Can Whites trust Blacks?

Consider that on this forum it is widely believed by Black posters that Whites are inherently racist and should be held accountable (i.e., penalized) for 472 years of slavery. As a result, Whites deserve neither trust nor even the right to comment on race relations. Given this seemingly pervasive attitude towards Whites, should it not follow that Whites can't trust Blacks to deal with them in an unbiased manner?
Blacks don't even trust other blacks.....why should whites trust them??
You have no clue what your talking about.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Yes I do.
My wife of 40 years is black.

Did she tell you that black people don't trust other black people?
How many black people does she know?
I know lots of black guys who would do anything for their brothers so I guess you and your wife are mistaken.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
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While some blacks continue to use racism as an excuse for their failures, others are quick to call them out.

Like whites, blacks can only blame themselves for their unwillingness to better themselves.

The days of blaming white people are over. It’s time for black people to start accepting and addressing the problems within their community.

The problems were caused by whites.

Government policies based on racist myths help dissolve black families

The lie that African-Americans are incapable of building and maintaining family structures has been bought by many, including policymakers

There are stories that we like to tell ourselves to account for large systemic imbalances in our society, myths that we employ to feel comfortable in our analysis of social problems. Melanin makes you violent is a stupid, strange fiction; it absolves society from ever confronting the prejudice that is inextricable from policies; it perpetuates legal segregation without ever admitting that segregation is deliberate; it masks our complicity in allowing the growth of the carceral state by suggesting it must always be so.

On Wednesday, a new study by Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Forward Together and Research Action Design put the lie to our self-serving fictions. The disproportionate criminalization of African Americans has served to reinforce segregation and income inequality over generations, and African American men are not its sole victims.

The study found that on average families with an imprisoned relative paid $13,607 in court-related costs. In addition, one in five families who participated in the study reported that they had to take out a loan to cover these costs. One in five families were unable to afford housing expenses due to the loss of income from their loved one’s incarceration. Two out of three families had difficulty meeting basic needs as a result of their loved one’s conviction and incarceration. 83% of family members primarily responsible for these costs were women.

There are over 2.2 million Americans currently in the prison system, accounting for 25% of the world’s prison population, the highest of the industrialized nations. It is estimated that 58% of the nation’s incarcerated are black and Latino men.

Black families are and have always been imperiled by aggressive criminal justice policies and demonized for their effects; the disintegration of black families then blocks the formerly incarcerated from accessing basic necessities for survival. That hardship only perpetuates systemic income inequality, and this hardship is shouldered disproportionately by black women.

In the latest cover story by Ta-Nehisi Coates, out in the October issue of the Atlantic, The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration, Coates makes a case that a dystopian fairy tale about African-American family structures has accompanied the rapid rate of incarceration of African Americans as far back as 1965. At the height of the civil rights movement, then Assistant Labor Secretary Daniel Patrick Moynihan released The Negro Family, a report intended to address black urban poverty yet intentionally omitted tangible policy recommendations. Instead, it built the base of the family-centered magic fix rhetoric ubiquitous in our ongoing discussions and implementation of vast urban public policy from housing, schools and finally, the unprecedented rise of mass incarceration that disproportionately affects poor black families.

The Moynihan narrative is one of the reasons why the government created racist, classist policies that incentivized the dissolution (or non-formation) of black families, then problematized black people for not having them. In an interview, Joyce Ladner – a student at Washington University in 1964 –recalled her experiences working as a research assistant for a National Institute of Health funded study that focused on the lives of women and girls in public housing: “The welfare department had a rule that no able bodied man could be in the house if a woman received aid for dependent children.”

Moynihan’s myth that African-Americans are incapable of building and maintaining family structures was so persuasive that, to this day, it’s used to justify the warehousing of people from derelict and underserved communities. It is also employed to justify moves to divest from urban centers that would produce opportunities for the people of ‘poor moral character’, who only have ‘poor moral character’ because they were born poor.

