Carville nails it again

I see both ends constantly doing the same thing: Paying zero (0) attention to any negative effects of their actions as they advocate for something.

So somehow they've both forgotten that it's not the goal that is the problem, it's the way you go about reaching and accomplishing the goal.

It's not what you're trying to accomplish, it's the way you're trying to accomplish it. How is this so fucking incredibly difficult to understand?

Maybe existing within an ideological echo chamber robs people of that obvious notion.

Or maybe trying to reason with people who are against you because you support something is kind of pointless.

Let's take ObamaCare. ObamaCare was essentially the exact same thing as RomneyCare, which Republicans were all for when the White and Delightsome Mormon suggested it. Shit, Romney got more shit for being a Mormon than trying to reform health care in 2008.

Then THE BLACK GUY DID IT... and suddenly, the market based solution that Republicans had advocated since the 1990's suddenly became the MOST EVIL SOCIALIST THING EVER!!! Even Romney didn't want to be associated with it, and all the Evangelicals who opposed him for being a Mormon in 2008 got behind him in 2012 because OH MY GOD, THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

Romney could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and the religious right would have gotten behind him at that point.

So how do we reason with these people, Vichy Mac?
There are different ways of dealing with any given situation. I'd just suggest not doing it in such a way that glorifies and animates them further with their misguided rubes.

The net result is a negative.
Everything the dems do these days glorifies and validates them.
I had something much different in mind when I read that headline

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As they get older, they seem more on par with each other, looks-wise.

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