hundreds of minority-owned businesses, destroyed black lives in the process, and have even attack peaceful Americans just for pointing out ALL lives matter.

In all of the liberal support and favorable coverage NO ONE is talking about the proverbial 'elephant in the room':

]Chicago shootings: 33 shot, 9 fatally in weekend violence, including boy, teen |

I'm not talking about a 1-time incident. Pick up any news paper, search any internet news site - THIS HAPPENS EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND IN CHICAGO & OTHER CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES!

'BLACK Lives Matter'?! REALLY?

Every day...every crime / shootings / murder is out of control!

Shooting each other.

Murdering each other.

Robbing each other.

Destroying each others' businesses/property.

Selling each other poison (drugs) to selfishly get ahead while destroying black lives / killing each other.

Single mothers having to raise their families alone because of the high number of Black men who abandon them

The massive abortion rate, blacks literally murdering thousands of babies every year.

How is anyone supposed to believe Antifa and BLM when they say 'Black Lives Matter' when they blame the police while many blacks continue to show a total disregard for Black lives...and while they refuse to even acknowledge / talk about these problems within the Black communities / culture?

You burned down a neighborhood, marched, and screamed 'Black Lives Matter' - I'm not impressed or buying it.

You want me to believe Black lives matter?


STOP shooting / killing each other.
STOP destroying each others' businesses...
STOP pushing drugs in the neighborhoods
STOP killing Black babies by the score
STOP abandoning your families.
Democrats never cared about black lives. They went from the KKK not working to the great society, which isn’t working. But they destroyed the family unit and got them all on welfare so I guess it kind of did work for them. Now they just need to do the same to white people. And they are certainly working on that.
Honestly I wish they would get out of the country. That would solve so many problems in our society.

Our big problem is no one wants to conform to our society. All these religious groups, radicals, and so on don't want to conform, they all want society to be what they want and it's all too much. And at the center of it you have black people who don't want to work, don't want to be considerate of others, who want to blame their shitty lives on others, want everything handed to them, don't want to learn anything, don't want to improve their lives enough to put in the effort, are lazy and selfish. If they hate america so much they need to leave.

Asians and most Mexicans don't have an issue with being a part of society, they do their own thing in their groups or at home but outside the home they play well with others. I don't hear about Greeks, Italians, Australians, Puerto Ricans or Canadians complaining.

Individually I've known a lot of good black people, almost entirely age 45 and up, but as a whole they have done anything to prove their lives should matter to me personally.

They have a history of not being particularly worth while. How many evolved and civilized modern black founded countries exist vs ones created by others? How many things have been created by black people like cars, planes, medicines, electronics, metal alloys, engineering or architectural? How many things have they done to improve the human species since they have been around? Very little is the answer and it's not racist, it's the cold hard truth.

Everything they have in America right now is thanks to white people, they contributed to nothing in this country except as slaves. And even that was a long time ago and they were still guess what, sold to us by their own kind. Yeah blacks in Africa sold their women and children as slaves to foreigners, yeah they are a great people allright.
Everything they have in America right now is thanks to white people, they contributed to nothing in this country except as slaves.
So you're trying to make this the most racist thread ever seen in this shitpit...I see.

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