CDC: Youth Suicide Rate Skyrockets 70%


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Everyone wants to talk about guns and save the children, but more kids kill themselves than are murdered and nobody wants to address why.

Psychological Science gives the reason - as people lose touch with God they then lose purpose and meaning.

The researchers found that this factor of religiosity mediated the relationship between a country’s wealth and the perceived meaning in its citizen’s lives, meaning that it was the presence of religion that largely accounted for the gap between money and meaning. They analyzed other factors—education, fertility rates, individualism, and social support (having relatives and friends to count on in troubled times)—to see if they could explain the findings, but in the end it came down to religion.

Where Life Has Meaning: Poor, Religious Countries
It's tough being a kid now days, peer pressure, social media, the family unit is decimated. They're lost
They need to put a warning label on tide pods. Only consume 1 every 2 hours...
When I was a kid, when you left school for the day, you left behind all the bullshit cliques, the bullies, all the crap that sucked.

Today, kids can't get away from it. Social media 24/7. That has to be terrible.
Bibles and korans have molested human DNA similarly. Nazism is morality itself.
Everyone wants to talk about guns and save the children, but more kids kill themselves than are murdered and nobody wants to address why.

Psychological Science gives the reason - as people lose touch with God they then lose purpose and meaning.

The researchers found that this factor of religiosity mediated the relationship between a country’s wealth and the perceived meaning in its citizen’s lives, meaning that it was the presence of religion that largely accounted for the gap between money and meaning. They analyzed other factors—education, fertility rates, individualism, and social support (having relatives and friends to count on in troubled times)—to see if they could explain the findings, but in the end it came down to religion.

Where Life Has Meaning: Poor, Religious Countries
Everyone wants to talk about guns and save the children, but more kids kill themselves than are murdered and nobody wants to address why.

Psychological Science gives the reason - as people lose touch with God they then lose purpose and meaning.

The researchers found that this factor of religiosity mediated the relationship between a country’s wealth and the perceived meaning in its citizen’s lives, meaning that it was the presence of religion that largely accounted for the gap between money and meaning. They analyzed other factors—education, fertility rates, individualism, and social support (having relatives and friends to count on in troubled times)—to see if they could explain the findings, but in the end it came down to religion.

Where Life Has Meaning: Poor, Religious Countries
Take it up with the CDC and Psychological Science folks, troll boy.
#9 is nuts and likely an unpaid xian soldier afraid of Listerian cantaloupes, while OP shows everyone what it means to be truly and irreversibly f'ed up on the lord.
The left have created a rotten world for kids to grow up in and brainwashed them into believing their lives are meaningless.

You haven't provided any proof to what you say, even in your links. So far, just conservative/republican good, liberal/ democrat bad, on an on and on.
Conditt's was an apparent suicide-by-cop? This is contraindicated for police presence in New York schools, because the policeman is the symbol for the superego. What (denomination [italics]) of xianity first molested Conditt?
I guess that those who take themselves would rather go that way because then they know when its going to happen and its at their own hand and not someone else's too.

God bless you always!!!

When I was a kid, when you left school for the day, you left behind all the bullshit cliques, the bullies, all the crap that sucked.

Today, kids can't get away from it. Social media 24/7. That has to be terrible.
Take their iPhones, et cetera, away from them until such time as they are old enough to handle the devices without being overly influenced by the crap that teens toss around out there. When they graduate from high school, then give them a cellphone as a present. It'd be for their own good. We didn't have cellphones as kids and thus, once you left school for the day, your only interaction with fellow students was by calling them on a land-line and actually talking, or going over to their house. You didn't get garbage from outsiders that you didn't know.

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