Catholic School refuses to accept son of lesbians

I don't quite understand the rationale, since probably many of the children currently enrolled in the school most certainly have parents who are violating Catholic teachings on sexual behavior. Do they do a background check on each parent to determine whether they are living outside the bounds of conventional matrimony? It's especially galling in light of the sexual abuse scandal.

Having said that, I feel that private schools should be able to make their own enrollment rules. I also wonder why this couple would not want to choose a school more closely aligned with their own personal beliefs.
In many large Northern cities, these are the ONLY choices:

The local public school, which is dangerous and has not produced functionally literate students in twenty years.

The local parochial school which can take the same kidlets and teach them.

Home schooling, which few people can do well and which socially cripples a kidlet.

Such "other" private school options as may exist are usually VERY expensive schools for the elite known as "prep schools".

Where would YOU send your kidlet?
In many large Northern cities, these are the ONLY choices:

The local public school, which is dangerous and has not produced functionally literate students in twenty years.

The local parochial school which can take the same kidlets and teach them.

Home schooling, which few people can do well and which socially cripples a kidlet.

Such "other" private school options as may exist are usually VERY expensive schools for the elite known as "prep schools".

Where would YOU send your kidlet?

I would send my kid to a catholic school as a non-catholic but not this one. I don't think they're all as intolerant as this. I went to a catholic school and when I transferred to public high school I was academically way ahead of my public school peers. They know how to do some things right.

If they were checking into my parents sins as a requirement for my schooling I would've been kicked out.
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so you going to refute the hyprocrisy of enforcing some rules and not the others while preaching both? or will you stick your fallacies?

Notice how Cessy doesn't actually explain how this isn't hypocritical, just insults.

It's not hypocritical because they don't pick and choose which children of homosexuals they allow to attend. They don't allow any.
It's hypocritical because it goes against the teaching of Jesus.
Is it just me or does "Sons of Lesbians" sound like a band or some secret society?

After the great war to end all wars the earth and all it's people were on thier knees. Who would we turn to? Who would bring this broken planet back from the brink....? The sons of legend...The Sons of Lesbians...
:lol: I keep thinking Sons of Sam...and I bet the Catholics would let them in.
In many large Northern cities, these are the ONLY choices:

The local public school, which is dangerous and has not produced functionally literate students in twenty years.

The local parochial school which can take the same kidlets and teach them.

Home schooling, which few people can do well and which socially cripples a kidlet.

Such "other" private school options as may exist are usually VERY expensive schools for the elite known as "prep schools".

Where would YOU send your kidlet?

Many people lack school choices. Where I live there are no private schools. The choice here is either home school, public school, or drive your kid 20-30 miles to a couple of Christian schools.

This couple needs to look at their options, like other adults, and make decisions based on those options. Some people choose to move to a locale that offers more options. Of course there of limitations based on jobs, etc.

Many people are forced to use public schools because of financial limitations. Should the Catholic school be required to accept them even if they can't pay?
No, the diocese has rights as well. I was merely explaining why a lesbian couple might have enrolled their son in a parochial school.

Traditionally, The Catholic Church has not been a hotbed of homosexual hatred. One could say the opposite is true. The conduct of the parents seems completely reasonable to me.

I just wish people would halt their attendance at Mass and tithing, etc. Let the Catholic Church die off like the Racketering Organization it is. If it were legal to do so, I'd burn these churches and salt the earth they stood on.

But sadly, my desires aside, I have to conform my conduct to the strictures of the law.
After a Hingham Catholic school revoked its acceptance of an 8-year-old because his parents are lesbians, the Catholic Schools Foundation, chaired by Cardinal Sean O’Malley, sent out a gorgeous letter making it clear that that kind of cruelty is not what the church is about.

“We believe a policy that denies admission to students in such a manner . . . is at odds with our values as a Foundation . . . and ultimately with Gospel teaching,’’ it read. The archdiocese will formalize an inclusive policy in coming weeks.
Good call by archdiocese - The Boston Globe
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In many large Northern cities, these are the ONLY choices:

The local public school, which is dangerous and has not produced functionally literate students in twenty years.

