Caring Conservatism at its best.

Socialized medicine?
Not in this case. He is being well looked after by the NHS until a heart becomes available. This is about the government deciding that this child is fit enough to not need any help in carrying out his normal life. Such as it is.

There is a story every week about some poor bugger getting a fit for work letter on the day of their funeral. The suicide rate amongst the most vulnerable is in the thousands. It is a shameful episode in British history.
Boy with half a heart has disability benefits taken away - on his 8th birthday

Absolute scumbags. Thousands of sick people are killing themselves because of shit like this.

And the testintg criteria was brought in by your neo marxist hero's when they where in power. Strange how the numbers of DLA claimants did not go down as more and more immigrants were granted this benefit under Labour. How many motability cars did you see with disabled tax discs being used as private hire cars ?
Socialized medicine?
Not in this case. He is being well looked after by the NHS until a heart becomes available. This is about the government deciding that this child is fit enough to not need any help in carrying out his normal life. Such as it is.

There is a story every week about some poor bugger getting a fit for work letter on the day of their funeral. The suicide rate amongst the most vulnerable is in the thousands. It is a shameful episode in British history.

And all down to Labour who farmed out the work to foriegn companies while sacking thousands of British workers at the same time
Boy with half a heart has disability benefits taken away - on his 8th birthday

Absolute scumbags. Thousands of sick people are killing themselves because of shit like this.

The conservative motto, abortion is murder but if you watch a child die when it is out of the womb you are doing the work of Jesus.
We dont really have that anti abortion nonsense over here. It is considered a private matter.
However the right wing "dont give a fuck about you" philosophy they practice is imported from the US.
Boy with half a heart has disability benefits taken away - on his 8th birthday

Absolute scumbags. Thousands of sick people are killing themselves because of shit like this.

The conservative motto, abortion is murder but if you watch a child die when it is out of the womb you are doing the work of Jesus.
We dont really have that anti abortion nonsense over here. It is considered a private matter.
However the right wing "dont give a fuck about you" philosophy they practice is imported from the US.

And yet it was the looney left that threw 1 million underage girls to the muslim rapists in return for a handfull of votes wasnt it. Is this why you are so angry tainted, didnt you get your share of the goodies as promised. How many of those girls were forced to have multiple abortions to keep the criminal acts quiet
Boy with half a heart has disability benefits taken away - on his 8th birthday

Absolute scumbags. Thousands of sick people are killing themselves because of shit like this.

The conservative motto, abortion is murder but if you watch a child die when it is out of the womb you are doing the work of Jesus.
We dont really have that anti abortion nonsense over here. It is considered a private matter.
However the right wing "dont give a fuck about you" philosophy they practice is imported from the US.

And yet it was the looney left that threw 1 million underage girls to the muslim rapists in return for a handfull of votes wasnt it. Is this why you are so angry tainted, didnt you get your share of the goodies as promised. How many of those girls were forced to have multiple abortions to keep the criminal acts quiet
Where do you get a million from you loon ?
Boy with half a heart has disability benefits taken away - on his 8th birthday

Absolute scumbags. Thousands of sick people are killing themselves because of shit like this.

The conservative motto, abortion is murder but if you watch a child die when it is out of the womb you are doing the work of Jesus.
We dont really have that anti abortion nonsense over here. It is considered a private matter.
However the right wing "dont give a fuck about you" philosophy they practice is imported from the US.

And yet it was the looney left that threw 1 million underage girls to the muslim rapists in return for a handfull of votes wasnt it. Is this why you are so angry tainted, didnt you get your share of the goodies as promised. How many of those girls were forced to have multiple abortions to keep the criminal acts quiet
Where do you get a million from you loon ?

Count up the numbers from all over the country and you will see, and those are just the ones known about. A simple equation for you is to take the numbers of victims from Rotherham and multiply them by the number of towns and cities in England and you get a ball park figure for the UK?

Or is this beyond your simple neo marxist intelligence. As is the numbers of underage girls murdered by muslims in the UK when they became pregnant

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