Career diplomat?

Now the question is why didn't the Republicans who took control of the House in 2011 and the Senate in 2015 had nothing to say about Hunter Biden since he was employed since 2014???

And why didn't tramp say anything about him. They were too busy smearing Hillary, but since "Uncle Joe " is a huge threat to tramp,

they are going after him now.

Any tramper care to answer the question??

Apparently, you are the only tramp on this message board, so why are you asking yourself questions?

The House and Senate do not investigate children of Vice Presidents. Also, Biden has just lost his eldest son. The other departments that would were firmly in the control of the Obama libtard coalition. Hillary smeared herself during her tenure in Foggy Bottom. She was no longer in office when Hunter Biden was working for Burisma.

Feel better, dumbass?
This is Trumper chaos theory

trust no one who isn’t a Trump loyalist... and only so long as they stay staunchly that
President Trump's SUBORDINATES armchair quarterbacking the President on foreign policy, undermining him, and eavesdropping on Presidential phone calls wow, just wow.
"Career Diplomats" are NOT political appointees. They are government GS employees who work for the State Department, and in theory work to implement and further the policies of the current President. Sometimes Presidents will name a Career Diplomat to an ambassador post, and sometimes they will nominate a politician or even a friend.

When a Career Diplomat is "fired" from an Ambassadorship, s/he is not "fired" in the conventional sense of then being unemployed. They are simply reassigned within the State Department to another role, with no loss of pay or benefits.

Much of these hearings is the exposure of the underlying philosophies and objectives of some of these Career Diplomats, who apparently believe that THEIR objectives are the appropriate ones, and those of the sitting President are secondary, or even appropriately subject to subversion, if they are deemed "wrong."
What's insane about having people who know they work for you and not for someone else?

They're supposed to work for the NATION you idiot

They work in the administration, idiot.
The President is in charge, idiot.
The President sets foreign policy, idiot.
The President picks his Ambassadors.
They follow the President or they should resign.
Now the question is why didn't the Republicans who took control of the House in 2011 and the Senate in 2015 had nothing to say about Hunter Biden since he was employed since 2014???

And why didn't tramp say anything about him. They were too busy smearing Hillary, but since "Uncle Joe " is a huge threat to tramp,

they are going after him now.

Any tramper care to answer the question??
The story was only recently [2017] exposed by John Solomon of the Hill Ukraine Collusion by Democrats
What's insane about having people who know they work for you and not for someone else?

They're supposed to work for the NATION you idiot

WHO gets to set the parameters ? A Nazi or communist in their warped minds feels that they are working for the betterment of the Nation - everyone has differing opinions on that - so a novel idea is to elect someone to define policy . In this Nation we call that person PRESIDENT . You're about as useful as a white crayon. Assuming stupidity is painful, you'd must be in agony.

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