Can You Feel It?

"I'm fine with affirmative action. We've lived with it for a long time. And I lived with it for a long time. And I've had great relationships with lots of people. So I'm fine with it."
"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun."
Irony alert: "You can't walk into the Senate and scream and call people liars and not be able to cajole and get along with people."
“When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength."
"I've been around for a long time, and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans."
"I would get people out and then have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so they can be legal…. A lot of these people are helping us … and sometimes it’s jobs a citizen of the United States doesn’t want to do. I want to move ’em out, and we’re going to move ’em back in and let them be legal."
New York liberal Pedophile Don totally faked out the pseudocons. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
“It may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country…but I am strongly for choice. I am pro-choice in every respect”.

"it was caused by a video"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"if you like your doctor you can keep him"
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewenski"
"I always try to be truthful"
"I never sent any classified e-mails"

So, stop with the quotes, you will lose if you continue.
Two of those quotes you posted are Obama, not Clinton, retard.

You mean to say you have a bunch of quotes to show Hillary lies as much as Pedophile Don and is as liberal as he is? Gee, how is that a loser for me?


Trump faked you rubes out. Totally. :lol:
This year's election choice:

You can vote for a pro-abortion liberal who is close to Bill Clinton, attacked Bill Clinton's accusers, thought Bill Clinton was a great President and that Hillary would make a great President, opposed the surge, wanted us to cut and run from Iraq, wants single payer health care, favors an assault weapons ban, and thought Hillary was the best SecState ever.

Or you can vote for Hillary.

Trump's campaign was first and always about him. I mean the tape of him saying something like grab them by the p9ssy and walking into dressing rooms with nude or seminude minors .... that was always gonna come out. If he were running against a normal candidate that would have killed him in any event. But Hillary has a sea anchor. LOL

But the ego and narcissism ..... Reagan, both Kennedys, Ike, FDR .... it was never about them. That's why on every important issue like trade and immigration, he's a false prophet. He's not trying to uplift the country and make it better. He's selling a con. "Only I can save you." "No one knows the tax code like I do."
Pedophile Don had to know his past was going to come out during the vetting process. But he was clever enough to realize the pseudocons wouldn't care and would actually defend his pedophile behavior. He knew he could mold them into everything they used to claim they hated.

Hucksters are aces at getting the rubes to buy whatever snake oil they are selling, and to be promoters of the brand.
Maybe you are right about Trump figuring his history would not have an effect because his supporters would be tied to him. I tend to think his ego and view of everyone else being a prop or a one dimensional supporting character to his reality tv star just doesn't leave room for introspection.

However, I think you give him too much credit for killing conservatism. And maybe teaparty like folks are understandably confused. W really did screw up conservatism. And it ceased being about middle America even before W.

The gop needed someone to set it on it's head. It's unfortunate that person was interested in his own self-aggrandizement rather than middle America. But imo a guy like Kasich or Portman or some middle America schlep can adapt on trade. Immigration and even the deficits are not unsolvable. Terrorism is dangerous, but it's nowhere near the edge of annihilation that scared the shit out of JFK and Reagan.
Trump didn't destroy conservatism. Pseudocons like UnCensored did. The only reason Pedophile Don was able to walk in and take the nomination is because the GOP and conservatism were already hijacked and destroyed by them long ago.
I heard this podcast when I had to drive to a meeting a little while ago

Historian Of GOP Predicts Rank And File Will Take Back Party

It contrasted Gingrich's movement conservatism of the govt has no role in solving anything, and negros and immigrants are coming to take your shit, to the gop of the 1850s, not only on slavery but railroads and the Homestead Act. Basically, the govt has a role in helping All people get the tools to earn more.
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?
Americas clowns on full display... hildabeast and trump. The only difference between the two the career politician the hildabeast is a professional clown, trump is in training. Lol
New York liberal Pedophile Don totally faked out the pseudocons. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Calling Trump a "pedophile" is pretty desperate, even for a leftist hack demagogue like you, Herr Goebbels. :dunno:

Clearly you're not real confident in a win for your gal.

g5000 must have been instructed that the way to combat the Anonymous's Sex Tape of Bill on Epstein's Lolita Island was to accuse Trump of the same thing.

It's desperate, but what else did you expect?

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