Canada: Best Healthcare in the World!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Woman chronicles her 9 hour wait in a Winnipeg ER.

A Winnipeg woman involved in a cycling accident is offering a play-by-play of what she experienced while waiting nine and a half hours for care in the Health Science Centre emergency department.

Nine hours for a few stitches and some concussion tests. What’s worse is what she saw while she was there.

One thing for sure is that the government saves all kinds of money on socialized health care as they gut it.

In fact, it is probably the only time they care about saving money.
In Canada:

In 2014, the average single individual earning roughly $42,000 will pay $4,381 for public health care insurance.

A family of two adults and two children earning approximately $118,000 in 2014 will pay $11,786 for public health care insurance.

And what about the cost of health care insurance among income groups?

The 10 per cent of Canadian families with the lowest income will pay an average of $523 for public health care insurance in 2014.

In 2014, the 10 per cent of Canadian families with an average income of $57,818 will pay an average of $5,522.

And families among the top 10 per cent of income earners in Canada will pay $37,239 for public health care insurance

And the costs are going up every year, of course.

The Canadian government does everything it can to hide the health care cost from its citizens. Health care cost is not listed on any tax return or pay stub, for instance.

If you're poor in Canada, "free" health care is a great deal. If you make a little money, you're going to pay through the nose.
In Canada:

In 2014, the average single individual earning roughly $42,000 will pay $4,381 for public health care insurance.

A family of two adults and two children earning approximately $118,000 in 2014 will pay $11,786 for public health care insurance.

And what about the cost of health care insurance among income groups?

The 10 per cent of Canadian families with the lowest income will pay an average of $523 for public health care insurance in 2014.

In 2014, the 10 per cent of Canadian families with an average income of $57,818 will pay an average of $5,522.

And families among the top 10 per cent of income earners in Canada will pay $37,239 for public health care insurance

And the costs are going up every year, of course.

The Canadian government does everything it can to hide the health care cost from its citizens. Health care cost is not listed on any tax return or pay stub, for instance.

If you're poor in Canada, "free" health care is a great deal. If you make a little money, you're going to pay through the nose.
So in Canada you are essentially better off not making money.

Woman chronicles her 9 hour wait in a Winnipeg ER.

A Winnipeg woman involved in a cycling accident is offering a play-by-play of what she experienced while waiting nine and a half hours for care in the Health Science Centre emergency department.

Nine hours for a few stitches and some concussion tests. What’s worse is what she saw while she was there.

Canada's HC isn't the best in the world and in fact it's closer to the bottom among the world's universal HC systems.

But it is always judged as superior to America's and the cost to run it is a bit more than half the cost of the US system.

Waits in ER's are happening all over the world but in some US states the hospitals have been forced to be selective on who gets treatment. Their beds are full of unvaccinated people needing IC.

And it's true that Alberta, Canada is approaching the same crisis situation because of it's extreme right political ideas that Covid wasn't a serious threat.
But it is always judged as superior to America's and the cost to run it is a bit more than half the cost of the US system.

Only by the idiots who ignore the problems caused by rationing, waiting lists, shortage of modern equipment and the lack of the newest drugs. It's a lot cheaper when the patients die while waiting for treatment.
Only by the idiots who ignore the problems caused by rationing, waiting lists, shortage of modern equipment and the lack of the newest drugs. It's a lot cheaper when the patients die while waiting for treatment.
Your rage has driven you to being irrational and at that point I start ignoring people like you. When or if you become ready to face the facts, we may be able to resume a discussion.

Woman chronicles her 9 hour wait in a Winnipeg ER.

A Winnipeg woman involved in a cycling accident is offering a play-by-play of what she experienced while waiting nine and a half hours for care in the Health Science Centre emergency department.

Nine hours for a few stitches and some concussion tests. What’s worse is what she saw while she was there.

