
  1. J

    A myth is born. Plyler v. Doe ruled citizenship for offspring of illegal aliens

    How many times have we heard that Plyler v. Doe confirms, the offspring of an illegal entrant foreign national born on American soil, becomes a United States citizen upon birth? But as it turns out, that is a blatant lie, perpetuated to legitimatize "anchor babies", and the social and financial...
  2. georgephillip

    Capitalism is Violence

    What connects slave labor, the ruthless extraction of foreign natural resources, wars of aggression, and regular mass shooting episodes in the US? Systemic Disorder "Violence, force and coercion — exemplified in widespread use of slave labor, imperialist conquests of peoples around the world...
  3. georgephillip

    The Stock Market Myth: Good News...Stocks Plunge!

    Why is a measure of future corporate profits taken as a measure of economic well-being? Good News: The Stock Market is Plunging | Beat the Press | CEPR "If there is one item about the economy that we can be sure will be repeated every day, it is the movement in the Dow or the S&P 500. And...
  4. midcan5

    Race is a Myth

    Arnold Toynbee writes in his study of civilizations about the Black Magi, imagine for a moment if that were done today? The cries would come, 'political correctness'. It would be equivalent to 'happy holiday', which while a sign of respect for others has been made into a tool to divide. Images...
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