Canadian man faces 2 years in prison for passing out Jesus saves pamphlets at gay pride parade

No hate speech in Canada. Period.
If the guy was arrested, it means he’s an idiot who persisted after being told to stop.
Yes he could go to jail but it’s unlikely for a first offence.

See, that's the MAJOR flaw with your thinking.
If anyone says ANYTHING you don't agree with or don't even LIKE, it's now "hate speech".....racist....bigotry.
That's not hate speech, it's his opinion. He hasn't threatened anyone. Is telling a speeding driver to slow down hate speech too?

You people are not compatible with the US and it's Constitution.
No hate speech in Canada. Period.
If the guy was arrested, it means he’s an idiot who persisted after being told to stop.
Yes he could go to jail but it’s unlikely for a first offence.

See, that's the MAJOR flaw with your thinking.
If anyone says ANYTHING you don't agree with or don't even LIKE, it's now "hate speech".....racist....bigotry.
That's not hate speech, it's his opinion. He hasn't threatened anyone. Is telling a speeding driver to slow down hate speech too?

You people are not compatible with the US and it's Constitution.

That’s because we’re Canadian and your Constitution is irrelevant to us.
after that ridiculous Trudeau took office

it's all the way down for Canada

Hardly. Fastest growing middle class in the world. Ranked much higher than the US in liveability, top 5 in the World in education, more personal freedom than the US, lower crime rates, much lower murder rate, government funded health care.

And we didn’t elect a racist idiot for President, who’s fleecing the US Treasury for personal gain.
Hardly. Fastest growing middle class in the world. Ranked much higher than the US in liveability, top 5 in the World in education, more personal freedom than the US, lower crime rates, much lower murder rate, government funded health care.

And we didn’t elect a racist idiot for President, who’s fleecing the US Treasury for personal gain.

If it wasn't so darned cold up there most of the time, I'd very likely buy another home up there.
Hardly. Fastest growing middle class in the world. Ranked much higher than the US in liveability, top 5 in the World in education, more personal freedom than the US, lower crime rates, much lower murder rate, government funded health care.

And we didn’t elect a racist idiot for President, who’s fleecing the US Treasury for personal gain.

If it wasn't so darned cold up there most of the time, I'd very likely buy another home up there.

I don't mind the cold at all

I do mind the stupid progressive mentality...

big problem right there
I don't mind the cold at all

I do mind the stupid progressive mentality...

big problem right there

Yeah, but they're a Monarchy. America is the only nation in all of the world who have based their form of government on creation. All men are created...endowed by their crerator.

I'm a rather firm libertarian myself, or probably more of a voluntyrist. I agree with you about progressivism. But, you know, I have just as many friends on the left as I do on the right. I learn things from them regardless. I don't always agree with their solutions, but I agree with them that certain things are a problem.

By the way. Are you French? You seem French to me.
California Approves Public Orgy - Folsom Street Fair is Back Again | Worldview Weekend

"It seems almost too fantastic to believe, but it's true. This Sunday, criminal activity and sexual perversion will once again fill San Francisco's public streets, with the shameful blessing of Mayor Gavin Newsom, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger," said Barber.

Barber continued, "During the Folsom Street Fair, hundreds, if not thousands, of fully nude men walk the public streets engaging in oral sex, sodomy, and some of the most debauched and vile acts of sadomasochism. These outrageous activities happen in broad daylight. Children are allowed to, and do, attend this event and are witness to this nudity and public sex. This is nothing short of child abuse. Where are the police, you ask? They're ordered to stand by and watch as this criminal activity occurs right in front of them. In the past, the San Francisco Police Department hosted a police recruiting booth at the event."

"Those who engage in this perversion - as well as Folsom Street organizers - are in clear violation of no less than three California state laws (Sections 311.6, 313 and 314 of the California Code) and perhaps more. Each violation is punishable by up to six months in jail. Yet Mayor Newsom and the San Francisco police willfully and knowingly allow this lawlessness and vile perversion to take place in public," Barber stated.

Just for the curious, the region in CA Is not a valid criminal defense for exposing children to lewdness & sexual depravity. Nor is it an excuse if you are wearing a badge & refuse to protect.

These are prosecutable criminal offenses with the exacerbation of aiding or neglecting to protect kids from sex crimes.
I don't mind the cold at all

I do mind the stupid progressive mentality...

big problem right there

Yeah, but they're a Monarchy. America is the only nation in all of the world who have based their form of government on creation. All men are created...endowed by their crerator.

I'm a rather firm libertarian myself, or probably more of a voluntyrist. I agree with you about progressivism. But, you know, I have just as many friends on the left than I do on the right. I learn things from them regardless. I don't always agree with their solutions, but I agree with them that certain things are a problem.

By the way. Are you French?

I speak
been too
France many times
love French 1920s culture totally adore French vintage culture
but no
not French
I speak
been too
France many times
love French 1920s culture totally adore French vintage culture
but no
not French

Oh, I see. I was in the ballpark anyway. You have a French vibe when you post. That's why I asked. Sorry. Thanks for answering.
No hate speech in Canada. Period.

If the guy was arrested, it means he’s an idiot who persisted after being told to stop...Yes he could go to jail but it’s unlikely for a first offence.
Do people in Canada who do sex crimes against kids, like exposing them via invitation to watch deviant lewd behavior, go to jail on the first offense?

Are people in Canada legally allowed to protect children from these crimes? Just curious. I'm not from Canada so I don't know how their laws protecting kids work.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.

Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.
This is, of course, a lie.

Fraid not son lol


Toronto Police Service :: News Release #41431
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.

Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.
This is, of course, a lie.

Fraid not son lol

View attachment 202331

Toronto Police Service :: News Release #41431
Fraid so, son. This news release doesn’t say what your OP title says.

More #FakeNews from the lunatic fringe.
No hate speech in Canada. Period.

If the guy was arrested, it means he’s an idiot who persisted after being told to stop...Yes he could go to jail but it’s unlikely for a first offence.
Do people in Canada who do sex crimes against kids, like exposing them via invitation to watch deviant lewd behavior, go to jail on the first offense?

Are people in Canada legally allowed to protect children from these crimes? Just curious. I'm not from Canada so I don't know how their laws protecting kids work.

Yes they do.
Hardly. Fastest growing middle class in the world. Ranked much higher than the US in liveability, top 5 in the World in education, more personal freedom than the US, lower crime rates, much lower murder rate, government funded health care.

And we didn’t elect a racist idiot for President, who’s fleecing the US Treasury for personal gain.

If it wasn't so darned cold up there most of the time, I'd very likely buy another home up there.

I don't mind the cold at all

I do mind the stupid progressive mentality...

big problem right there

We don’t like asshat conservatives here. You’d be better off staying away.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.

Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.
No free speech in Canada?
Must be more to this story ...

No hate speech in Canada. Period.

If the guy was arrested, it means he’s an idiot who persisted after being told to stop.

Yes he could go to jail but it’s unlikely for a first offence.

So to be clear, you support jailing people for speech?

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