Capitalism/Asimov: A Macro-Theology (Christian Fables?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Should capitalism promote sci-fi and religious storytelling, or have we become jaded by anti-capitalism 'troubles' such as 9/11 and the Gulf War?

What do you think of the following Christian sci-fi oriented fable about macro-theology in modern capitalist civilization?


"A Satanic heretic named Leo and an Internet-blogging self-proclaimed vigilante named Ajay were working on very different views about capitalism values. Leo and Ajay both played Ouija and asked the forces of metaphysics to 'transform' them into capitalism-philosophers that resembled perfect automated robots. This would enable them to be more intellectually 'efficient'."

{Leo & Ajay}


"Well, Leo and Ajay got their wish. They were transformed into warring/rival robots named Cyclonus and Rodimus. Cyclonus, like Leo, was wolfish and nihilistic and cynical about commerce-oriented peace contracts. Rodimus, on the other hand, like Ajay, was a raw idealist and very optimistic about using the World Bank to promote peace in human civilization. Cyclonus wanted to spread messages about Satanic carnality as they applied to Burger King consciousness (gluttony, cholesterol) in American capitalism, but Rodimus wanted to use Apple Computers to spread the notion that consumerism can be very imaginative and generate products that resemble youth-friendly toys(!)."

{Cyclonus & Ajay}


"Meanwhile, America's two super-celebrities, Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise, were looking at the 'quality' of pedestrian political-cartoons and online 'graffiti' and chatroom-chatter about TrumpUSA criticisms. Hanks/Cruise cared about the nature of modern social dialogue and why/how traffic was conducive to free speech. Hanks was promoting Christian apocrypha films, while Cruise was promoting Scientology press in modern media. Hanks/Cruise wanted to link Christmastime consumerism to American values."

{Tom Hanks & Tom Cruise}


"Hanks/Cruise found a cute little silly child-like stick-figure doodle of an Evil Elf (on the Internet) meant to signify Christmastime consumerism spirit and folklore. Because anti-capitalist terrorists killed 300 Sufi Muslims on Black Friday (the annual day of ritual holiday-season shopping following Thanksgiving in America!) 2017, Hanks/Cruise wanted to cite Evil Elf as a new age 'fantasy-avatar' for consumerism optimism to help Americans get over the trauma of 9/11, when the commerce-globalization symbolic World Trade Center in NYC was devastated by anti-capitalism terrorists. To Hanks/Cruise, Evil Elf may as well have been the new Mickey Mouse or Santa Claus."

{Evil Elf}


"A host of humanoid aliens from Venus sensed this intellectual intrigue on Earth since Leo/Cyclonus and Ajay/Rodimus were debating about capitalism's value while Hanks/Cruise used media to promote consumerism ideals. These humanoid-aliens included Nemesis, Pythona, Storm-Shadow, and Scourge who wanted to add some 'spice' to this 9/11-oriented capitalism dialogue. They wanted to make this pluralism-politics relevant discussion more 'complex'."

{Nemesis & Pythona}


"Storm-Shadow was a lethal ninja-assassin who kidnapped First Lady Melania Trump and held her for ransom. Storm-Shadow used a pirate-radio broadcast to send the threatening-message that if the World Bank did not pay the humanoid-aliens $10 billion, the First Lady would be decapitated. Storm-Shadow was only using this threat as a media-stunt to deliver the notion that capitalism politics generated 'all brands' of anti-civilization terrorism. Was Storm-Shadow correct?"



"Scourge, a humanoid-alien from Venus was a cybernetic being (or 'cyborg') who transformed into a mechanical giant bat and hovercraft (with lasers). Scourge despised America's sense of patriotism and the American Dream and Super Bowl advertisements geared to hype consumerism-consciousness in the 21st Century on Earth. Scourge sought to terrorize humanity with nihilistic omens about the natural avarice of consumerism (e.g., Playboy magazine). Since Scourge was simply too much for humanity to handle, God sent his archangel Michael to help America protect Earth from Scourge's intentions. Michael appeared to humanity as an benevolent alien-robot named Ultra Magnus to defy the omens of Scourge. Ultra Magnus told Scourge that consumerism was indeed 'convenience-based' and potentially created 'forms' of sloth but it also promoted a 'social praise' of marketing towers such as Harper's Bazaar magazine. Scourge realized Ultra Magnus was a defender of 'generosity-values'."

{Scourge & Ultra Magnus}


"Would capitalism on Earth survive this intellectual 'Tribulation' or would these challenges posed by Devil's Advocates and incendiary philosopher-warriors (and radicals) create too much anarchy? This wasn't a simple contest between good and evil, since capitalism itself was a system too complex to define in basic terms regarding ethics and imagination. After all, who could resist a delicious juicy cheeseburger at a drive-thru window in a glittering U.S. city like Chicago or Los Angeles? However, God kept faith in man's ingenuity(!)."



"The CIA ordered its special secret intelligence agent Scarlett to infiltrate the ISIS fortress in Saudi Arabia where the ISIS terrorist-consultant known as the Baroness was hiding and developing a scheme to use chemical weapons to destroy the Eiffel Tower in Paris (France). Scarlett knew that Baroness wanted to exploit all this intrigue about capitalism-metaphysics battles (e.g., between Leo/Cyclonus and Ajay/Rodimus) to initiate a World War III that America could not handle. Scarlett continued to investigate ways to simply kill the diabolical Baroness and maybe even help Ultra Magnus deal with Scourge."

{Scarlett & Baroness}


"As Hanks/Cruise worked to undermine the terrorist-schemes of Storm-Shadow who was still holding First Lady Melania Trump hostage, U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted like crazy, reminding Americans that mundane juvenile attitudes towards 'capitalism-avarice' would not unfurl the established reverence for commerce that Americans cherished. After all, it was commerce that promoted an alliance between North and South Korea during the PyeongChang Olympics in 2017. Storm-Shadow conceded defeat and returned the First Lady to the White House. A music band called Warrant released a single American song about the wickedness of Storm-Shadow called Destroying McDonald's."

{Warrant music-flyer}


"Ajay/Rodimus declared a stalemate with Leo/Cyclonus regarding the irreconcilable differences between capitalism (which promoted competitiveness) and democracy (which promoted teamwork). Ajay/Rodimus maintained the conviction that the World Bank was an institution of great globalization-promise, but he conceded to Leo/Cyclonus that consumerism often promoted frivolities that required constant vigilance. Ajay and Leo were transformed back into their human bodies and vowed never to play Ouija again. Meanwhile, Michael ('Ultra Magnus') expelled the furious presence of Scourge (along with Nemesis and Pythona and Storm-Shadow) back to Venus. Consumerism was once again safe and secure."

{Best Buy market-logo}


"Because of all this capitalism-intrigue, a ferocious spirit from Hell called Red Dragon rose to power and declared war on Michael (God's archangel). Red Dragon told Michael that capitalism and democracy would never be reconciled and that man was too immature to respect the requirements of constant vigilance. However, Michael retorted that vigilance was an achievement and not a hurdle and declared America to be a land of promise and intellectual freedom. Red Dragon vowed never to return but warned Michael that evil would never simply vanish. This was the end of the Great Tribulation."

{Red Dragon & Michael}




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