Carly: a Flawed Candidate; Fiorina a conservative? The record shows different.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Just a little VETTING, you know, the stuff the subversive 4th estate NEVER DID with the Manchurian muslim!

American Thinker ^
I've never been comfortable with Carly Fiorina because she ran as a no-issues moderate for the 2010 senate race in California, and she hasn't articulated any conservative principles before 2015. But she has spoken up in other ways – just not very conservative-like: Immediately after 9/11, Carly gave a speech where, in light of the 3,000 Americans who had just been slaughtered, her first concern was for... Muslims. And as a business leader, I experienced a whole other set of emotions - first and foremost concern for the safety of our employees and their families. Concern for the security...
I thought that I liked her as I was learning about her , have since figured that she is just another liberal rino type .
Carly Fiorina is just a straw for Jeb Bush. She will be the heavy water carrier for the establishment and Jeb. She's very smart, quick thinking and has more impact and influence than straws like Lyndsay Graham and such.

Notice how FAUX News gushed over her in the preliminary debate. Yes, she did do good, but Bobby Jindal was noticeably better.
Just a little VETTING, you know, the stuff the subversive 4th estate NEVER DID with the Manchurian muslim!

American Thinker ^
I've never been comfortable with Carly Fiorina because she ran as a no-issues moderate for the 2010 senate race in California, and she hasn't articulated any conservative principles before 2015. But she has spoken up in other ways – just not very conservative-like: Immediately after 9/11, Carly gave a speech where, in light of the 3,000 Americans who had just been slaughtered, her first concern was for... Muslims. And as a business leader, I experienced a whole other set of emotions - first and foremost concern for the safety of our employees and their families. Concern for the security...

Thanks for all those "fascinating" links you gave that you didn't regarding Carly's deep concern for MUSLIMS after 9/11--LOL

Carly Fiorina--is the only candidate out of the entire pack that is capable of taking on Hillary Clinton and winning. Two old white guys standing on a stage telling women what to do with their bodies isn't going to cut it any longer.

Of course she didn't win in the "giveme--giveme" blue blue state of California--she's a fiscal conservative that watches spending. The last person that Californians are going to vote for is someone who is running on state spending cuts.

I understand to liberals who are on this board & want to elect Hillary Clinton, that they'll do everything they can to smear Fiorina's past record, during her High Tech tenures at Lucent and then HP. Simply because she IS the only threat to Hillary Clinton.

But here's our Iron Lady--and watch how she takes on the media. No other candidate out of all 15 Republican males can do this.

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my prediction:

carly will be like the new token for the tokin' tea partiers who believe in herman cain-like fantasia of yesteryear...
Carly Fiorina is just a straw for Jeb Bush. She will be the heavy water carrier for the establishment and Jeb. She's very smart, quick thinking and has more impact and influence than straws like Lyndsay Graham and such.

Notice how FAUX News gushed over her in the preliminary debate. Yes, she did do good, but Bobby Jindal was noticeably better.

Other than just babble--do you have a LINK to this conspiracy theory?
bush , christy , rubio , kasich , graham , fiorina , hero mc cain though he isn't running , gwb , his old man . Take your pick OREO !!
bush , christy , rubio , kasich , graham , fiorina , hero mc cain though he isn't running , gwb , his old man . Take your pick OREO !!

My pick is Carly Fiorina--I thought I made that very clear. Carly Fiorina is the ONLY candidate that is capable of defeating Hillary Clinton. Two old white guys standing on a stage telling women what to do with their bodies cannot win. Candidates platforming on gay marriage or abortion cannot win. And frankly no male can win this election.

Women in this country are thirsty for the first woman President. They are the majority voting block in this country. If you do not put up a woman to run against Hillary Clinton, she will be the next POTUS.
well , I thought I liked 'fiorina' no use for her as I found out more about her . She won't get my vote Oreo !!
in fact , any rino nominee outside Trump , Cruz , maybe Carson just sends my vote to the 'dem' Oreo .
in fact , any rino nominee outside Trump , Cruz , maybe Carson just sends my vote to the 'dem' Oreo .

I have been doing this for 15 or more years, and none of you have defined Rino. Now we have a new term Liberal Rino. Would you care to explain exactly what a Rino is, or at least explain what your political ideology is, that may be different from mine. I classify myself as a fiscal conservative.
Just a little VETTING, you know, the stuff the subversive 4th estate NEVER DID with the Manchurian muslim!

American Thinker ^
I've never been comfortable with Carly Fiorina because she ran as a no-issues moderate for the 2010 senate race in California, and she hasn't articulated any conservative principles before 2015. But she has spoken up in other ways – just not very conservative-like: Immediately after 9/11, Carly gave a speech where, in light of the 3,000 Americans who had just been slaughtered, her first concern was for... Muslims. And as a business leader, I experienced a whole other set of emotions - first and foremost concern for the safety of our employees and their families. Concern for the security...

Carly has no business running. I have no idea how she got the idea but she managed to drive HP to the edge before they got smart and fired her.
Just a little VETTING, you know, the stuff the subversive 4th estate NEVER DID with the Manchurian muslim!

American Thinker ^
I've never been comfortable with Carly Fiorina because she ran as a no-issues moderate for the 2010 senate race in California, and she hasn't articulated any conservative principles before 2015. But she has spoken up in other ways – just not very conservative-like: Immediately after 9/11, Carly gave a speech where, in light of the 3,000 Americans who had just been slaughtered, her first concern was for... Muslims. And as a business leader, I experienced a whole other set of emotions - first and foremost concern for the safety of our employees and their families. Concern for the security...

Again--you're NOT providing any links to your claims. I have been on political boards for decades, and I won't make a point without a LINK. I don't know if your great uncle told you this To make a point on any political board, & to be credible you have provide verifiable--solid LINKS.

Carly has no business running. I have no idea how she got the idea but she managed to drive HP to the edge before they got smart and fired her.

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