canada Issues Arrest Warrant for American Tea Party Blogger


Gold Member
Feb 27, 2014
Seriously...these arrogant canadians think they can issue warrants for AMERICANS for spreading the word of God! canada is becoming a threat to the US. Their Nazi like mentality against Christians and conservatives has gone too far!

Official Tea Party USA - Conservative Blogger Wanted for Hate Crimes in Canada.8 11 2014

It seems I have some liberal knickers in a knot north of the border.

The left is anything if not predictable. It tickles me to no end when, by way of their utterly unhinged reaction to one of my columns, secular-”progressives” end up proving true the very point I was trying to make.

Last month I wrote an opinion piece headlined, “The coming Christian revolt.” It was featured in multiple publications, including the print edition of the Newfoundland Herald, a weekly news and entertainment magazine circulated throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

Among other things, I noted this objective reality in the piece – a reality demonstrated with crystal clarity by liberals’ (to include the Canadian government’s) contemptible response to the column itself: “To fully advance the causes of radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, unfettered sexual license, ‘gay marriage’ and the like, the pagan left must do away with religious free exercise altogether [not to mention free speech].

“Under the guise of ‘anti-discrimination,’ Christians today face discrimination at unprecedented levels. …

“Christians,” I continued, “true Christians – regenerate, Bible-believing Christians who strive their level best to maintain fidelity to the word of God and honor His commands – will not, indeed cannot, participate in, approve of, facilitate or encourage certain behaviors deemed by the Holy Scriptures to be immoral or sinful.

“It is not done from hate. It is not done from bigotry. It is done neither from a position of superiority nor a desire to ‘impose our beliefs’ upon others.

“It is done from both obedience to Christ and compassion for our fellow fallen who yet wallow in folly. …

“In the ongoing culture war, it seems there are no rules of engagement. The secular left will accept nothing short of unconditional surrender. That is to say, the pagans demand that we Christians abandon the biblical worldview altogether, and adopt their own.

“This will never happen.”

You could’ve timed their response to a stopwatch. Want to see a collectivist conniption? Drop an unvarnished truth bomb in the middle of Canada, most of Europe or blue-state USA and sit back for the mouth-frothing. It’s quite a show. The bright light of salty truth both blinds and burns those given over to reprobation.

CBC News, the “largest news broadcaster in Canada,” reported on both my column and the ensuing response: “Members of a Newfoundland and Labrador Pride group were so outraged about a two-page anti-gay [read: Christian] letter to the editor published by an entertainment magazine in the province, they filed a human rights complaint.”
Canada is a separate country without the free speech laws that we have and even ours are crumbling.
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Canada is a separate country without the free speech laws that we have and even ours are crumbling.
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Nutz? Cultsmasher says you're stealing his thunder.

Your obsession with the Tea Party is very unhealthy.
LOL...I am supporting the tea party in this instance. As I have said many times before...if it weren't for the huge hate faction in the Tea Party, I would support them. Regretfully, many teapers are racist pussies too afraid to join a real hate group.

Are you a canadian lover?
It's a "hate crime" in Canada to side with Jews over Islamic terrorists. Bare in mind that despite recent events, Canada is a lapdog of radical Islam...just like Britain. They have been for years. So how does Canada propose to enforce this jihad warrant? I mean let's get real here; the Salvation Army could whip Canada's ass.
Nutz? Cultsmasher says you're stealing his thunder.

Your obsession with the Tea Party is very unhealthy.
LOL...I am supporting the tea party in this instance. As I have said many times before...if it weren't for the huge hate faction in the Tea Party, I would support them. Regretfully, many teapers are racist pussies too afraid to join a real hate group.

Are you a canadian lover?

Yes. And...ummm...I love German things too. Lots and lots of German things. German thing here, and German things there, and German things German things everywhere. German things! German things! German things! Must have...German things! So have you gone completely apeshit yet, fannyboy?
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Typical kraut. But you are right about canada. They are one step away from being taken over by radical muslims. The US needs to stop this as it poses a threat to our way of life. And if you pay attention, all terrorist attacks on American soil have some sort of canadian link.
Yeah Canada is not exactly open to listening to conservative views. They pretty much consider it "hate speech". Not a place I ever expect to step foot in again.
Seriously...these arrogant canadians think they can issue warrants for AMERICANS for spreading the word of God! canada is becoming a threat to the US. Their Nazi like mentality against Christians and conservatives has gone too far!

Official Tea Party USA - Conservative Blogger Wanted for Hate Crimes in Canada.8 11 2014

It seems I have some liberal knickers in a knot north of the border.

The left is anything if not predictable. It tickles me to no end when, by way of their utterly unhinged reaction to one of my columns, secular-”progressives” end up proving true the very point I was trying to make.