The local parochial school which can take the same kidlets and teach them.

Home schooling, which few people can do well and which socially cripples a kidlet.

Such "other" private school options as may exist are usually VERY expensive schools for the elite known as "prep schools".

Where would YOU send your kidlet?

I would send my kid to a catholic school as a non-catholic but not this one. I don't think they're all as intolerant as this. I went to a catholic school and when I transferred to public high school I was academically way ahead of my public school peers. They know how to do some things right.

If they were checking into my parents sins as a requirement for my schooling I would've been kicked out.

Again, it is not a question of being intolerant. Some schools feel it is in the best interests of the child that they not attend Catholic School. I have already state the reason - it is because they feel it is better for the child not to be conflicted between Catholic Doctrine - that homosexuality is wrong - and the child's home life. I can't understand why any lesbian parent would want their child to learn that their parents are living in sin. Better for the child to attend a school that has no conflict with their life. That is not intolerance, it is putting the interest of the child above the desire of the parent.
After a Hingham Catholic school revoked its acceptance of an 8-year-old because his parents are lesbians, the Catholic Schools Foundation, chaired by Cardinal Sean O’Malley, sent out a gorgeous letter making it clear that that kind of cruelty is not what the church is about.

“We believe a policy that denies admission to students in such a manner . . . is at odds with our values as a Foundation . . . and ultimately with Gospel teaching,’’ it read. The archdiocese will formalize an inclusive policy in coming weeks.
Good call by archdiocese - The Boston Globe

Not every Catholic is a bad person. Not even every Catholic clergy. That took guts, but doing the right thing sometimes does...and it is what the Catholic Church SHOULD be on about.

Kudos to Cardinal O'Malley. Now maybe this kidlet can go back to being just another 8 year old?
In many large Northern cities, these are the ONLY choices:

The local public school, which is dangerous and has not produced functionally literate students in twenty years.

The local parochial school which can take the same kidlets and teach them.

Home schooling, which few people can do well and which socially cripples a kidlet.

Such "other" private school options as may exist are usually VERY expensive schools for the elite known as "prep schools".

Where would YOU send your kidlet?

I would send my kid to a catholic school as a non-catholic but not this one. I don't think they're all as intolerant as this. I went to a catholic school and when I transferred to public high school I was academically way ahead of my public school peers. They know how to do some things right.

If they were checking into my parents sins as a requirement for my schooling I would've been kicked out.

Again, it is not a question of being intolerant. Some schools feel it is in the best interests of the child that they not attend Catholic School. I have already state the reason - it is because they feel it is better for the child not to be conflicted between Catholic Doctrine - that homosexuality is wrong - and the child's home life. I can't understand why any lesbian parent would want their child to learn that their parents are living in sin. Better for the child to attend a school that has no conflict with their life. That is not intolerance, it is putting the interest of the child above the desire of the parent.

This pastor chose to discriminate against this child because of who his parents are. I think he is rigid and narrow minded and does represent catholics well.

Apparently, the archdiocese agrees with me.
I don't quite understand the rationale, since probably many of the children currently enrolled in the school most certainly have parents who are violating Catholic teachings on sexual behavior. Do they do a background check on each parent to determine whether they are living outside the bounds of conventional matrimony? It's especially galling in light of the sexual abuse scandal.

Having said that, I feel that private schools should be able to make their own enrollment rules. I also wonder why this couple would not want to choose a school more closely aligned with their own personal beliefs.

The other parents probably don't commit their violations openly and publicly. There's a difference between being a sinner, as we all are, and openly challenging the church's position on certain issues while insisting they educate your child.

Can't have it both ways.
I don't quite understand the rationale, since probably many of the children currently enrolled in the school most certainly have parents who are violating Catholic teachings on sexual behavior. Do they do a background check on each parent to determine whether they are living outside the bounds of conventional matrimony? It's especially galling in light of the sexual abuse scandal.

Having said that, I feel that private schools should be able to make their own enrollment rules. I also wonder why this couple would not want to choose a school more closely aligned with their own personal beliefs.