Government policies based on racist myths help dissolve black families | Syreeta McFadden

Whites will be blamed for what they have done and there is nothing you can do about it.
Yes, whites will be blamed.
This is why whites don't trust blacks.
It's a vicious circle.
As more blacks blame whites for all of their problems the less whites are understanding about black's problems.
Obama gave everyone the idea that you don't have to obey the law anymore.
This manifests in blacks not caring about much of anything other than themselves.
Blacks hate their landlords because they're supposedly they don't pay their rent.
The result is landlords refusing to rent to blacks, which results in less opportunities.
This isn't white people's fault. This is your fault.
You mention government programs that divide black families.
It may have started out as welfare, a Democrat program, but now has become a fact of black society.
Over 70% of black families are single parent families.
Democrat policies create poverty. What better way to create poverty than intentionally creating low-income families.
Poverty creates crime and drug dependence.
Poverty also creates dependence on government.
The last thing the Democrat Party wants is independent voters.
So I guess you can say whites are to blame for some of the problems among blacks, but mostly the fault of Democrats.
Who blame Republicans simply by calling them racists.
Which is why you support Democrats over Republicans.
So basically, it's your fault, not ours.
Consider that on this forum it is widely believed by Black posters that Whites are inherently racist and should be held accountable (i.e., penalized) for 472 years of slavery. As a result, Whites deserve neither trust nor even the right to comment on race relations. Given this seemingly pervasive attitude towards Whites, should it not follow that Whites can't trust Blacks to deal with them in an unbiased manner?
Blacks don't even trust other blacks.....why should whites trust them??
You have no clue what your talking about.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Yes I do.
My wife of 40 years is black.

Did she tell you that black people don't trust other black people?
How many black people does she know?
I know lots of black guys who would do anything for their brothers so I guess you and your wife are mistaken.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
You may know a few black guys, but I've lived with them most of my life.
You should read Obama's book.....he explains how blacks tell whites one thing, but tell each other another.
They learn to be two-faced early in life.
They learn early how to con white people.
One of my nephews thinks that white people who kiss black people's asses are something to make fun of.

Most blacks think of skin color the way most Muslims think of religion.
Sure, they talk about brotherhood inside of their race, but that only goes so far.
Sure they have a mutual hatred, which can bring people together.
Hate can only take you so far in any relationship.
Being a part of any relationship depends on commonalities.
If the only thing you have in common with someone is skin color and hate, it's not difficult for disagreements to arise over money, politics, etc.
While some blacks continue to use racism as an excuse for their failures, others are quick to call them out.

Like whites, blacks can only blame themselves for their unwillingness to better themselves.

The days of blaming white people are over. It’s time for black people to start accepting and addressing the problems within their community.

The problems were caused by whites.

Government policies based on racist myths help dissolve black families

The lie that African-Americans are incapable of building and maintaining family structures has been bought by many, including policymakers

There are stories that we like to tell ourselves to account for large systemic imbalances in our society, myths that we employ to feel comfortable in our analysis of social problems. Melanin makes you violent is a stupid, strange fiction; it absolves society from ever confronting the prejudice that is inextricable from policies; it perpetuates legal segregation without ever admitting that segregation is deliberate; it masks our complicity in allowing the growth of the carceral state by suggesting it must always be so.

On Wednesday, a new study by Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Forward Together and Research Action Design put the lie to our self-serving fictions. The disproportionate criminalization of African Americans has served to reinforce segregation and income inequality over generations, and African American men are not its sole victims.

The study found that on average families with an imprisoned relative paid $13,607 in court-related costs. In addition, one in five families who participated in the study reported that they had to take out a loan to cover these costs. One in five families were unable to afford housing expenses due to the loss of income from their loved one’s incarceration. Two out of three families had difficulty meeting basic needs as a result of their loved one’s conviction and incarceration. 83% of family members primarily responsible for these costs were women.

There are over 2.2 million Americans currently in the prison system, accounting for 25% of the world’s prison population, the highest of the industrialized nations. It is estimated that 58% of the nation’s incarcerated are black and Latino men.

Black families are and have always been imperiled by aggressive criminal justice policies and demonized for their effects; the disintegration of black families then blocks the formerly incarcerated from accessing basic necessities for survival. That hardship only perpetuates systemic income inequality, and this hardship is shouldered disproportionately by black women.

In the latest cover story by Ta-Nehisi Coates, out in the October issue of the Atlantic, The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration, Coates makes a case that a dystopian fairy tale about African-American family structures has accompanied the rapid rate of incarceration of African Americans as far back as 1965. At the height of the civil rights movement, then Assistant Labor Secretary Daniel Patrick Moynihan released The Negro Family, a report intended to address black urban poverty yet intentionally omitted tangible policy recommendations. Instead, it built the base of the family-centered magic fix rhetoric ubiquitous in our ongoing discussions and implementation of vast urban public policy from housing, schools and finally, the unprecedented rise of mass incarceration that disproportionately affects poor black families.

