Can You Feel It?

No offense, but I don't buy it. Two Tone Donnie's been seriously contemplating a run, not just a fantasy about being potus, but actually running, since he was still married to Maples. Not that Slick isn't a sexual addict who wouldn't be nominated in 2016. But imo what Trump displays is an ego and degree of narcissisim where he just doesn't get what is normally obvious.

In his hotel construction he got away for years with stiffing suppliers whenever convenient and stiffing investors/creditor knowing they'd take ten cents on the dollar to let him sell underwater property at their loss, while he walked away with a paper tax loss without sacrificing a dime of his own. He appears to have been egregious in his dealings, but the basic plot is not uncommon. Let alone his financial bullying of ex-wives to ensure no bad publicity.

Then on to show biz. The entire "you're fired" schtick is about pissing on people with less power than he has. He's sued reporters who dared to expose him. He's sued women the same way.

Personally, I take a lot with a grain of salt, just as I think Juanita Broderick was an extortionist and Lewinsky an opportunist. But it is disturbing that he treated women in beauty contests truly as less than human. There are just too many witnesses to discount that stuff.

What's funny was that he though he could out bimbo the Clintons, and his hubris was not just that large, but he refused to let his own campaign vet him to scenario what the opposition could do.
If anyone didn't get it when he said, "...bleeding from her whatever..." about Megyn Kelly, then they never will.

It's a combination of willful blindness and a pathological desire to believe.

The Case of the Rigged Microphone best highlights these qualities in Trump's Chumps.

Trump's supporters actually bleeved Trump when he said his mic was rigged in the first debate. This, despite the OBVIOUS sniffing he was doing all during the debate. That is some weird kind of delusion. "You gonna bleev me or your lying eyes?"

They bent over backwards afterwards trying to prove Trump's mic was rigged. It got really weird.

A GOP strategist said of them, "They have absolutely lost touch with reality. They are literally face down in the Kool Aid."

One can only imagine the mental contortions Trump's true bleevers must have gone through during the second debate when Trump's sniffing and snorting went to a whole new level.

They even deny he is fat! They really have lost touch with reality. Honest to God, it scares the shit out of me how they can so quickly delude themselves into bleeving anything which comes out of Trump's mouth.

So of course they bleeved him when he said his boasting of his sexual assaults was just "locker room talk."
I'll be right where I have always been. Kicking the assholes who have hijacked my party in the nuts. It is far past time for the GOP to show all you retards, hypocrites, liars, bigots, racists, and psychopaths the door.

Prove that I am a bigot or racist, or shut the fuck up. I never said I loved Trump, but i would have rather dealt with 4 years of his chaos that 4-8 years of progressive hell.

If this thing with the video being held for MONTHS rings true, then what we have is probably collusion to fuck up the Republican nomination, and you have been one of the willful idiots that will have let them get away with it.
Oh, I have no doubt the bus tape was held back deliberately. I even started a topic about it before it even occurred to any of you rubes. I called it Amateur vs. Professional October Surprises.

You rubes were wetting your pants in premature glee over the upcoming Wikileaks releases. In the meantime, the people who held a REAL surprise kept their counsel. They kept their powder dry. You dumb fucks never even saw it coming.

And just as I predicted, the Wikileaks ejaculations were weak sauce.

It's amusing you whine about interference in the election process when it is foreigners who are behind the Wikileaks bullshit.

I notice you dodged my racist/bigot challenge, you gutless hack. And yet you still don't see your enabling.

Trump is an ass, but he would have been a limited ass, held in check by congress, the courts, and a hostile media. Hillary will be given carte fucking blanche to reshape the country as she sees fit, and idiots like you are going to be the cause of it.

Or the nation could have gotten a real candidate out of the republican party.

it was a perfect storm, Celebrity, angst in the heartland, and a complicit press that was waiting to give Hilary the easiest path possible.

No one person made this situation, it was a team effort.
Yes, we should have been kept in the dark about it (although most of knew it anyway from what he said/how he acted) just like we were kept in the dark by the scurrilous media about Bill Clinton's affairs and Hillary's role in covering it up.
No offense, but I don't buy it. Two Tone Donnie's been seriously contemplating a run, not just a fantasy about being potus, but actually running, since he was still married to Maples.

I don't disagree. I have no doubt he has wanted to be President for a long time. I'm sure of it. Hell, he ran as the Reform Party candidate in 2000. It's funny how many people do not know that.

