Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

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Yes but Maggie, how does one answer- why was Casey Anthony seen out dancing and partying, in the days following her daughters disappearance???
Now if your child is missing and you don't know where she is, would you be out living it up on the town??
I saw the photos, Casey Anthony looked like she was having a fun time, she didn't look like a Mom worried about who has her child and if she would ever see her again.
The little girl was missing for 31 days.....31 days!....Jesus H, how could any Mother not notify somebody?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

Lets not forget the tatoo she got in those 30 days.
Daaaaaaamn!:eek:....Bad ass broads gonna go RANGER on that bitch!:evil:

I hope she gets life in prison even though I am for the death penalty. Why an exception in this case? She is a child murderer. She get thrown in prison, some really bad ass broads are gonna go ranger on that bitch...which means she will have to be in confinement to save her sorry ass from the other women. That's a very very very long time to be alone. Completely.
So that's what I want for her. To live with her own sorry ass self. Forever. Until she draws her last breath and heads to hell where she belongs.

:cuckoo: You and your pal Dabs are proving how adolescent you are. I'm guessing around 12.

Oh hell no, I'm much older :lol:
I already stated I am 49, but I also feel that Casey Anthony is guilty.
And I hope she gets her deserved punishment.
Just because we are voicing our opinion, as you are, we are adolescent??
For fuck's sake *sigh*
And for the record, I am against the death penalty in most cases.
I hate violence, of any kind.......but if a crime is committed, that is so bad, the jury and judge hand down a death sentence, what can I do??
Say 'Yay' or 'Awww'
But in Casey Anthony's case, death would be too easy, I already said this in fact, have you not read that??
I never said anything about hoping she gets a violent death!
I hope she rots in prison, and I hope the other prisoners make her life miserable, and I don't mean beat the shit out of her, just give her a hard time, etc.
Shit if you don't understand what I'm referring to, I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain, again.
But, even if she was only out partying one night, but I know it was more than one, but even IF....why was she not looking for her precious baby girl??
Why dance the night away?
How does that help??
Maybe that was her way of dealing with the fact her baby was missing and she was going "Oh gee, what do I do, guess I'll go dancing" fucking way I'm buying that load of crap!

**RIP Caylee Marie.


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Why do you think he's such a saint? Don't you think grown, attractive, soft-spoken and kind men are also capable of child abuse? The prisons are full of them and thousands more are still out there free as the wind.
And what would he have to gain by killing the kid?
What did she have to gain? Again, it doesn't make sense that she would suddenly turn from being a loving, doting mother to I-think-I'll-kill-my-kid-so-I-can-party type of mother.

It wasn't internet searches on his computer about chloroform, breaking necks, etc......It was her computer.
Someone else could have used her computer.

It wasn't his car that smelled like a dead body.
I don't think the CSI ever determined that there was a dead body there; it was possibly something else.

It wasn't he who borrowed a shovel from their neighbor.

It wasn't he who lied about some mysterious nanny.

It wasn't he who took thecops to the supposed nanny's address, only to have them find nobody of that name ever lived there, nor was anybody ever matching the description she gave ever seen around there in all that time

It wasn't he who took cops to universal studios to try and perpetrate a lie about employment, in an attempt to concoct an aliby.

Again, with the rest of the above, if Casey and her parents were all trying to cover it up, any one of them could have made up those stories.

And now all of a sudden he's a child molester. But Casey had no problem leaving her daughter alone with him time and time again.
How often? Was that ever really determined or just hearsay?

A lot of what I've read about the incident IS hearsay, which the press has glommed onto as gospel truth. I simply won't believe she's guilty of killing her daughter until I see some genuine proof. Right now, I see her guilty of a conspiracy to cover up the crime, and that's all. Just saying.
What did she have to gain?........Freedom from being a mother. Freedom to go out and party anytime she pleased . Freedom from the financial worries associated with parenthood.....Freedom to be with the boyfriend who really didn't want a lady with a child.......Scott Peterson was considered a loving doting husband right up until he whacked his pregnant wife, so he wouldn't have the burden of a child, and could be with his lil' on the side piece o' ass forever.

Yeah, it was her computer. Her passwords. Her searches.

