Zone1 canonized (b4 Vatican II) saints who fought the devil and lived to tell about it


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

I found this site very interesting and as far as I have read, reliable. But that said, I don't trust anything" Cahtolic" that comes after Vatican II and if there's anything supportive of that vile council here, then I will cease to be impressed.
that was not a realistic portrayal of an exorcism...

The chief exorcist of Rome, the late Fr Amorth didn't appreciate that movie much
Well, the Catholic way is silly. It’s very simple to cast out devils. Simply raise your arm to a square and say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to depart.” If the person is possessed, the evil spirit will have no choice but to depart. And anyone with the influence or gift of the Holy Ghost can do this.
Well, the Catholic way is silly. It’s very simple to cast out devils. Simply raise your arm to a square and say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to depart.” If the person is possessed, the evil spirit will have no choice but to depart. And anyone with the influence or gift of the Holy Ghost can do this.
not true

But I have run out of time for internet so can't explain why it is not true...
not true

But I have run out of time for internet so can't explain why it is not true...
It’s the only way to exorcise. One must be filled with the Holy Ghost and it must always be done in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.
It’s the only way to exorcise. One must be filled with the Holy Ghost and it must always be done in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.
The story that the movie Exorcist was based on (loosely!) was actually about a possessed boy

This true story was about how the boy's Lutheran parents couldn't find a pastor who could exorcize him, and were told by a Lutheran pastor that they would have to turn to the Catholic priests, that he was unable to do it... (the demon attacked the Lutheran.. and if I recall also attacked the Catholic priest but the latter succeeded where the Lutheran pastor did not)
Has God always been so weak he let his creations take over?
The strength of God is in giving humans a chance to run things. The better question is: Who do we, as individual humans, allow to take over?

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