Can you still sin and go to heaven after praying for forgiveness?

In such a situation, many Christians are not praying for forgiveness, they are praying for strength to overcome their failing. This is also a time to remember the cautionary story Jesus told about cleaning a house full of demons, only to have more demons come in to fill the emptiness. Overcoming sin is not just overcoming that failing, but it is also building something stronger that replaces that sin in ones life. This is a process, not something that takes place with a snap of one's fingers.
It is like Esau who was remorseful of selling his birthright for a bowl of stew, wanting to be forgiven. He would end up doing that all over again. People like that call death giving sweet. They are born of fornication like Christs enemies.
Apparently, the average white male in America thinks he can get off in heaven. Otherwise, why would he continue to make up excuses for his racist lifestyle?
The church made people think many races, hence racium. People are believing a lie. Human race is one with exsternal, visual, differences. All need to be saved.
kjv isnt the only unforgivable sin denying the holy ghost....

in the book ' conversations with god' god states man can understand sin or heaven or hell and hell does not hubby calls it a book to make sinner happy...

pretty sure part of confession for catholics ding is forgiveness and go forth and sin no more....

does forgiveness set a high standard or a low bar? isnt it like an apology where if you apologize for something then you are to avoid doing it again? that is how i explain it to the wee ones.
Jesus is the Holy Spirit. That Holy Spirit needs to be in you. Satan forgives no one.
Then you have talked to people who are not true christians. And poorly informed atheists. There is a bit more to it than the commandments. That is just common sense laws for society, to build and thrive as community, prosper in peace. Common sense laws you should not violate, or your community must punish you for breaking the peace, kind of like in the wild west. Where everybody has guns, few laws, but do not spit at the floor at the saloon, if you do, you gets punched in the face by the other guests. Do it again, multiple people beat you up, and throw you out. Do it agin, somebody shoots you. That kept the peace in cowboy societies.

Many more rules and rights to consider, and duties. And to get salvation you are not on the boat even, by thinking it is just about commandments. Salvation is about not sinning, doing what is right, be touched by the holy spirit, then pry forgiveness and mean it. And God claims you if you are worthy.
10 commandments was given to the Jewish people. All of the laws of God are kept when the mind of Jesus is in a person not working ill to a person. They that take God's name not doing the will of God are taking God's name in vain. Bull market bull, Baal and the golden calf are the same. Satan thinks punish. Stealing is not looked upon God as a good thing. People who do that are commanded to pay 7 times that which was stolen. Money makes us to have ghost towns. That will happen to the entier world, with people continuing to use money. God needs to be in us forgiving others.
I was pretty much raised in church. Southern Baptist/Pentecostal. It has been my experience that churches are terrible places for people who do not need the threat of eternal damnation to live a moral upright life.
Eternal damnation is eternal body and soul death in God's light that shines from Jesus. Wicked are reduced to ashes. They look like a lake of fire for a period of time.
The saved dont go to heaven. We inhabit the EARTH at the Return of Christ.

But YES. If you have a REPENTANT heart, you will be saved
Repenting of giving guilt, and repenting of condeming people, that the church taught people to condemn. The church influenced the fear giving laws that exist. The church wants money to exist.
Repenting of giving guilt, and repenting of condeming people, that the church taught people to condemn. The church influenced the fear giving laws that exist. The church wants money to exist.
Jacob gave Lea and Rachel to Esau. Jacob prevailed when he wrestled with God. Jacob would not have prevailed had Jacob sinned. The church sins not teaching the truth. The church does not talk about concubines.
Interesting. That is the fake christians I speak of. And I have wondered about the baptizing thing. Is that a requirement to go to heaven? Was thinking of doing a thread about that. I am pretty new as a christian, so I do not know much. Baptized as a kid, grew up as an atheist. Did confirmation. Delisted myself in 1999, and then I signed up to a religion that paid members 100 dollars a year a few years later. Then I became a member of buddhism in 2008 or somthing. Been member ever since.

