Capitalism is Violence

people are violent always have been always will be.
Some people are more violent than others, and capitalism provides an incentive to indulge their aggressive tendencies.
Fairly clear you have not studied or understood history.

For the most part it has been the "Royalty"~"hereditary genetic elites" of a society, set as a class/cast above all others, whom have imposed a structured and crony form of economics that has subjected most of humanity through most of history into a second to third class existence where they are part of the property of their "Lords and Masters".

In earliest societies/cultures/civilizations this has been the few and "elite" as Gawd sanctioned "Royalty" whom have been "chosen" to rule over others.

Eventually human energy~ingenuity~perseverance managed to find ways to overcome this constrictive and abusive system that has been in global dominance for thousands of years.

Free Enterprise ~ Free/Open Markets ~ Capitalism ~ Call it whatever you want, but any system that allows those whom Produce = efficiently, effectively, profitably ; to keep most if not all that they produce is the ideal System since it is one of Incentive=Rewards versus Coercion=Ration(hand-out).

Capitalism is the form where the intelligent, hard-working, ingenious, productive/profitable, risk taking individual can attain results proportionate to effort/investment. In short, Capitalism is the best system we've found so far to Create Wealth.

Socialism~Communism are systems where-by the non-productive, parasitic, deadwood of Society can find a way to survive~existence, at the expenses and effort of their fellow humans, while providing no positive gain in any of the economic equations while also being a negative~deficit upon society.

Full application of Darwinism would suggest they should be culled ...
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Allegedly against totalitarian gov't's- wonder why?
Obviously, capitalists in Germany, Japan, and Italy preferred totalitarian states; what does that say about capitalism and fascism?

How Fascism Has Converged With Capitalism to Redefine Government | NewsClick

Whenever capitalism crashes it turns to fascism.
What connects slave labor, the ruthless extraction of foreign natural resources, wars of aggression, and regular mass shooting episodes in the US?

Systemic Disorder

"Violence, force and coercion — exemplified in widespread use of slave labor, imperialist conquests of peoples around the world and ruthless extraction of natural resources — pervades the entire history of capitalism.

"The rise of capitalism can’t be understood outside slavery, colonialism and plunder."

Capitalism took root by placing markets over people.
English lords wanted to transform arable land into sheep pastures to capitalize on the demand for wool, and state force was the crucial midwife.
Slavery played its role in bootstrapping the rise of European and US capitalism.
Over the past hundred years the US has perfected the use of state-sanctioned force to implement William Howard Taft's essential foreign policy:

"... President Taft had already declared that his foreign policy was 'to include active intervention to secure our merchandise and our capitalists opportunity for profitable investment' abroad. "

Now if we click on your username here and go to your profile page to try and learn more about ~whom/what you are and about, we get this insightful statement ...
" A white male recently "retired" afte working 44 years in assorted minimum wage level jobs. "

So you didn't have the intelligence~'brains'~gumption~insight~knowledge~energy to educate/learn more to develop more marketable skills/knowledge*, nor seem to have grasped the basics of being profitably productive (carry your own economic weight) = cover your own expenses of Living; on top of which you now Bitch because "Society" didn't cover your lazy, non-productive, parasitic, deadwood arse of a non-useful existence. ... !!! ???


* = You can't even write a competent eight grade sentence with proper spelling~grammar~structure and then expect we here to feel sorry because you turned your life into a sub-standard human waste of skin ??? !!!

Be thankful that the rest of us still allow your deadwood ass to live/exist. The insult to injury is that you are such a useless waste of human skin that you can't even accept personal responsibility for your own failings and bad choices in live and seek to pass on such to others. You are in a "bed" of your own making and at least you could try to be man enough to own up to your own mistakes and shortcomings and not try passing blame onto others whom had no role in your bad decisions and inertia in trying to maximize the life hand you were dealt.

Please consider trying to become a responsible and grown-up adult instead of another complaining child.
Allegedly against totalitarian gov't's- wonder why?
Obviously, capitalists in Germany, Japan, and Italy preferred totalitarian states; what does that say about capitalism and fascism?

How Fascism Has Converged With Capitalism to Redefine Government | NewsClick

Whenever capitalism crashes it turns to fascism.
From 1933 to 1945 Germany is ruled by the political party that calls itself;


- can we get anything more anti-Capitalist in name and identity ???

NOTE that even so-called "Socialist/Communist" Systems tend to amount to State Sanctioned(Guv'mint)=Legal Crony "Capitalism" ~ and one begins to see another ruse by which "the People" become fools/tools of another form of Oligarchy.