That was a dry run.

It's just that when you understand Donald Trump is a huckster, a con man, a chameleon, then you realize he is going to run for Donald Trump, not for America, and certainly not for any particular party.

Trump is going to look for the path of least resistance to the White House. If he thought he could get there as a Democrat, he would have run as a Democrat.

Here's the thing. Donald Trump knew this was his last shot. He's a doddering old man now. And he did the calculus and saw that Hillary was going to get the Democratic nomination. He knew he could not defeat her as a Democrat. And so he ran as a Republican.

But he knew he couldn't beat Hillary, see? He knew she would whip his ass in the Democratic primaries. So his only shot was to try to beat her in a general election.

But deep down inside, Donald Trump has always been a New York liberal. Every time he was asked a political question, he gave the far left response. This is his true nature.

Once you realize this, his behavior as a Republican suddenly all makes sense. Donald Trump is a liberal who pretends to be what a liberal thinks conservatives are like.

I have no doubt he will be pleased when we have Nancy Pelosi as Speaker again, a Democratic Senate again, the Clintons back in the White House, and a liberal Supreme Court again.

"That would be a wonderful thing."

Trump always said the economy does better under Democrats.
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Prove that I am a bigot or racist, or shut the fuck up. I never said I loved Trump, but i would have rather dealt with 4 years of his chaos that 4-8 years of progressive hell.

If this thing with the video being held for MONTHS rings true, then what we have is probably collusion to fuck up the Republican nomination, and you have been one of the willful idiots that will have let them get away with it.
Oh, I have no doubt the bus tape was held back deliberately. I even started a topic about it before it even occurred to any of you rubes. I called it Amateur vs. Professional October Surprises.

You rubes were wetting your pants in premature glee over the upcoming Wikileaks releases. In the meantime, the people who held a REAL surprise kept their counsel. They kept their powder dry. You dumb fucks never even saw it coming.

And just as I predicted, the Wikileaks ejaculations were weak sauce.

It's amusing you whine about interference in the election process when it is foreigners who are behind the Wikileaks bullshit.

I notice you dodged my racist/bigot challenge, you gutless hack. And yet you still don't see your enabling.

Trump is an ass, but he would have been a limited ass, held in check by congress, the courts, and a hostile media. Hillary will be given carte fucking blanche to reshape the country as she sees fit, and idiots like you are going to be the cause of it.

Or the nation could have gotten a real candidate out of the republican party.

it was a perfect storm, Celebrity, angst in the heartland, and a complicit press that was waiting to give Hilary the easiest path possible.

No one person made this situation, it was a team effort.
Yes, we should have been kept in the dark about it (although most of knew it anyway from what he said/how he acted) just like we were kept in the dark by the scurrilous media about Bill Clinton's affairs and Hillary's role in covering it up.

using that logic is Trumps wife covering up for him by not ranting against all the women who are stepping up right now? or railing against her husband ?

My Husband did it, I refuse to cover for him, he's guilty !

like that?
It has to be really tough for Melania right now. Really, really tough.

Kind of like Hillary back in the day. Do I stand by him and maybe get to the White House, or do I do the right thing and kick this motherfucker out of the house?

She must be doing some serious calculus right now. Checking the election polls, her current bank balance, Donald's tax returns...
No offense, but I don't buy it. Two Tone Donnie's been seriously contemplating a run, not just a fantasy about being potus, but actually running, since he was still married to Maples.

I don't disagree. I have no doubt he has wanted to be President for a long time. I'm sure of it. Hell, he ran as the Reform Party candidate in 2000. It's funny how many people do not know that.

That was a dry run.

It's just that when you understand Donald Trump is a huckster, a con man, a chameleon, then you realize he is going to run for Donald Trump, not for America, and certainly not for any particular party.

Trump is going to look for the path of least resistance to the White House. If he thought he could get there as a Democrat, he would have run as a Democrat.

Here's the thing. Donald Trump knew this was his last shot. He's a doddering old man now. And he did the calculus and saw that Hillary was going to get the Democratic nomination. He knew he could not defeat her as a Democrat. And so he ran as a Republican.

But he knew he couldn't beat Hillary, see? He knew she would whip his ass in the Democratic primaries. So his only shot was to try to beat her in a general election.