So do I have to reinlist in a church and get baptized again as an adult? I know there is something about you having to make a concious choice to be baptized. Last time I was an infant. Does it not count? Does this mean I will go to hell if I do not get baptized? And can you ask your hubby if I can get baptized in a fake church which does not preach the right scripture? 3 hours to a true church, and I do not know if they do baptisms of adults. There are some jehovas witness church 1 hour away, they do adult baptisms, will that be good enough?.
Baptism represents what has already occurred to the person being reborn, to be like Jesus. Babiism has no power to save you, even as the cutting skin off of your penis tip cannot save you.
No. God wanted Jacob to do that. God hated Esau. Muslims are the descendants of Esau, who are not obeying God. Jacob name was changed to be, Israel
I am playing Devil's Advocate here just for fun. The winner gets to write the history. It can be argued that if God wanted Jacob, he would have been the first born. Instead, Jacob coveted his brother's position, his mother schemed against Esau. Isaac had to be tricked into giving Jacob's birthright to Esau. I see at least four things wrong:
  • Jacob coveted what belonged to his brother
  • He and his mother bore false witness in tricking Isaac
  • Jacob, with his mother's aid, stole what belonged to his brother
  • A people decided God could not be trusted, was too weak, to work with the rightful heir. What might God have accomplished through Esau?
why does one have to preach about hell to be true? hell is just a stick to keep children in line. .why is your god such a jealous and petty god?
Satan is a fear Giver. That being will lie. Jesus spoke to people who were affected by that liar in Matthew 13- 13, KJV. They could not see or hear spiritual truths. Hell is where the dead are. The dead don't know anything. They are waiting to be raised unto eternal life, or eternal death.
Interesting. That is the fake christians I speak of. And I have wondered about the baptizing thing. Is that a requirement to go to heaven? Was thinking of doing a thread about that. I am pretty new as a christian, so I do not know much. Baptized as a kid, grew up as an atheist. Did confirmation. Delisted myself in 1999, and then I signed up to a religion that paid members 100 dollars a year a few years later. Then I became a member of buddhism in 2008 or somthing. Been member ever since.

So do I have to reinlist in a church and get baptized again as an adult? I know there is something about you having to make a concious choice to be baptized. Last time I was an infant. Does it not count? Does this mean I will go to hell if I do not get baptized? And can you ask your hubby if I can get baptized in a fake church which does not preach the right scripture? 3 hours to a true church, and I do not know if they do baptisms of adults. There are some jehovas witness church 1 hour away, they do adult baptisms, will that be good enough?.
Stay away from Jehovah witnesses. The Holy Spirit guides people into all truth. That Spirit is the water of life. They that talk like the water of life will have life in them. Sexuality names, and activity seen, will not affect a person like that.
Right on the money, regarding how heathens always try to equate phony christians to the faith, and use them as kamikazepilots against the churches of the true christians. We seem to aaaaaagree on a lot, but you missed me with the seeking christ stuff. It is about God, not his son. Jesus was here to teach us, and die for our sins. You cannot find him, you must seek God. If you are convince that Jesus died for your sins and praise him for thaat, you have found Christ. Now you must seek God, to get to heaven. I do not go to church. Do not know how other christians are, do not know any. Statechurch here, protestant. Not allowed to preach about hell or anything important any longer, and also promotes sin. Fake church.
Tax collectors are sinners. People still don't want the thing that makes them to be sinners . God is a gift giver. What should his children be? Rebelling against that saying we need to use money?
I was pretty much raised in church. Southern Baptist/Pentecostal. It has been my experience that churches are terrible places for people who do not need the threat of eternal damnation to live a moral upright life.
The church lies again. Money has nothing to do with what is written in 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 8, KJV.
I am playing Devil's Advocate here just for fun. The winner gets to write the history. It can be argued that if God wanted Jacob, he would have been the first born. Instead, Jacob coveted his brother's position, his mother schemed against Esau. Isaac had to be tricked into giving Jacob's birthright to Esau. I see at least four things wrong:
  • Jacob coveted what belonged to his brother
  • He and his mother bore false witness in tricking Isaac
  • Jacob, with his mother's aid, stole what belonged to his brother
  • A people decided God could not be trusted, was too weak, to work with the rightful heir. What might God have accomplished through Esau?
Jacob obeys God in his heart. That is why God chose Jacob
Jacob obeys God in his heart. That is why God chose Jacob
We hear that God called Jeremiah from his mother's womb. Could not that have been the same for Esau had Jacob and Rebecca not interfered? Would there have been a breach between brothers and nations had Jacob and Rebecca honored Esau's position?
2 things:

1. I think most believers would be on your side in saying that those people you describe will have a tougher time getting to heaven.
2. Most believers aren't outspoken and proud, and thus, aren't much seen in our society. They silently pray and offer their time and resources to charity.

Our society only knows about the loud-mouths. If you want to know about Catholicism, for example, and their excellent history of basically creating and constantly providing the notion of charity, you'll find it easily if you simply look for it.
You are looking at people who call darkness light, and evil, good, and bitter thngs, sweet. They are grieving God's Spirit out of them, allowing the blaspheming Satan to come in. That being will be heard when they open their mouth, blessing no one.
We hear that God called Jeremiah from his mother's womb. Could not that have been the same for Esau had Jacob and Rebecca not interfered? Would there have been a breach between brothers and nations had Jacob and Rebecca honored Esau's position?
God sees what will be, before any man. That is what God said what he said. God saw the breach, before we saw the breach. God said act. Jacob and his mother acted. They would have died, even as the man spilling his seed, not doing what God said.

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