Capitalism seen doing 'more harm than good' in global survey


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Capitalism seen doing 'more harm than good' in global survey
Capitalism seen doing 'more harm than good' in global survey

Nearly 1.1 billion fewer people are living in extreme poverty than in 1990.
In 2015, 736 million people lived on less than $1.90 a day, down from 1.85 billion in 1990.
Capitalism seen doing 'more harm than good' in global survey

So not only are there less people in extreme poverty but there are more
In 1990 there were 5,327,231,041 people...
In 2019 there were 7,713,468,205 people...

Facts are there are 1.1 billion fewer people in poverty even though there is 44% more people!
To a lot of people they should be given everything they want simply because they breath. They don't care that someone may know more. They don't care that someone may work long hours. They only care that they don't have what someone else has.
It's hard to argue this one way or another as Capitalism isn't really practiced anywhere.
There is less poverty under socialism because people keep starving to death.
Those still not dead haven't the internet nor telephone to participate in the poll anyway. They are the 'good-as-dead.'

Interesting that all the socialist parts of the world feel capitalism isn't working for them yet the 5 or so prosperous, advanced western countries do (and that did NOT include any of Europe). :badgrin:
THEY didn't pay attention in school so I have to pay.

Sounds good...when I have no more money to pay taxes...YOU get no food stamps! And we can all starve equally!
Capitalism seen doing 'more harm than good' in global survey
Capitalism seen doing 'more harm than good' in global survey

Nearly 1.1 billion fewer people are living in extreme poverty than in 1990.
In 2015, 736 million people lived on less than $1.90 a day, down from 1.85 billion in 1990.
Capitalism seen doing 'more harm than good' in global survey

So not only are there less people in extreme poverty but there are more
In 1990 there were 5,327,231,041 people...
In 2019 there were 7,713,468,205 people...

Facts are there are 1.1 billion fewer people in poverty even though there is 44% more people!

Yep...that ambitious, greedy, productive, law abiding capitalist white dude just keeps those subhuman darkies down...Whitey forces darkies to keep that fertility rate high while iQ, common sense and ambition stays in the shitter.
Capitalism seen doing 'more harm than good' in global survey
Capitalism seen doing 'more harm than good' in global survey

Nearly 1.1 billion fewer people are living in extreme poverty than in 1990.
In 2015, 736 million people lived on less than $1.90 a day, down from 1.85 billion in 1990.
Capitalism seen doing 'more harm than good' in global survey

So not only are there less people in extreme poverty but there are more
In 1990 there were 5,327,231,041 people...
In 2019 there were 7,713,468,205 people...

Facts are there are 1.1 billion fewer people in poverty even though there is 44% more people!
98% of the advances of the human condition in the 20th Century are due to capitalism
No doubt those who are pushing socialism appreciate the right wing's abject indifference to our increasing wealth disparities.
End the illegal alien invasion and bring jobs back from china and the wealth disparity will decline
No doubt those who are pushing socialism appreciate the right wing's abject indifference to our increasing wealth disparities.

Would that wealth disparity be so prevalent if it weren’t for 100 million wetbacks?
How do you stop the widening of “wealth disparities” while growing a wetback underclass at a rate like never seen before?
You got to have your pet humans...right?
You’re gonna have to live with the disparities as well....Simple shit
No doubt those who are pushing socialism appreciate the right wing's abject indifference to our increasing wealth disparities.

Now I "resemble" that remark, lol.

You can NOT blame a President from either party named Obama, Bush, or Trump, for income disparities IF no matter how many jobs you create, the population keeps rising uncontrollably due to illegal immigration.

As you have well said------------>Presidents do NOT create jobs, their policies create the atmosphere for MORE jobs to be created. It is actually the private sector that creates jobs from the comfort of these policies implemented.

If I/you as President project with population increase a shortfall for fiscal 2021 of 1.5 million jobs and implement some sort of economic policy that I/you believe will increase job creation that equals that amount; then have 3 million illegals cross over in the same amount of time, WE HAVE LOST GROUND.

This is grounded in the reality that we must, control, the borders. I/you as President, have a duty to our constituents, not the worlds or South Americas population.

This is why with more control of our borders, the income of the lowest percentile is rising faster than any other quintiles. If inflation pressure is put by rising wages, then you let more people in to lower the pressure. If no pressure, you keep the borders tightened down more to lower over all unemployment. The illogical thing is-------------->to ignore illegal border crossings at all, or the effect it has on the wages of your citizens.

Now this fiasco started in 1965 through Ted Kennedy. His assertions on the outcome of his bill were all wrong. I refuse to point out he was a liberal Democrat and blame him pretending it was his plan to make this happen to the detriment of Americans, as a whole bunch of Republicans screwed the pooch on a lot of legislation.

Still, we have to all understand how to raise the poorest up, from poverty to prosperity. And we can not do this, while putting pressure on their wages downward, by allowing people who are not even in our census, to take jobs that were created through tax breaks, or whatever costly mechanism used, to be given to non Americans!
No doubt those who are pushing socialism appreciate the right wing's abject indifference to our increasing wealth disparities.

Now I "resemble" that remark, lol.

You can NOT blame a President from either party named Obama, Bush, or Trump, for income disparities IF no matter how many jobs you create, the population keeps rising uncontrollably due to illegal immigration.

You most certainly can as none of them addressed or will address the reason they come.

Business offering them jobs.
No doubt those who are pushing socialism appreciate the right wing's abject indifference to our increasing wealth disparities.

Now I "resemble" that remark, lol.

You can NOT blame a President from either party named Obama, Bush, or Trump, for income disparities IF no matter how many jobs you create, the population keeps rising uncontrollably due to illegal immigration.

You most certainly can as none of them addressed or will address the reason they come.

Business offering them jobs.
Not really.

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs
Compared to 35% of native households
The greatest success in Capitalism is US. What is it like to be poor in the US vs. being poor in countries with less capitalism or no capitalism?
No doubt those who are pushing socialism appreciate the right wing's abject indifference to our increasing wealth disparities.

Now I "resemble" that remark, lol.

You can NOT blame a President from either party named Obama, Bush, or Trump, for income disparities IF no matter how many jobs you create, the population keeps rising uncontrollably due to illegal immigration.

You most certainly can as none of them addressed or will address the reason they come.

Business offering them jobs.
Not really.

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs
Compared to 35% of native households

Yes really. No one can survive here on the very small amount of programs that those who are here illegally qualify for but you keep on making excuses.
No doubt those who are pushing socialism appreciate the right wing's abject indifference to our increasing wealth disparities.

Now I "resemble" that remark, lol.

You can NOT blame a President from either party named Obama, Bush, or Trump, for income disparities IF no matter how many jobs you create, the population keeps rising uncontrollably due to illegal immigration.

You most certainly can as none of them addressed or will address the reason they come.

Business offering them jobs.
Not really.

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs
Compared to 35% of native households

Yes really. No one can survive here on the very small amount of programs that those who are here illegally qualify for but you keep on making excuses.
See, the thing is, I want to remove ALL incentives for illegals to come here.

Penalize employers who hire them.
Deport them when found, ESPECIALLY when they've committed other crimes.
Eliminate money transfers overseas without proof of legal presence.
Eliminate public assistance without proof of legal presence.

What say you?

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