Celebrate African American History Month

Not needed.

No one ever tried to HIDE the german American history in this country like they did to the blacks history

If the objective of having a black history month is to provide "affirmative action history", then your statement is correct.

If however the objective is to encourage people, especially children, to learn more about a certain segment of history, then your statement is inane and more than slightly offensive.

Oh you mean like the decades of election history in which republicans kept black people from voting in any way they could think of?

so, your the affirmative action type, even wanting a "gotcha".

Personally I would have more respect for you if you wanted to encourage more learning.

but then, I am simply not surprised at your response.

I ran into a quote by churchill that i believe will convey how I feel about black history month as a means to provide some type of "gotcha" or affirmative action;
One thing I am quite sure of, if we engage in a war of the past against the present, we will find we have lost in the future." churchill, 1938

Now if you were to ask me if I supported black history month as a learning tool, and in my capacity as a volunteer at our local school, assist the children in this endevour to learn about black history, I would say "yes, I do."
If the objective of having a black history month is to provide "affirmative action history", then your statement is correct.

If however the objective is to encourage people, especially children, to learn more about a certain segment of history, then your statement is inane and more than slightly offensive.

Oh you mean like the decades of election history in which republicans kept black people from voting in any way they could think of?

so, your the affirmative action type, even wanting a "gotcha".

Personally I would have more respect for you if you wanted to encourage more learning.

but then, I am simply not surprised at your response.

I ran into a quote by churchill that i believe will convey how I feel about black history month as a means to provide some type of "gotcha" or affirmative action;
One thing I am quite sure of, if we engage in a war of the past against the present, we will find we have lost in the future." churchill, 1938

Now if you were to ask me if I supported black history month as a learning tool, and in my capacity as a volunteer at our local school, assist the children in this endevour to learn about black history, I would say "yes, I do."

This is why the right hates black history.

They dont like them teaching the parts where the republican party is shown to be racists who just LOVE to keep black voters from voting.
Honestly I think that black history month is no longer necessary. I don't know under what pretext it was created but I would assume it was to educate the next generation about black suffering to better transition into a post-segregation world. At this point I find that it's more divisive than uniting now.

And other people have posted the argument of why not have a ______-American history month too? And that's a pretty solid argument.
There is STILL a need for black history.

Look at how many of you here refuse to accept the court documented evidence of the republican party cheating black voters for decades now.

You just proved its still needed
Oh you mean like the decades of election history in which republicans kept black people from voting in any way they could think of?

so, your the affirmative action type, even wanting a "gotcha".

Personally I would have more respect for you if you wanted to encourage more learning.

but then, I am simply not surprised at your response.

I ran into a quote by churchill that i believe will convey how I feel about black history month as a means to provide some type of "gotcha" or affirmative action;
One thing I am quite sure of, if we engage in a war of the past against the present, we will find we have lost in the future." churchill, 1938

Now if you were to ask me if I supported black history month as a learning tool, and in my capacity as a volunteer at our local school, assist the children in this endevour to learn about black history, I would say "yes, I do."

This is why the right hates black history.

They dont like them teaching the parts where the republican party is shown to be racists who just LOVE to keep black voters from voting.

not just republicans, democrats, know-nothings, independents and others too. Throughout history racism has never, ever, been confined to one political party and likely never will be until the ignorant unite and form their own party.

your republican party wins the distain of most of the people of col.or in this country hands down.

The republican party is the ONLY party with the vast history of cheating black voters.
the wierd thing is some assholes still think the confederate flag is somehow patriotic

I'm sure some asshats still wave a confederate flag but this has nothing to do with the legitimacy of African American History month. Morgan Freeman advises us not to even talk about it let alone have such a month. I'm willing to bet that most black students aren't really interested in their own history let alone history in general. I know most white students don't care about history in general (have you seen those people on the street surveys? It's pathetic what people don't know that should be common knowledge). I'd like to think that we can and will have benevolent relations with each other regardless of race apart from codifying in law a month dedicated to celebrating the history of a particular race.
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Honestly I think that black history month is no longer necessary. I don't know under what pretext it was created but I would assume it was to educate the next generation about black suffering to better transition into a post-segregation world. At this point I find that it's more divisive than uniting now.

And other people have posted the argument of why not have a ______-American history month too? And that's a pretty solid argument.