The Moynihan narrative is one of the reasons why the government created racist, classist policies that incentivized the dissolution (or non-formation) of black families, then problematized black people for not having them. In an interview, Joyce Ladner – a student at Washington University in 1964 –recalled her experiences working as a research assistant for a National Institute of Health funded study that focused on the lives of women and girls in public housing: “The welfare department had a rule that no able bodied man could be in the house if a woman received aid for dependent children.”

Moynihan’s myth that African-Americans are incapable of building and maintaining family structures was so persuasive that, to this day, it’s used to justify the warehousing of people from derelict and underserved communities. It is also employed to justify moves to divest from urban centers that would produce opportunities for the people of ‘poor moral character’, who only have ‘poor moral character’ because they were born poor.

Government policies based on racist myths help dissolve black families | Syreeta McFadden

Whites will be blamed for what they have done and there is nothing you can do about it.

First of all how is it perceived that blacks do not have strong families?


They most certainly do not have strong marriages in 2018 and maybe not what would be called strong "nuclear" families, but not strong families? I'm not black but from the outside looking in, this does not ring true to me. Don't they still have strong families? That's first.

Secondly, it's not solely the fault of whites that black marriage are suffering, nor blacks either. It's multi-faceted I think.
How to create generational poverty......

1) Build massive apartment complexes outside of the city proper, away from job opportunites and build them their own schools away from others. (CHECK)

2) Provide them with lifelong meager allowances that keeps them in poverty, and they can't afford to get out of the job deserts they live in. (CHECK)
3) Under-fund their schools for decades, do nothing about deplorable teachers that work there, and ignore the highest drop out rates in the nation. (CHECK)
4) Now...give them more money if they have more kids than they can possibly afford (CHECK)

Sound familiar?
Brought to you by the Democrat Party
I work at a hospital where I wear a few different hats. One of those hats is helping security with combative people.
While I’ve dealt with many combative people over the years, black woman are the worst. The fat ones are especially bad.
Have a sister-in-law who was the principal of a FL high school that was 70% minority students, 60% of which were black. She had all sorts of stories about the mayhem she and the rest of the staff had to deal with including lots of fights and now and then she was involved separating the combatants. So I once asked her if she ever feared for her safety when playing referee, and she responded only when two or more black girls were involved, adding black boys and Hispanics of both genders had never hit a female staff member in all the years she worked there.
Consider that on this forum it is widely believed by Black posters that Whites are inherently racist and should be held accountable (i.e., penalized) for 472 years of slavery. As a result, Whites deserve neither trust nor even the right to comment on race relations. Given this seemingly pervasive attitude towards Whites, should it not follow that Whites can't trust Blacks to deal with them in an unbiased manner?

Except no one has said whites are inherently racist. And whites should be held responsible for racism which has gone far beyond slavery. What has been said is that whites have no right to tell blacks what they experience isn't so. Therefore this OP is a lie and one more attempt at baiting by whites in this section of the forum. So the right question is can we trust whites since whites have the record of racist and oppressive behavior, and that whites here have shown they will lie in order to make claims that have not been said.
Racism doesn’t exist.
Consider that on this forum it is widely believed by Black posters that Whites are inherently racist and should be held accountable (i.e., penalized) for 472 years of slavery. As a result, Whites deserve neither trust nor even the right to comment on race relations. Given this seemingly pervasive attitude towards Whites, should it not follow that Whites can't trust Blacks to deal with them in an unbiased manner?
Blacks don't even trust other blacks.....why should whites trust them??
You have no clue what your talking about.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Yes I do.
My wife of 40 years is black.

Did she tell you that black people don't trust other black people?
How many black people does she know?
I know lots of black guys who would do anything for their brothers so I guess you and your wife are mistaken.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Your lying, most blacks are selfish.
I'm not sure what is meant by "trusting" Black people.

When I encounter a stranger there is seldom any need to trust them other than to trust that they are not violent or homicidal, so that I can go about my business without fear of assault. To make that assessment, I rely on their appearance, manner of dress, demeanor, way of speaking, and to some extent their race/ethnicity. I'm more inclined to "trust" someone who looks like me than someone who looks dramatically different. That's not "racism," it's human nature.
Consider that on this forum it is widely believed by Black posters that Whites are inherently racist and should be held accountable (i.e., penalized) for 472 years of slavery. As a result, Whites deserve neither trust nor even the right to comment on race relations. Given this seemingly pervasive attitude towards Whites, should it not follow that Whites can't trust Blacks to deal with them in an unbiased manner?