So, the cops were lying about going to the supposed Nanny's address that CASEY ANTHONY gave, and finding there was never a lady by that name who ever lived there, nor was anybody who matched the description CASEY ANTHONEY gave ever seen there?

The cops were lying about the personnel department at Universal Studios showing employment records, and that she hadn't worked their at the time CASEY ANTHONY said she did. In fact, she hadn't worked their since long before she told them?.

If this is some big cover up between her and the father who is a former COP, do you really think he would be dumb enough to tell her to lie about the Nanny, and employment at Universal, full well knowing it would be fully checked out by the Sheriffs department.....That everything he or she said would be fully investigated?

The neighbor lied about her borrowing the shovel right around the time Caley disappeared?

And again, if she is such a "doting and loving mother", why in the hell would she leave her child alone with her father for any amount of time if he was a molester?.....It makes ZERO sense.
Is she guilty in your opinion?

What little there is of your poll only confirms my statements on this case about a rush to judgment by narrow-minded people who couldn't understand the law, nor the First Amendment if they had to.

I've seen nothing but a lot of supposition and/or dreaming but little to no evidence proving her guilt so far. But since we don't like HER, she's guilty. Just reaffirms my belief that our Constitutional Rights are pretty much carried out opposite what is written.

Guilty until proven innocent.

If 6 cops gang-tackle you and slam your head in the ground, separate your shoulder handcuffing you, and you say so much as one sentence like, "What was I doing illegal sitting on my porch drinking coffee?" THEN you've resisted arrest and assaulted an officer of the law too.

Nice. Wonder where the ACLU and all those other leftist organizations are when REAL abuses of the law are being carried out?

Oh yeah, in the bleachers, cheering the Gestapo on.
Is she guilty in your opinion?

What little there is of your poll only confirms my statements on this case about a rush to judgment by narrow-minded people who couldn't understand the law, nor the First Amendment if they had to.

I've seen nothing but a lot of supposition and/or dreaming but little to no evidence proving her guilt so far. But since we don't like HER, she's guilty. Just reaffirms my belief that our Constitutional Rights are pretty much carried out opposite what is written.

Guilty until proven innocent.

If 6 cops gang-tackle you and slam your head in the ground, separate your shoulder handcuffing you, and you say so much as one sentence like, "What was I doing illegal sitting on my porch drinking coffee?" THEN you've resisted arrest and assaulted an officer of the law too.

Nice. Wonder where the ACLU and all those other leftist organizations are when REAL abuses of the law are being carried out?

Oh yeah, in the bleachers, cheering the Gestapo on.

And it's things like the above in red that piss me off, because I think a lot of coppers let their jobs go to their heads, they think just because they have a badge, it makes everything they do, right- but it's NOT. I have seen cops do many wrong.
I honestly feel Casey Anthony is guilty. I have followed this case since it first broke, been watching when they were searching for the baby, watched when they found the body, watched all the jail phone calls Casey made, read all the newspaper reports.
It's a mess, but I don't feel she is guilty because I don't like her, hell I don't know her.
I honest to God feel she is 100% guilty....the truth hopefully will come out and we'll all see.
On my homepage this morning, it quoted Casey Anthony had entered a Hot Bod Contest at the very time her little girl was missing.
Ok, that doesn't prove she is guilty of murder, but it sure proves she's a piece of shit.
Daaaaaaamn!:eek:....Bad ass broads gonna go RANGER on that bitch!:evil:

I hope she gets life in prison even though I am for the death penalty. Why an exception in this case? She is a child murderer. She get thrown in prison, some really bad ass broads are gonna go ranger on that bitch...which means she will have to be in confinement to save her sorry ass from the other women. That's a very very very long time to be alone. Completely.
So that's what I want for her. To live with her own sorry ass self. Forever. Until she draws her last breath and heads to hell where she belongs.