Last month I wrote an opinion piece headlined, “The coming Christian revolt.” It was featured in multiple publications, including the print edition of the Newfoundland Herald, a weekly news and entertainment magazine circulated throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

Among other things, I noted this objective reality in the piece – a reality demonstrated with crystal clarity by liberals’ (to include the Canadian government’s) contemptible response to the column itself: “To fully advance the causes of radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, unfettered sexual license, ‘gay marriage’ and the like, the pagan left must do away with religious free exercise altogether [not to mention free speech].

“Under the guise of ‘anti-discrimination,’ Christians today face discrimination at unprecedented levels. …

“Christians,” I continued, “true Christians – regenerate, Bible-believing Christians who strive their level best to maintain fidelity to the word of God and honor His commands – will not, indeed cannot, participate in, approve of, facilitate or encourage certain behaviors deemed by the Holy Scriptures to be immoral or sinful.

“It is not done from hate. It is not done from bigotry. It is done neither from a position of superiority nor a desire to ‘impose our beliefs’ upon others.

“It is done from both obedience to Christ and compassion for our fellow fallen who yet wallow in folly. …

“In the ongoing culture war, it seems there are no rules of engagement. The secular left will accept nothing short of unconditional surrender. That is to say, the pagans demand that we Christians abandon the biblical worldview altogether, and adopt their own.

“This will never happen.”

You could’ve timed their response to a stopwatch. Want to see a collectivist conniption? Drop an unvarnished truth bomb in the middle of Canada, most of Europe or blue-state USA and sit back for the mouth-frothing. It’s quite a show. The bright light of salty truth both blinds and burns those given over to reprobation.

CBC News, the “largest news broadcaster in Canada,” reported on both my column and the ensuing response: “Members of a Newfoundland and Labrador Pride group were so outraged about a two-page anti-gay [read: Christian] letter to the editor published by an entertainment magazine in the province, they filed a human rights complaint.”
Post the arrest warrant.
Typical kraut. But you are right about canada. They are one step away from being taken over by radical muslims. The US needs to stop this as it poses a threat to our way of life. And if you pay attention, all terrorist attacks on American soil have some sort of canadian link.
Before you spew any more nonsense about Canada being taken over by Muslims look at the truly sad case of Minnesota.
Seriously...these arrogant canadians think they can issue warrants for AMERICANS for spreading the word of God! canada is becoming a threat to the US. Their Nazi like mentality against Christians and conservatives has gone too far!

Official Tea Party USA - Conservative Blogger Wanted for Hate Crimes in Canada.8 11 2014

It seems I have some liberal knickers in a knot north of the border.

The left is anything if not predictable. It tickles me to no end when, by way of their utterly unhinged reaction to one of my columns, secular-”progressives” end up proving true the very point I was trying to make.

Last month I wrote an opinion piece headlined, “The coming Christian revolt.” It was featured in multiple publications, including the print edition of the Newfoundland Herald, a weekly news and entertainment magazine circulated throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

Among other things, I noted this objective reality in the piece – a reality demonstrated with crystal clarity by liberals’ (to include the Canadian government’s) contemptible response to the column itself: “To fully advance the causes of radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, unfettered sexual license, ‘gay marriage’ and the like, the pagan left must do away with religious free exercise altogether [not to mention free speech].

“Under the guise of ‘anti-discrimination,’ Christians today face discrimination at unprecedented levels. …

“Christians,” I continued, “true Christians – regenerate, Bible-believing Christians who strive their level best to maintain fidelity to the word of God and honor His commands – will not, indeed cannot, participate in, approve of, facilitate or encourage certain behaviors deemed by the Holy Scriptures to be immoral or sinful.

“It is not done from hate. It is not done from bigotry. It is done neither from a position of superiority nor a desire to ‘impose our beliefs’ upon others.

“It is done from both obedience to Christ and compassion for our fellow fallen who yet wallow in folly. …

“In the ongoing culture war, it seems there are no rules of engagement. The secular left will accept nothing short of unconditional surrender. That is to say, the pagans demand that we Christians abandon the biblical worldview altogether, and adopt their own.

“This will never happen.”

You could’ve timed their response to a stopwatch. Want to see a collectivist conniption? Drop an unvarnished truth bomb in the middle of Canada, most of Europe or blue-state USA and sit back for the mouth-frothing. It’s quite a show. The bright light of salty truth both blinds and burns those given over to reprobation.

CBC News, the “largest news broadcaster in Canada,” reported on both my column and the ensuing response: “Members of a Newfoundland and Labrador Pride group were so outraged about a two-page anti-gay [read: Christian] letter to the editor published by an entertainment magazine in the province, they filed a human rights complaint.”

We need to be doing more of that here.

Take the hateful and the stupid and lock them up, throw away the key.

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