:eusa_hand: because most all other groups (that was Ernie's form response BTW) never were targeted w/ water cannons & dogs for trying to buy a sandwich. They also didn't fight in wars for the very country they couldn't buy that sandwich in. That, & having their vote systematically oppressed as late as..... oh..... 2012.
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Vote Fraud and Voter Suppression News

Saturday 11/3/2012

Criminal Investigation of GOP Voter Registration Worker Arrested for Destroying Forms in VA Expands to Broader Probe of RNC-Hired Firm 11/3/2012 Brad Blog: "A criminal investigation into voter registration fraud by a company hired by the Republican National Committee for some $3 million to sign up voters in at least five key battleground states this year is now widening, according to a new report by the Washington Post. The reason for the expansion appears to relate to an overlooked aspect of the nationwide GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal highlighted initially by The BRAD BLOG some weeks ago."

FL Voter Purge Disenfranchises Active Duty Military Troops 11/3/2012 Brad Blog

NJ Orders Paper Ballots for Powerless E-Voting Sites, (Insanely) Allows for Voting by Email, Fax 11/3/2012 Brad Blog

Republican Arrested After Allegedly Attempting to Vote Twice in Nevada 11/3/2012 Brad Blog: "While allegations of voter fraud or faulty voting machines are common during a busy election, Clark County Registrar Larry Lomax said this is the first time in his 15 years on the job that a voter has been arrested for trying to cast two ballots."

U.S. Dept. of Justice Will Monitor Polls in 23 States During Tuesday's Presidential Election 11/3/2012 Brad Blog: "On Friday, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that its Civil Rights Division will be deploying "more than 780 federal observers and department personnel to 51 jurisdictions in 23 states for the Nov. 6, 2012, general election." Their news release, posted in full below, notes that "The Voting Rights Act prohibits discrimination in the election process on the basis of race, color or membership in a minority language group."

U.S. Black Voters Face "Dirty Tricks" 11/3/2012 Our News Now

NAACP Takes Over Houston Polling Station, Advocates for President Obama 11/3/2012 Town Hall: "According to Eve Rockford, a poll watcher trained by voter integrity group True the Vote, three NAACP members showed up to the 139 precinct location with 50 cases of bottled water and began handing bottles out to people standing in line. While wearing NAACP labeled clothing, members were "stirring the crowd" and talking to voters about flying to Ohio to promote President Barack Obama."

Friday 11/2/2012

FL Gov. Rick Scott Refuses to Extend Days for Early Voting Despite Hours Long Lines 11/2/2012 Brad Blog: Gov. Scott says no to more early voting in Florida. Y'all just keep standing in line

Oregon Dept. of Justice Confirms Investigation of GOP Ballot Tampering in Clackamas County 11/2/2012 Brad Blog: "The Oregon Department of Justice is confirming today that it is investigating a case of ballot tampering by an elections official in Clackamas County, OR after it was discovered that she was allegedly filling in unvoted ballots for Republican candidates."

Ready to Vote? Rampant Suppression Threatens Already Tight Race 11/2/2012 Color Lines: "As seen above, Video the Vote is empowering communities to document what happens Tuesday, from long lines to voter machine failures. Their new promo video encourages voters to sign up, monitor hot spots, and hashtag shared social media content with #VideoTheVote. The Advancement Project has also released a short film series, produced by Stanley Nelson, that focus on people whose right to vote was threatened this year. The inspirational films encourage people to get out and vote. "

Gov. Scott says no to more early voting in Florida. Y'all just keep standing in line 11/2/2012 Maddow Blog: "Florida Republicans have cut into Democrats' lead in early and absentee voting this year. But here's the thing about early voting: It gives campaigns a greater chance of bringing in voters who might not otherwise vote. They can make appointments with marginal voters to get them to the polls, and the first appointment doesn't work, they can go back for a second and third and fourth try. Democrats in Florida seem to be doing just that. Among voters who've missed the last few elections, Democrats say they're winning this time by more than 77,000 votes."

Active service members upset over removal from voting rolls 11/2/2012 Tampa Bay WTSP: "Kehrig is one of about 30 active and reserve service members who have contacted the Hillsborough Supervisor of Elections' office about the discovery, but October 8 was the last day the law allows a voter to register for the general election. Other Tampa Bay-area counties reported small numbers of complaints too."

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