As the Founders of the USA tried repeatedly to present, only if the citizenry is constantly, actively, engaged-informed-participating can Representative Democracy have any chance or working and succeeding. Otherwise, affairs will result to 'the usual' where those with the most resources and power can dominate and dictate events and directions.
n your socialist system you are what the government determines you are,,,
You need to update your definition of socialism.
View attachment 482843
self-directed worker enterprises
but what happens if I want to start my own company to make the same product the company I work for makes???
you there george???
He's collecting his daily shipment of propaganda memes from the Kremlin,
What connects slave labor, the ruthless extraction of foreign natural resources, wars of aggression, and regular mass shooting episodes in the US?

Systemic Disorder

"Violence, force and coercion — exemplified in widespread use of slave labor, imperialist conquests of peoples around the world and ruthless extraction of natural resources — pervades the entire history of capitalism.

"The rise of capitalism can’t be understood outside slavery, colonialism and plunder."

Capitalism took root by placing markets over people.
English lords wanted to transform arable land into sheep pastures to capitalize on the demand for wool, and state force was the crucial midwife.
Slavery played its role in bootstrapping the rise of European and US capitalism.
Over the past hundred years the US has perfected the use of state-sanctioned force to implement William Howard Taft's essential foreign policy:

"... President Taft had already declared that his foreign policy was 'to include active intervention to secure our merchandise and our capitalists opportunity for profitable investment' abroad. "
I went from poverty to wealth in my life and comfortably retired in my 50’s.

Care to share a similar story in Communism?
What connects slave labor, the ruthless extraction of foreign natural resources, wars of aggression, and regular mass shooting episodes in the US?

Systemic Disorder

"Violence, force and coercion — exemplified in widespread use of slave labor, imperialist conquests of peoples around the world and ruthless extraction of natural resources — pervades the entire history of capitalism.

"The rise of capitalism can’t be understood outside slavery, colonialism and plunder."

Capitalism took root by placing markets over people.
English lords wanted to transform arable land into sheep pastures to capitalize on the demand for wool, and state force was the crucial midwife.
Slavery played its role in bootstrapping the rise of European and US capitalism.
Over the past hundred years the US has perfected the use of state-sanctioned force to implement William Howard Taft's essential foreign policy:

"... President Taft had already declared that his foreign policy was 'to include active intervention to secure our merchandise and our capitalists opportunity for profitable investment' abroad. "
I went from poverty to wealth in my life and comfortably retired in my 50’s.

Care to share a similar story in Communism?

Under communism, George would have been a HUGE's the car he'd have owned.

n your socialist system you are what the government determines you are,,,
You need to update your definition of socialism.
View attachment 482843
self-directed worker enterprises
but what happens if I want to start my own company to make the same product the company I work for makes???
you there george???
You know full well that George is not there.
n your socialist system you are what the government determines you are,,,
You need to update your definition of socialism.
View attachment 482843
self-directed worker enterprises
but what happens if I want to start my own company to make the same product the company I work for makes???
you there george???
You know full well that George is not there.
he comes and goes,,,
n your socialist system you are what the government determines you are,,,
You need to update your definition of socialism.
View attachment 482843
self-directed worker enterprises
but what happens if I want to start my own company to make the same product the company I work for makes???
you there george???
You know full well that George is not there.
he comes and goes,,,
You are being very kind.
The US gov't implemented Keynesean monetary policy- that means not capitalist- it allows crony capitalism to flourish- capitalism is just a tool, just like a gun is just a tool- and nothing you post can change that.
Keynes had no use for unfettered capitalism, but he left no doubt about which side of the class war he fought on:

Common Myths About Keynesian Economics - Pragmatic Capitalism

"1. Keynes was a capitalist. He even stated, in plain English that he was on the side of the capitalists:

"'I can be influenced by what seems to me to be justice and good sense; but the class war will find me on the side of the educated bourgeoisie.'
"Keynes was even insulting of the working class in his critiques on Marxism:

"'How can I adopt a creed which, preferring the mud to the fish, exalts the boorish proletariat above bourgeois and the intelligentsia who, whatever their faults, are the quality in life and surely carry the seeds of all human advancement?'"

Do you prefer the mud to the fish?
The US gov't implemented Keynesean monetary policy- that means not capitalist- it allows crony capitalism to flourish- capitalism is just a tool, just like a gun is just a tool- and nothing you post can change that.
Keynes had no use for unfettered capitalism, but he left no doubt about which side of the class war he fought on:

Common Myths About Keynesian Economics - Pragmatic Capitalism

"1. Keynes was a capitalist. He even stated, in plain English that he was on the side of the capitalists:

"'I can be influenced by what seems to me to be justice and good sense; but the class war will find me on the side of the educated bourgeoisie.'
"Keynes was even insulting of the working class in his critiques on Marxism:

"'How can I adopt a creed which, preferring the mud to the fish, exalts the boorish proletariat above bourgeois and the intelligentsia who, whatever their faults, are the quality in life and surely carry the seeds of all human advancement?'"

Do you prefer the mud to the fish?

“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages”

Adam Smith

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