But deep down inside, Donald Trump has always been a New York liberal. Every time he was asked a political question, he gave the far left response. This is his true nature.

Once you realize this, his behavior as a Republican suddenly all makes sense. Donald Trump is a liberal who pretends to be what a liberal thinks conservatives are like.

I have no doubt he will be pleased when we have Nancy Pelosi as Speaker again, a Democratic Senate again, the Clintons back in the White House, and a liberal Supreme Court again.

"That would be a wonderful thing."

Trump always said the economy does better under Democrats.

No doubt Trump is anything but a conservative ... in every meaning of the word. I suspect that personally he is more or less apolitical in that he views everything as "about him." He treats humans and one dimensional characters in his reality play. There's a reason no bank will actually lend him money anymore.

What's ... interesting, for lack of a better word is the Trumpbots defense of him as a republican ... "he redefined what a conservative is and the party must adjust." Scarborough said the establishment must find a way to incorporate populism. And that's what happens to all independent movements ... one of the parties adopts enough of the movement to capture votes. That's not a bad thing.

But I'm not sure how popular he really is. We all agree that trade has cost a lot of good jobs. We all agree that unless we balance the budget, soc sec and medicare are gone. And, I have no doubt that's precisely what the gop establishment wants. Trump's campaign was inherently racist and xenophobic. But then on the dem side, the only happy pol we had was Bernie......
It has to be really tough for Melania right now. Really, really tough.

Kind of like Hillary back in the day. Do I stand by him and maybe get to the White House, or do I do the right thing and kick this motherfucker out of the house?

She must be doing some serious calculus right now. Checking the election polls, her current bank balance, Donald's tax returns...
I'd think she's tied up with a prenup. And her pay out is conditioned on her silence.
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

Not that I want Don in office. It's just unfortunate that the loser like Ryan can't stand behind the entire process.
On some days, it sure feels like Donald Trump is a false flag operation, doesn't it?

There was no other way the Democrats would have had a chance to capture all three branches of government without him.

Before he was the nominee was the time to fight him, now you are nothing but a useful idiot helping them to get what they want.
I have been fighting him from the get-go, retard. Since he announced.

I don't care one way or the other.

But he won the nomination. If the establishment thinks the lunatics who support Trump will come back to the fold when they nominate a more reasonable milquetoast, they are mistaken.

The GOP is dead at the federal level.
It has to be really tough for Melania right now. Really, really tough.

Kind of like Hillary back in the day. Do I stand by him and maybe get to the White House, or do I do the right thing and kick this motherfucker out of the house?

She must be doing some serious calculus right now. Checking the election polls, her current bank balance, Donald's tax returns...
I'd think she's tied up with a prenup. And her pay out is conditioned on her silence.
I wonder what the prenup says about adultery.

And if Don's tax returns were to suddenly be leaked, whose to say it was Melania? ;)
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Donald's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

And you will be at the front of the line, dick sucking/twat slurping to get your piece of the pie.
I'll be right where I have always been. Kicking the assholes who have hijacked my party in the nuts. It is far past time for the GOP to show all you retards, hypocrites, liars, bigots, racists, and psychopaths the door.

It got hijacked because you didn't listen. They were always there and you never minded them then. They helped elect Ronald Reagan.

But they get sick of the whimps that were nominated...and now they are not needed.

Do you really believe you'd have any chance without them ?

Good luck.

You are screwed at the federal level.
I don't know how many times I have said it. Obama could easily have been destroyed with the truth and facts and superior ideas. And the same is true of Hillary.

But the retards, bigots, racists, hypocrites, liars, and psychopats who have hijacked the conservative movement and the GOP have worked double overtime to help elect both of them. In Obama's case, TWICE.

You retards, bigots, racists, hypocrites, liars, and psychopaths need to step aside and let the adults kick the Democrats' asses. You had your turn, for WAY too long, and you fucked it all up. You have destroyed the conservative and Republican brands. Possibly irreparably for a generation.

Who was your vanguard to carry all those facts and such forward ?

Ted Cruz ? Give me a break.
On some days, it sure feels like Donald Trump is a false flag operation, doesn't it?

There was no other way the Democrats would have had a chance to capture all three branches of government without him.

Before he was the nominee was the time to fight him, now you are nothing but a useful idiot helping them to get what they want.
I have been fighting him from the get-go, retard. Since he announced.

I don't care one way or the other.

