Capitalism Deadline: Green Fair


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Modern globalization of consumerism facilitated by successful negotiations between nations of differing political views regarding the free market has effectively seen the establishment of a capitalism-token Burger King branch in the troubled nation of Afghanistan.

This autumn, American audiences will be tuning into the Batman (DC Comics) fantasy-adventure comic book franchise adapted television series "Gotham" (Fox TV) which will present stories of crime-fighters and an emerging American aristocratic vigilante named Bruce Wayne preparing to tackle society's most nihilistic bureaucracy terrorists such as Poison Ivy (a woman who wields dangerous ecological toxins against humanity in the name of consumerism revolution).

Indeed, modern media has embraced the idea that 'consumerism politics' creates a demand for art colloquialization.

We can assume therefore that by the premiere of "Gotham" (Fox TV), people across the world will feel psychologically more comfortable about feeling motivated to celebrate capitalism as a bureaucratic symbol of 'modern mobilization.'

We can prepare perhaps for the debut of the eco-consciousness oriented Poison Ivy on American TV by celebrating autumn harvest mercantile festivals with organic products (i.e., Halloween Gardenburgers).



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