Wikileaks Releases More Podesta Emails 10/13


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
They just keep getting more, and more interesting, especially what the Obomanation thinks of the devil...Soros!!

wikileaks ^
| 10/13/2016 |

October 13 batch of Podesta emails up. Here's a little gem:

"It is disquieting that when HRC was secretary of state she spent a good time of time doing gossip emails with Sid Blumenthal about various matters, the ubiquitous Lanny Davis shilling for himself in pathetic ways, and Neera Tanden gossiping about what Soros thinks of Obama." WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails
No one, other than Trump's alt-right fever swamp disciples, care about distorted/doctored/fake emails from Putin and Assange.
They just keep getting more, and more interesting, especially what the Obomanation thinks of the devil...Soros!!

wikileaks ^
| 10/13/2016 |

October 13 batch of Podesta emails up. Here's a little gem:

"It is disquieting that when HRC was secretary of state she spent a good time of time doing gossip emails with Sid Blumenthal about various matters, the ubiquitous Lanny Davis shilling for himself in pathetic ways, and Neera Tanden gossiping about what Soros thinks of Obama." WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

I'll bet Trump REALLY wishes he wasn't a serial groper now! LOL
No one, other than Trump's alt-right fever swamp disciples, care about distorted/doctored/fake emails from Putin and Assange.

Wikileaks have never released fake anything.

Only a Hillary drone would not care about the truth.
They just keep getting more, and more interesting, especially what the Obomanation thinks of the devil...Soros!!

wikileaks ^
| 10/13/2016 |

October 13 batch of Podesta emails up. Here's a little gem:

"It is disquieting that when HRC was secretary of state she spent a good time of time doing gossip emails with Sid Blumenthal about various matters, the ubiquitous Lanny Davis shilling for himself in pathetic ways, and Neera Tanden gossiping about what Soros thinks of Obama." WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails
More cooking show comments? This must be the end of Clinton, for the 308th time.
They just keep getting more, and more interesting, especially what the Obomanation thinks of the devil...Soros!!

wikileaks ^
| 10/13/2016 |

October 13 batch of Podesta emails up. Here's a little gem:

"It is disquieting that when HRC was secretary of state she spent a good time of time doing gossip emails with Sid Blumenthal about various matters, the ubiquitous Lanny Davis shilling for himself in pathetic ways, and Neera Tanden gossiping about what Soros thinks of Obama." WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails
Even Fox News is saying they're no big deal
Even Fox News is saying they're no big deal

Fox is part of Zionism and hence for Hillary.

Rupert Murdoch was Bill's biggest supporter in 1992 all because Bill was for "finishing the (Israeli) job in Iraq" which oh by the way he never did....

because Bill Clinton.... drumroll.... LIED..

SHOCKER for sure...
No one, other than Trump's alt-right fever swamp disciples, care about distorted/doctored/fake emails from Putin and Assange.

Wikileaks have never released fake anything.

Only a Hillary drone would not care about the truth.


Russian Hackers Altered Emails Before Release to Wikileaks

Yet. NO DENIALS about any of these from Podesta, or Cunton!!!
..You stupid ****, no one with a working brain believes you!!!
No DNC check for you today!!!!!
Funny how the Fagerals also protest...and keep trying to propagandist that these emails mean nothing...if nothing, why not just STFU!!!!
We are tying to tell you that what you believe to a big deal isn't, even Fox thinks it's crap, and now what they post can't even be trusted because they are trying to rig the election for Comrade Pussy Grabber.
even Fox thinks it's crap

It is hilarious to see idiot left wing leeches now fall in love with Murdoch and Fox News.


They haven't kissed like this since Bill was running and Murdoch's media empire was supporting him....

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