No, it should not follow in such a manner. Treat everyone equally - let them earn your trust and once they show good stewardship of that trust .. then trust them a little more. There are untrustworthy people of all races. I haven't seen any studies on the matter - but in one company I worked in Portland, there were 7-8 blacks at any given time out of a sales force of about 21. So it would stand to reason that if three people proved less than trustworthy - there should have been one black person who betrayed my trust.

Final results .. 2 white associates over a four year span of time proved untrustworthy against zero blacks. And though we worked together very closely, I never heard any accusations of racism or discussion of reparations.

In the final analysis - it is more understandable if blacks are slow to trust whites than the other way around. Older blacks who grew up in the 50s and 60s are far less trusting than kids up to college age which is a good thing. But even younger blacks are more suspicious of law enforcement - Another easy one to figure out.
Consider that on this forum it is widely believed by Black posters that Whites are inherently racist and should be held accountable (i.e., penalized) for 472 years of slavery. As a result, Whites deserve neither trust nor even the right to comment on race relations. Given this seemingly pervasive attitude towards Whites, should it not follow that Whites can't trust Blacks to deal with them in an unbiased manner?
Blacks don't even trust other blacks.....why should whites trust them??
You have no clue what your talking about.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

We have all kinds of amazing insight about black people here in USMB, most of it from conservatives who live in more rural areas and encounter a black person maybe 6 times a year. They didn't do any interviews or research on black people - But they did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night. :)
Consider that on this forum it is widely believed by Black posters that Whites are inherently racist and should be held accountable (i.e., penalized) for 472 years of slavery. As a result, Whites deserve neither trust nor even the right to comment on race relations. Given this seemingly pervasive attitude towards Whites, should it not follow that Whites can't trust Blacks to deal with them in an unbiased manner?
Blacks don't even trust other blacks.....why should whites trust them??
You have no clue what your talking about.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Yes I do.
My wife of 40 years is black.

If she's been with you for 40 years, it would be understandable if either you finally convinced her not to trust blacks, and/or if she was suspicious of white people. :wink:
Whites will be blamed for what they have done and there is nothing you can do about it.

And what about all the millions of whites that fought FOR equal rights and the abolishment of slavery?

Of course, from your perspective, that doesn't matter....their skin color makes them just as "guilty".

You see, that makes YOU a true racist POS. You're not ONE BIT better than those you point your finger at.
You're just too fucking ignorant to realize it....which figures.
Given the chance, you'd happily own white slaves if it were possible.
Consider that on this forum it is widely believed by Black posters that Whites are inherently racist and should be held accountable (i.e., penalized) for 472 years of slavery. As a result, Whites deserve neither trust nor even the right to comment on race relations. Given this seemingly pervasive attitude towards Whites, should it not follow that Whites can't trust Blacks to deal with them in an unbiased manner?

Except no one has said whites are inherently racist. And whites should be held responsible for racism which has gone far beyond slavery. What has been said is that whites have no right to tell blacks what they experience isn't so. Therefore this OP is a lie and one more attempt at baiting by whites in this section of the forum. So the right question is can we trust whites since whites have the record of racist and oppressive behavior, and that whites here have shown they will lie in order to make claims that have not been said.
You believe all whites are racist. Why lie about it?

My ancestors fought to free yours and you shit on white people today. You clearly aren’t smart, but are a racist.
Consider that on this forum it is widely believed by Black posters that Whites are inherently racist and should be held accountable (i.e., penalized) for 472 years of slavery. As a result, Whites deserve neither trust nor even the right to comment on race relations. Given this seemingly pervasive attitude towards Whites, should it not follow that Whites can't trust Blacks to deal with them in an unbiased manner?

Well let's see shall we? They've been taking care of WHITES children for 250 years. Making their food, babysitting, wet nursing them, raising and nuturing them. They've worked side by side with WHITES, even when they were owned for the first 150 years, and aside from the gaps when they weren't allowed to, still do. They served in the military going back to the Revolution and every war since right next to WHITES even when they were denied medals for bravery and couldn't make rank. They build your cars, cook your meals, clean your toilets, build your houses, bridges, practice medicine, law, run cities and congress. And they are STILL taking care of your kids including TEACHING them. And, when your sorry ass leaves this earth, there's a good chance one of them will be changing your bedpan and wiping your ass just before you die.

I suggest you treat them with the DIGNITY they deserve.
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While some blacks continue to use racism as an excuse for their failures, others are quick to call them out.

Like whites, blacks can only blame themselves for their unwillingness to better themselves.

The days of blaming white people are over. It’s time for black people to start accepting and addressing the problems within their community.

The problems were caused by whites.

