Candidate Joe Biden Says That Everyone Should Wear Masks Outside For At Least 3 Months Or 40,000 People Will Die

Wearing a mask never should have become part of the culture war, but the right wing has made it so.

It's why the rest of the world has already recovered from this and it's still cutting swathes of death through ours.
As I see it a wearing a mask during a pandemic is not a political test but an I.Q. test.
If they told you that you must stand on your head in public you'd say it sounds good.
Just like you do when you drive down the road unless you want a ticket..
Wearing a seat-belt makes sense.
This doesn't.
This is an exercise in fascism.....nothing more.
I disagree with seatbelt mandates and helmets too. That is the problem when you start mandated crap on personal safety, health or well being you opened the door for anything goes.
A local (Pittsburgh) talk show host had an expert from NYC on the phone yesterday, talking about appropriate precautions.

He had several interesting opinions some of which were a little irritating to the host, but whatever. He seemed to be more focused on air circulation than masks. He thoughts masks were rather superfluous when outside; "Just keep your distance and don't worry about wearing a mask." OTOH, when INSIDE, he thought not only is a mask a good idea (due to lack of good ventilation in most public gathering places), but the masks most people are using are nearly worthless. He pointed out that when doctors are in a vulnerable situation, the masks they wear actually have adhesive around the edges so that NO AIR CAN GET AROUND the mask. Otherwise, it almost not worth bothering with. As a minimum, we should wear masks that are reasonably tight and wear them religiously in any crowded circumstance.

His opinion, I gather, would be that wearing masks when outside for three months would be not only irritating but pointless.
A local (Pittsburgh) talk show host had an expert from NYC on the phone yesterday, talking about appropriate precautions.

He had several interesting opinions some of which were a little irritating to the host, but whatever. He seemed to be more focused on air circulation than masks. He thoughts masks were rather superfluous when outside; "Just keep your distance and don't worry about wearing a mask." OTOH, when INSIDE, he thought not only is a mask a good idea (due to lack of good ventilation in most public gathering places), but the masks most people are using are nearly worthless. He pointed out that when doctors are in a vulnerable situation, the masks they wear actually have adhesive around the edges so that NO AIR CAN GET AROUND the mask. Otherwise, it almost not worth bothering with. As a minimum, we should wear masks that are reasonably tight and wear them religiously in any crowded circumstance.

His opinion, I gather, would be that wearing masks when outside for three months would be not only irritating but pointless.

If the Biden Mask Requirement would start on 20 January, which would be the first day of his reign, it would be less irritating at least for the first 90 days during the winter.
*Soviet President* Joe Biden announced that he wanted a mandate enforced for at least the next 3 months that everyone must wear masks outdoors or 40,000 people will die.

Do as you're told. Wear a mask and like it.
Now explain to me who elected this dementia patient and what gives him the right to put mandates on our citizens.

What a friggen joke. Watching these two is like watching snails hump. It's like a bad play and you can't take your eyes off of the stage.

If you watch this video you'll see Biden walk slowly up to the mic and take off his mask to speak into it.....then he slowly puts his mask back on slowly walks away....and his VP walks up to the mic with her mask on and then takes it off.....and whatever COVID-19 Biden just spread all over that mic and the podium Kamala Harris just got a full dose of it. If they wanted to be really safe....and honest...they would have had someone wipe down their germ infested areas before someone else gets exposed to it.

Christ, he's telling everyone we need to wear a mask outdoors, so what do you think will happen in a town filled with Karens? I expect people to be attacked not only by BLM and ANTIFA, but fat ex-soccer moms screaming at everyone around them. Cops will be expected to charge people with crimes and make arrests, but there have already been fights out doors caused by wokish jagoffs trying to enforce some unwritten law.

We are told by the leftist state run media that Trump is a dictator....but it appears that the only dictators in this election cycle are on the Biden/Harris ticket. Joe is already putting out directives and Kamala Harris thinks that she has the right to take our guns.

If everyone wants to be at the whim of autocrats like these two....go ahead and vote for them this November.

BLW, Hillary has chimed in and said she will be available if called, reluctantly I might add.

Do you know understand what "should" means or "governors" means.
*Soviet President* Joe Biden announced that he wanted a mandate enforced for at least the next 3 months that everyone must wear masks outdoors or 40,000 people will die.

Do as you're told. Wear a mask and like it.
Now explain to me who elected this dementia patient and what gives him the right to put mandates on our citizens.

What a friggen joke. Watching these two is like watching snails hump. It's like a bad play and you can't take your eyes off of the stage.

If you watch this video you'll see Biden walk slowly up to the mic and take off his mask to speak into it.....then he slowly puts his mask back on slowly walks away....and his VP walks up to the mic with her mask on and then takes it off.....and whatever COVID-19 Biden just spread all over that mic and the podium Kamala Harris just got a full dose of it. If they wanted to be really safe....and honest...they would have had someone wipe down their germ infested areas before someone else gets exposed to it.