The other parents probably don't commit their violations openly and publicly. There's a difference between being a sinner, as we all are, and openly challenging the church's position on certain issues while insisting they educate your child.

Can't have it both ways.

The Archdiocese says you can have it both ways.
I would send my kid to a catholic school as a non-catholic but not this one. I don't think they're all as intolerant as this. I went to a catholic school and when I transferred to public high school I was academically way ahead of my public school peers. They know how to do some things right.

If they were checking into my parents sins as a requirement for my schooling I would've been kicked out.

Again, it is not a question of being intolerant. Some schools feel it is in the best interests of the child that they not attend Catholic School. I have already state the reason - it is because they feel it is better for the child not to be conflicted between Catholic Doctrine - that homosexuality is wrong - and the child's home life. I can't understand why any lesbian parent would want their child to learn that their parents are living in sin. Better for the child to attend a school that has no conflict with their life. That is not intolerance, it is putting the interest of the child above the desire of the parent.

This pastor chose to discriminate against this child because of who his parents are. I think he is rigid and narrow minded and does represent catholics well.

Apparently, the archdiocese agrees with me.

It's a Catholic church. The lesbian couple are using their child to further their political agenda against the church, and it's indicative of why we should really think before allowing homos to adopt.
Again, it is not a question of being intolerant. Some schools feel it is in the best interests of the child that they not attend Catholic School. I have already state the reason - it is because they feel it is better for the child not to be conflicted between Catholic Doctrine - that homosexuality is wrong - and the child's home life. I can't understand why any lesbian parent would want their child to learn that their parents are living in sin. Better for the child to attend a school that has no conflict with their life. That is not intolerance, it is putting the interest of the child above the desire of the parent.

This pastor chose to discriminate against this child because of who his parents are. I think he is rigid and narrow minded and does represent catholics well.

Apparently, the archdiocese agrees with me.

It's a Catholic church. The lesbian couple are using their child to further their political agenda against the church, and it's indicative of why we should really think before allowing homos to adopt.

To the contrary. The parents wanted the best school for their son and the pastor politicized their interests. Apparently, he is well known for doing so.
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Again, it is not a question of being intolerant. Some schools feel it is in the best interests of the child that they not attend Catholic School. I have already state the reason - it is because they feel it is better for the child not to be conflicted between Catholic Doctrine - that homosexuality is wrong - and the child's home life. I can't understand why any lesbian parent would want their child to learn that their parents are living in sin. Better for the child to attend a school that has no conflict with their life. That is not intolerance, it is putting the interest of the child above the desire of the parent.

This pastor chose to discriminate against this child because of who his parents are. I think he is rigid and narrow minded and does represent catholics well.

Apparently, the archdiocese agrees with me.

It's a Catholic church. The lesbian couple are using their child to further their political agenda against the church, and it's indicative of why we should really think before allowing homos to adopt.

The school was also using this situation as an opportunity to make a statement specifically about Homosexual unions. Otherwise, they would also ban the child of cohabiting Hetero parents, which I'm sure they have some.
This pastor chose to discriminate against this child because of who his parents are. I think he is rigid and narrow minded and does represent catholics well.

Apparently, the archdiocese agrees with me.

It's a Catholic church. The lesbian couple are using their child to further their political agenda against the church, and it's indicative of why we should really think before allowing homos to adopt.

The school was also using this situation as an opportunity to make a statement specifically about Homosexual unions. Otherwise, they would also ban the child of cohabiting Hetero parents, which I'm sure they have some.

I wonder if the school would accept the child of a prostitute?
Probably not if she was strutting it in front of the school, and calling upon the press to witness it.
It's a Catholic church. The lesbian couple are using their child to further their political agenda against the church, and it's indicative of why we should really think before allowing homos to adopt.

The school was also using this situation as an opportunity to make a statement specifically about Homosexual unions. Otherwise, they would also ban the child of cohabiting Hetero parents, which I'm sure they have some.

I wonder if the school would accept the child of a prostitute?

I would expect the Church to help the prostitute to address the problems that led her into prostitution. Cuz that's the kind of thing that the Catholic Church - and most other Churches - do. What a damned stupid 'question'.

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