Have we thrown the whole 'due process' thing out now then? Cuz, I've always been told that people are innocent until proven guilty. Personally, I lean towards that system.
Daaaaaaamn!:eek:....Bad ass broads gonna go RANGER on that bitch!:evil:

I hope she gets life in prison even though I am for the death penalty. Why an exception in this case? She is a child murderer. She get thrown in prison, some really bad ass broads are gonna go ranger on that bitch...which means she will have to be in confinement to save her sorry ass from the other women. That's a very very very long time to be alone. Completely.
So that's what I want for her. To live with her own sorry ass self. Forever. Until she draws her last breath and heads to hell where she belongs.

Have we thrown the whole 'due process' thing out now then? Cuz, I've always been told that people are innocent until proven guilty. Personally, I lean towards that system.

Yeah, she's innocent until proven guilty, technically.. :lol:

I'm just worried we'll never find out what actually happened with all of this deception and game playing by the defense. He's kind of good though, he's aggressive and objecting to every other word.

Interesting case, I really hope we get some clarity.

Yesterday, some of the boys who were living in her boyfriend's apartment were testifying that she was a good mother, never spanked or yelled. The child always had a backpack with snacks and stuff to play with when she went there, etc..

They also testified that 4 days after she went missing, the mother was in a hot body contest.
Daaaaaaamn!:eek:....Bad ass broads gonna go RANGER on that bitch!:evil:

I hope she gets life in prison even though I am for the death penalty. Why an exception in this case? She is a child murderer. She get thrown in prison, some really bad ass broads are gonna go ranger on that bitch...which means she will have to be in confinement to save her sorry ass from the other women. That's a very very very long time to be alone. Completely.
So that's what I want for her. To live with her own sorry ass self. Forever. Until she draws her last breath and heads to hell where she belongs.

Is your first name Nancy, by any chance?
I really would like to know the truth too. The whole truth and nothing but. But I doubt we'll ever see that. It's all been covered up by so many lies from everyone involved in this case, that we might never know the full story.
That sucks. I've tried to give serious thought as to who could have killed the little girl, and why. And it all points to the Mother, in my eyes. But, I will say this, I do not think the child was killed intentionally, by whomever did kill her, I believe her death was an accident and the person in control- just freaked.
It has spiraled downhill since.
Sorry, but she's guilty.

She shouldn't have gotten knocked up if she didn't want to be a mother.
She could have had her child adopted if she couldn't give proper care to the child.
The worse part is that her family tried to help her cover it up. They should get charges too.
Every time she cries in the court room, I think she deserves it.

There isn't a shred of evidence that she was a bad mother. In fact, all the evidence points to her being a great mother. That she would suddenly flip out and murder her child is what will exonerate her eventually. That's my guess.
...and she will go to prison for neglect he supposedly said.

BS - can't be proved

Says who? Right now its he said/she said. George can't really prove he was not complicit either. Don't forget the burden of proof is on the prosecution, not the defense.

No one is forgetting that. The red herring "Do you still abuse your daughter" is well played I guess. He's got nothing else.

The basis of the defense is a claim of his abuse and how that allowed him to further manipulate and create the trail of lies she told - all the while tossing her under the bus thinking her accusations of abuse would not be believed due to all the lies she told.....twisted and only a fool will buy into it which is what they are counting on. That plus everyone else is corrupt and dishonest ....poor poor casey

JB is careful not accuse him of the murder - only abuse. Regarding Nancy Grace, how does her being right make her detractors hypocritical ? She is a loud mouthed bully with a stage. I won't watch her since she started saying "tot mom", I think thats offensive and makes her a douche bag.

In the back of my mind, I'm wondering if George was abusing Caylee too and that's why he attempted suicide. But maybe I watch too much TV. :lol:
Yes but Maggie, how does one answer- why was Casey Anthony seen out dancing and partying, in the days following her daughters disappearance???
Now if your child is missing and you don't know where she is, would you be out living it up on the town??
I saw the photos, Casey Anthony looked like she was having a fun time, she didn't look like a Mom worried about who has her child and if she would ever see her again.
The little girl was missing for 31 days.....31 days!....Jesus H, how could any Mother not notify somebody?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

Lets not forget the tatoo she got in those 30 days.

So? That's a retail store. Maybe she got paid for advertising it.

See there's so much "stuff" thrown in to this story to MAKE people believe she's guilty. The media already has her convicted based on all these delicious little side stories which may turn out to be nothing.

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