Christ, he's telling everyone we need to wear a mask outdoors, so what do you think will happen in a town filled with Karens? I expect people to be attacked not only by BLM and ANTIFA, but fat ex-soccer moms screaming at everyone around them. Cops will be expected to charge people with crimes and make arrests, but there have already been fights out doors caused by wokish jagoffs trying to enforce some unwritten law.

We are told by the leftist state run media that Trump is a dictator....but it appears that the only dictators in this election cycle are on the Biden/Harris ticket. Joe is already putting out directives and Kamala Harris thinks that she has the right to take our guns.

If everyone wants to be at the whim of autocrats like these two....go ahead and vote for them this November.

BLW, Hillary has chimed in and said she will be available if called, reluctantly I might add.

Even governor WHitler hasn't made DEMANDS like this. A vote for Democrats is a vote for a police state

Isn't that what you trampers want? This is tramps USA!
Estimates by scientists is 40000 to 60000 lives saved if 95% of the people, wear masks.

We are still going to have deaths, but this is a reduction in those deaths in their model death estimates.

Wearing a mask is not fascist.

Preventing citizen votes from counting, is fascist!
Yet you folks will not allow anyone to get treated for the virus. Even though doctors claim they have a medicine that is available today and has been used for 50 years
Wearing a mask never should have become part of the culture war, but the right wing has made it so.

It's why the rest of the world has already recovered from this and it's still cutting swathes of death through ours.

Please point out a single country that mandated masks for everyone that is now "over" covid19.
*Soviet President* Joe Biden announced that he wanted a mandate enforced for at least the next 3 months that everyone must wear masks outdoors or 40,000 people will die.

Do as you're told. Wear a mask and like it.
Now explain to me who elected this dementia patient and what gives him the right to put mandates on our citizens.

What a friggen joke. Watching these two is like watching snails hump. It's like a bad play and you can't take your eyes off of the stage.

If you watch this video you'll see Biden walk slowly up to the mic and take off his mask to speak into it.....then he slowly puts his mask back on slowly walks away....and his VP walks up to the mic with her mask on and then takes it off.....and whatever COVID-19 Biden just spread all over that mic and the podium Kamala Harris just got a full dose of it. If they wanted to be really safe....and honest...they would have had someone wipe down their germ infested areas before someone else gets exposed to it.

Christ, he's telling everyone we need to wear a mask outdoors, so what do you think will happen in a town filled with Karens? I expect people to be attacked not only by BLM and ANTIFA, but fat ex-soccer moms screaming at everyone around them. Cops will be expected to charge people with crimes and make arrests, but there have already been fights out doors caused by wokish jagoffs trying to enforce some unwritten law.

We are told by the leftist state run media that Trump is a dictator....but it appears that the only dictators in this election cycle are on the Biden/Harris ticket. Joe is already putting out directives and Kamala Harris thinks that she has the right to take our guns.

If everyone wants to be at the whim of autocrats like these two....go ahead and vote for them this November.

BLW, Hillary has chimed in and said she will be available if called, reluctantly I might add.

They acted like a King and Queen giving a mandate... With fearmongering included, that is not based on science or facts..
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Wearing a mask never should have become part of the culture war, but the right wing has made it so.

It's why the rest of the world has already recovered from this and it's still cutting swathes of death through ours.
the rest of the world has recovered?.....not what i hear on the news....
NO they are not. They are however not testing so thier numbers do not reflect reality.
Wearing a mask never should have become part of the culture war, but the right wing has made it so.

It's why the rest of the world has already recovered from this and it's still cutting swathes of death through ours.

Please point out a single country that mandated masks for everyone that is now "over" covid19.

OH WAIT! they never did force masks...
Heil Shiffler! There will be no end to the oppression of the American Citizenry until the Leftist Globalist Fascist DemNazis get their way, and even then, they would have no reason to cease from muzzling and tattooing us all like Cattle, and herding us through their big box stores while decimating small businesses run by The Middle Class.

If you want to know what Nazi Germany looked like before Hitler came to power, just look out your window America.
Estimates by scientists is 40000 to 60000 lives saved if 95% of the people, wear masks.

We are still going to have deaths, but this is a reduction in those deaths in their model death estimates.

Wearing a mask is not fascist.

Preventing citizen votes from counting, is fascist!
When are you going to catch The Wuhan Flu?

Masks are Marxist, and you are a Marxist Pig.

Don't you have some bat soup to go warm up for lunch?
*Soviet President* Joe Biden announced that he wanted a mandate enforced for at least the next 3 months that everyone must wear masks outdoors or 40,000 people will die.

Do as you're told. Wear a mask and like it.
Now explain to me who elected this dementia patient and what gives him the right to put mandates on our citizens.

What a friggen joke. Watching these two is like watching snails hump. It's like a bad play and you can't take your eyes off of the stage.

If you watch this video you'll see Biden walk slowly up to the mic and take off his mask to speak into it.....then he slowly puts his mask back on slowly walks away....and his VP walks up to the mic with her mask on and then takes it off.....and whatever COVID-19 Biden just spread all over that mic and the podium Kamala Harris just got a full dose of it. If they wanted to be really safe....and honest...they would have had someone wipe down their germ infested areas before someone else gets exposed to it.

