Cancer will be eliminated in 50 yrs


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
With more advances in nano technology . ..these tiny bots will flood the blood stream and kill the cancer cells
This is not far off
Cancer won’t exist in 50 yrs
Cancer is such a big business though. I feel like corporate greed will keep them from releasing the cure
Living longer is one thing on a crowded planet. Living a lot healthier as we age is more important.
There is not a single vehicle on the market that doesn't have programming errors or electronic issues.
I really doubt that the geeks in 50 years will successfully program correctly a nano swarm.
Cancer won’t exist in 50 yrs
I'm over forty, and have had a case of "subclinical" or undiagnosed cancer since I was a child.
Some type of ovarian type (?) cancer that has metastasized and affected my skin and blood from time to time. (I assume because the cancer has a "period" of sorts.)
A couple of years ago, I was stung by a bee, the bee sting happened to become a wart, and then the wart became cancerous, probably nothing at that point to do with the bee sting itself, which would have long since healed, but somehow it became a tumor, and grew aggressively.
I cut it off with a pocket knife, and for a strange reason I felt very cold, and suffered chills deep in my bones.
I was not really aware what I was doing at the time, but I built a campfire to warm myself up.
Somehow I knew to build a really hot fire, hotter than any fire I had built in my life. I hauled armload after armload of wood, kindling, and coal, and added used motor oil. It still wasn't burning hot enough, so I fed it with propane gas straight out of a blowtorch, and splashed gasoline on it. I stirred up the coals a bit, and added even more propane and gasoline. I knew it was hot enough, because when I added more wood on top, the wood petrified into stone without a visible flame, and the stone sintered into ash.

An old raven with gray feathers became dizzy in mid-air, landed with a thud, and rolled his eyes at me.

I could only stand by the fire a few minutes at a time, or I'd get sick to my stomach, and my hair started to fall out, so I had to hike a couple of miles away to find a place to sleep.

I kept going back to the fire every day, and kept it burning for some days, and then I left the area.

The wart which was cancerous started to improve, and later I was able to cut out the hardened core of it, and I didn't feel that deep chill in my bones anymore. The skin that remained became soft and started to heal again.

But then again, I have had similar lesions on my skin during my childhood that went away on their own after a few years without any special treatment.

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