'Castro FanBoy' Sanders Defends Cummunist Regimes Again: China & Poverty


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Sanders Goes to Bat for Communist Dictators Again

“Would anybody in their right mind deny that extreme poverty in China has been reduced? Can anyone deny that? Of course not,” Sanders added.

The trouble here is that you can’t praise the man without praising the method. While certain things in the country may have shifted for the good, more people knowing how to read is a small victory against the crippling poverty that many citizens in communist countries face. Access to “free” healthcare means nothing when the healthcare you have access to is hardly healthcare.

Sanders seems to want to praise dictatorial men for doing a little good while they do great evil. He’s more interested in looking at the positives of his ideological cousins and ignoring their evils, which is par for the course when it comes to socialists and communists as a whole.

They become transfixed on specific aspects of communism and don’t want to get into the particulars on just how expensive it is, or what kind of dark policies will have to be enacted in order to keep a system like that afloat, at least for as long as possible."

Screwing / Denying Bernie may be the best political act the Democrats do in 2020...

Sanders Goes to Bat for Communist Dictators Again

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