But he won the nomination. If the establishment thinks the lunatics who support Trump will come back to the fold when they nominate a more reasonable milquetoast, they are mistaken.

The GOP is dead at the federal level.
The GOP has been dead since Bush. That's how Don was able to penetrate and take over.

No, this will be good. The GOP will return to first principles and show the door to the bigots, retards, racists, psychopaths, liars, and hypocrites.

Our party has been way, way, way off the conservative reservation for a while now. Hopefully, this whole insane love affair with a pedophile will be a bucket of cold water which shocks everyone back in the right direction.
I'd seriously have considered this guy had he run.

The gop will have to adjust it's free trade stance, and they must do a Reagan on middle class entitlements, or they will be a permanently minority party. If Trump ends up killing Norquist, god Bless his solid gold heart.
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Donald's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

And you will be at the front of the line, dick sucking/twat slurping to get your piece of the pie.
I'll be right where I have always been. Kicking the assholes who have hijacked my party in the nuts. It is far past time for the GOP to show all you retards, hypocrites, liars, bigots, racists, and psychopaths the door.

It got hijacked because you didn't listen. They were always there and you never minded them then. They helped elect Ronald Reagan.

But they get sick of the whimps that were nominated...and now they are not needed.

Do you really believe you'd have any chance without them ?

Good luck.

You are screwed at the federal level.
Our ONLY chance is without the retards, psychos, liars, hypocrites, racists, and bigots.

For every retard, psycho, liar, hypocrite, racist, and bigot that is thrown out the window, two sane people will come in the door.
On some days, it sure feels like Donald Trump is a false flag operation, doesn't it?

There was no other way the Democrats would have had a chance to capture all three branches of government without him.

Before he was the nominee was the time to fight him, now you are nothing but a useful idiot helping them to get what they want.
I have been fighting him from the get-go, retard. Since he announced.

I don't care one way or the other.

But he won the nomination. If the establishment thinks the lunatics who support Trump will come back to the fold when they nominate a more reasonable milquetoast, they are mistaken.

The GOP is dead at the federal level.
The GOP has been dead since Bush. That's how Don was able to penetrate and take over.

No, this will be good. The GOP will return to first principles and show the door to the bigots, retards, racists, psychopaths, liars, and hypocrites.

Our party has been way, way, way off the conservative reservation for a while now. Hopefully, this whole insane love affair with a pedophile will be a bucket of cold water which shocks everyone back in the right direction.

Those "deplorables" won't be returning to the party, and there are enough of them to render you impotent.

Good luck watching from the sidelines for the next 30 years.
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Donald's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

And you will be at the front of the line, dick sucking/twat slurping to get your piece of the pie.
I'll be right where I have always been. Kicking the assholes who have hijacked my party in the nuts. It is far past time for the GOP to show all you retards, hypocrites, liars, bigots, racists, and psychopaths the door.

It got hijacked because you didn't listen. They were always there and you never minded them then. They helped elect Ronald Reagan.

But they get sick of the whimps that were nominated...and now they are not needed.

Do you really believe you'd have any chance without them ?

Good luck.

You are screwed at the federal level.
Our ONLY chance is without the retards, psychos, liars, hypocrites, racists, and bigots.

For every retard, psycho, liar, hypocrite, racist, and bigot that is thrown out the window, two sane people will come in the door.

That's laughable.

You couldn't pull it together with Daddy Bush and your unwillingess to leverage the far right is to your own demise.

Trump was, at his peak, holing a 45% chance of winning. You think they were all nutjobs ?
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?
It's all going to be a jagged pill for the GOP folks who got turned into Tea the GOP caps the Tea Party in the head, and kicks it in the ditch.
Name a single Tea Party platform....

"Tea Party" is nothing but a euphemism for a"redneck" to you assholes
It is very simple.

Ban most, if not all, tax expenditures.

Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, immediately, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Repeal ObamaCare and make it so you buy health insurance the same way you buy home, auto, and life insurance. Get government OUT of healthcare, except for seniors and the catastrophically ill. And no more employer-sponsored health insurance.

Move away from taxes on production (income taxes) and toward taxes on consumption (Fair Tax).

With these simple measures, the federal government would be so flush with cash we could lower tax rates for EVERYONE, radically, AND pay down the debt. And once the debt was paid off, we could lower tax rates even more. For EVERYONE.

These measures would return us to a level playing field and economic prosperity.

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