Cassidy’s Count: Obama Looks Good Going Into Final Weekend

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Cassidy's Count: Obama Looks Good Going Into Final Weekend : The New Yorker

After all the drama of the past few days, it may seem anticlimactic to suggest that not much has changed in the election. That’s what the latest polls are telling us, though. Going into the final weekend of the campaign, it’s still a tight race, but President Obama retains a distinct advantage in the electoral college. Unless the pollsters are wrong, or there is a last-minute swing to Mitt Romney, the Democratic incumbent looks set to scrape out a victory.

Read more Cassidy's Count: Obama Looks Good Going Into Final Weekend : The New Yorker
yeah, that's what every indication at this point is. Narrow Electoral College victory.
Cassidy's Count: Obama Looks Good Going Into Final Weekend : The New Yorker

After all the drama of the past few days, it may seem anticlimactic to suggest that not much has changed in the election. That’s what the latest polls are telling us, though. Going into the final weekend of the campaign, it’s still a tight race, but President Obama retains a distinct advantage in the electoral college. Unless the pollsters are wrong, or there is a last-minute swing to Mitt Romney, the Democratic incumbent looks set to scrape out a victory.

Read more Cassidy's Count: Obama Looks Good Going Into Final Weekend : The New Yorker


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