Christ, he's telling everyone we need to wear a mask outdoors, so what do you think will happen in a town filled with Karens? I expect people to be attacked not only by BLM and ANTIFA, but fat ex-soccer moms screaming at everyone around them. Cops will be expected to charge people with crimes and make arrests, but there have already been fights out doors caused by wokish jagoffs trying to enforce some unwritten law.

We are told by the leftist state run media that Trump is a dictator....but it appears that the only dictators in this election cycle are on the Biden/Harris ticket. Joe is already putting out directives and Kamala Harris thinks that she has the right to take our guns.

If everyone wants to be at the whim of autocrats like these two....go ahead and vote for them this November.

BLW, Hillary has chimed in and said she will be available if called, reluctantly I might add.

Experts say wearing masks can prevent 40,000 deaths.

Assfvucks like you & Trump say that wearing a mask is just tooooo uncomfortable & fuck those 40,000 people.
Heil Shiffler! There will be no end to the oppression of the American Citizenry until the Leftist Globalist Fascist DemNazis get their way, and even then, they would have no reason to cease from muzzling and tattooing us all like Cattle, and herding us through their big box stores while decimating small businesses run by The Middle Class.

If you want to know what Nazi Germany looked like before Hitler came to power, just look out your window America.
But I can't see the White House from my window.
*Soviet President* Joe Biden announced that he wanted a mandate enforced for at least the next 3 months that everyone must wear masks outdoors or 40,000 people will die.

Do as you're told. Wear a mask and like it.
Now explain to me who elected this dementia patient and what gives him the right to put mandates on our citizens.

What a friggen joke. Watching these two is like watching snails hump. It's like a bad play and you can't take your eyes off of the stage.

If you watch this video you'll see Biden walk slowly up to the mic and take off his mask to speak into it.....then he slowly puts his mask back on slowly walks away....and his VP walks up to the mic with her mask on and then takes it off.....and whatever COVID-19 Biden just spread all over that mic and the podium Kamala Harris just got a full dose of it. If they wanted to be really safe....and honest...they would have had someone wipe down their germ infested areas before someone else gets exposed to it.

Christ, he's telling everyone we need to wear a mask outdoors, so what do you think will happen in a town filled with Karens? I expect people to be attacked not only by BLM and ANTIFA, but fat ex-soccer moms screaming at everyone around them. Cops will be expected to charge people with crimes and make arrests, but there have already been fights out doors caused by wokish jagoffs trying to enforce some unwritten law.

We are told by the leftist state run media that Trump is a dictator....but it appears that the only dictators in this election cycle are on the Biden/Harris ticket. Joe is already putting out directives and Kamala Harris thinks that she has the right to take our guns.

If everyone wants to be at the whim of autocrats like these two....go ahead and vote for them this November.

BLW, Hillary has chimed in and said she will be available if called, reluctantly I might add.

Experts say wearing masks can prevent 40,000 deaths.

Assfvucks like you & Trump say that wearing a mask is just tooooo uncomfortable & fuck those 40,000 people.

Funny those experts said not to wear a mask in April.

You're so stupid you believe their 40,000 number. What orifice did they pull that number out of?
Biden and Harris say there should be mandated 3 months of wearing masks.

Already with the totalitarianism.
Biden said we should have a unified stance on masks and ALL GOVERNORS should enact mask mandates.
Keep playing that same old Mask Nazi tune.
A few Hitler gifs I found funny. - GIFs - Imgur

Mask is just one letter away from Mark as in The Mark of The Beast.

"And he causes all, rich and poor to wear a mask so that they may not buy or sell without the mask."

Be careful what you wish for when you take away People's rights and impose Mandatory And Unconstitutional Conditions on them being allowed to live their lives.

As for you? You'd be the first in line to have 666 tattooed on your forehead.

We are all in this together, right commie bot?


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As I see it a wearing a mask during a pandemic is not a political test but an I.Q. test.
So do I. Forcing me to wear a mask when I'm outside by myself, talking and interacting with no one
is absolute idiocy and it does nothing to curb the corona virus.

It's a political stunt as evidenced by the three month time frame mentioned by Slow Joe and this pandering
political comment will give stupid people a boner but do little or nothing to stop Covid 19.

It's an IQ test reveals how stupid the people that endorse this b.s. are.
Wearing a mask never should have become part of the culture war, but the right wing has made it so.

It's why the rest of the world has already recovered from this and it's still cutting swathes of death through ours.
As I see it a wearing a mask during a pandemic is not a political test but an I.Q. test.
If they told you that you must stand on your head in public you'd say it sounds good.
Just like you do when you drive down the road unless you want a ticket..
Wearing a seat-belt makes sense.
This doesn't.
This is an exercise in fascism.....nothing more.
That is not the only mandate you have for driving.
Driving as we are told over and a privilege. There are people who believe it is a right. Walking and breathing is a right but you want it to be a privilege.

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