It's why I've been pushing governments to take resources from the creepy police apparatus and hiring more hospital staff. The police racket has been winning n Canada since 1867, and we continue to fall off the global map of significance.
It's why I've been pushing governments to take resources from the creepy police apparatus and hiring more hospital staff. The police racket has been winning n Canada since 1867, and we continue to fall off the global map of significance.
I think we Canadians are quite happy with our global significance. Especially as to the military situation!
If anything, we're too obliging at getting involved in US led wars. At least the US is in a holding pattern now and that should benefit Canada.
I think we Canadians are quite happy with our global significance. Especially as to the military situation!
If anything, we're too obliging at getting involved in US led wars. At least the US is in a holding pattern now and that should benefit Canada.

You mean Canada First approach to the world?! Be careful with such an opinion you may find yourself on some dirty cops Watch List.

As someone who is aware of how Canada operates. We've done this to ourselves. Not for being too passive in the face of foreign influence (which we have), but more importantly for betraying the principles and values that our allies hold dear. Replacing them instead with optics and $160k+ creepy plain clothed cops.

Mulroney and Reagan were very close and Canada was never in a stronger global position. We possessed real influence and world standing.

Globalization and the internet exposed us. The police rackets and their enablers will never change, they aren't talented enough to operate in any other fashion.
You mean Canada First approach to the world?! Be careful with such an opinion you may find yourself on some dirty cops Watch List.

As someone who is aware of how Canada operates. We've done this to ourselves. Not for being too passive in the face of foreign influence (which we have), but more importantly for betraying the principles and values that our allies hold dear. Replacing them instead with optics and $160k+ creepy plain clothed cops.

Mulroney and Reagan were very close and Canada was never in a stronger global position. We possessed real influence and world standing.

Globalization and the internet exposed us. The police rackets and their enablers will never change, they aren't talented enough to operate in any other fashion.

Are you saying Canada has secret police like the Stasi?
You mean Canada First approach to the world?! Be careful with such an opinion you may find yourself on some dirty cops Watch List.
No, not Canada first, but where did you get that idea and what does it mean to you? I could easily accept that we follow our best interests on military involvement with the US, instead of their interests. Is that what you meant?
As someone who is aware of how Canada operates. We've done this to ourselves. Not for being too passive in the face of foreign influence (which we have), but more importantly for betraying the principles and values that our allies hold dear. Replacing them instead with optics and $160k+ creepy plain clothed cops.
What principles have we betrayed? Canada upheld one of our greatest principles when Chretien refused our involvement in their phony war against Iraq. If you can't agree on that then we're not headed to finding any common ground.
I can't relate to your 'creepy' police from what you've said.
Mulroney and Reagan were very close and Canada was never in a stronger global position. We possessed real influence and world standing.
I don't see larger military strength as having any benefit to Canada. China or Russia are not our enemies and besides, a war involving Canada would inevitably include the US and become a war decided by the nuclear threat.
Globalization and the internet exposed us. The police rackets and their enablers will never change, they aren't talented enough to operate in any other fashion.
That's not making any poin that I can follow, however I do appreciate that there has been a certain amount of corruption within the mounties. And surely within some municipal policing to a more egregious extent.
Are you saying Canada has secret police like the Stasi?

All nations do. In Canada though, it's at every level of government (TPS, OPP, RCMP), and the police have absolute power where your dossier determines your life from childhood on. Creepy, unaccountable and heavily overfunded cops decimating lives.

It's a reason our economic system represents more of nepotism, Fiefdoms and caste than capitalism.
All nations do. In Canada though, it's at every level of government (TPS, OPP, RCMP), and the police have absolute power where your dossier determines your life from childhood on. Creepy, unaccountable and heavily overfunded cops decimating lives.

It's a reason our economic system represents more of nepotism, Fiefdoms and caste than capitalism.
You're just showing that you have a hard-on for the police. What did you do bad? Or something to do with the PPC getting wiped out?

Have a good time; you'll find plenty of lowlife to sympathize with you here.
ER's turning people away!

The condemnation both sides of the border is on the unvaccinated.
We need to have sympathy for the hospitals and their staff.

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