Government policies based on racist myths help dissolve black families

The lie that African-Americans are incapable of building and maintaining family structures has been bought by many, including policymakers

There are stories that we like to tell ourselves to account for large systemic imbalances in our society, myths that we employ to feel comfortable in our analysis of social problems. Melanin makes you violent is a stupid, strange fiction; it absolves society from ever confronting the prejudice that is inextricable from policies; it perpetuates legal segregation without ever admitting that segregation is deliberate; it masks our complicity in allowing the growth of the carceral state by suggesting it must always be so.

On Wednesday, a new study by Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Forward Together and Research Action Design put the lie to our self-serving fictions. The disproportionate criminalization of African Americans has served to reinforce segregation and income inequality over generations, and African American men are not its sole victims.

The study found that on average families with an imprisoned relative paid $13,607 in court-related costs. In addition, one in five families who participated in the study reported that they had to take out a loan to cover these costs. One in five families were unable to afford housing expenses due to the loss of income from their loved one’s incarceration. Two out of three families had difficulty meeting basic needs as a result of their loved one’s conviction and incarceration. 83% of family members primarily responsible for these costs were women.

There are over 2.2 million Americans currently in the prison system, accounting for 25% of the world’s prison population, the highest of the industrialized nations. It is estimated that 58% of the nation’s incarcerated are black and Latino men.

Black families are and have always been imperiled by aggressive criminal justice policies and demonized for their effects; the disintegration of black families then blocks the formerly incarcerated from accessing basic necessities for survival. That hardship only perpetuates systemic income inequality, and this hardship is shouldered disproportionately by black women.

In the latest cover story by Ta-Nehisi Coates, out in the October issue of the Atlantic, The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration, Coates makes a case that a dystopian fairy tale about African-American family structures has accompanied the rapid rate of incarceration of African Americans as far back as 1965. At the height of the civil rights movement, then Assistant Labor Secretary Daniel Patrick Moynihan released The Negro Family, a report intended to address black urban poverty yet intentionally omitted tangible policy recommendations. Instead, it built the base of the family-centered magic fix rhetoric ubiquitous in our ongoing discussions and implementation of vast urban public policy from housing, schools and finally, the unprecedented rise of mass incarceration that disproportionately affects poor black families.

The Moynihan narrative is one of the reasons why the government created racist, classist policies that incentivized the dissolution (or non-formation) of black families, then problematized black people for not having them. In an interview, Joyce Ladner – a student at Washington University in 1964 –recalled her experiences working as a research assistant for a National Institute of Health funded study that focused on the lives of women and girls in public housing: “The welfare department had a rule that no able bodied man could be in the house if a woman received aid for dependent children.”

Moynihan’s myth that African-Americans are incapable of building and maintaining family structures was so persuasive that, to this day, it’s used to justify the warehousing of people from derelict and underserved communities. It is also employed to justify moves to divest from urban centers that would produce opportunities for the people of ‘poor moral character’, who only have ‘poor moral character’ because they were born poor.

Government policies based on racist myths help dissolve black families | Syreeta McFadden

Whites will be blamed for what they have done and there is nothing you can do about it.

First of all how is it perceived that blacks do not have strong families?


They most certainly do not have strong marriages in 2018 and maybe not what would be called strong "nuclear" families, but not strong families? I'm not black but from the outside looking in, this does not ring true to me. Don't they still have strong families? That's first.

Secondly, it's not solely the fault of whites that black marriage are suffering, nor blacks either. It's multi-faceted I think.

Black marriages are failing for the same reason everyone elses fail. But you cannot deny the role that racist public policy has had upon backs.
Consider that on this forum it is widely believed by Black posters that Whites are inherently racist and should be held accountable (i.e., penalized) for 472 years of slavery. As a result, Whites deserve neither trust nor even the right to comment on race relations. Given this seemingly pervasive attitude towards Whites, should it not follow that Whites can't trust Blacks to deal with them in an unbiased manner?

Except no one has said whites are inherently racist. And whites should be held responsible for racism which has gone far beyond slavery. What has been said is that whites have no right to tell blacks what they experience isn't so. Therefore this OP is a lie and one more attempt at baiting by whites in this section of the forum. So the right question is can we trust whites since whites have the record of racist and oppressive behavior, and that whites here have shown they will lie in order to make claims that have not been said.
You believe all whites are racist. Why lie about it?

My ancestors fought to free yours and you shit on white people today. You clearly aren’t smart, but are a racist.

Don't tell me what I believe you stupid son of a bitch. Your ancestors didn't do shit but start jim crow. Fuck you.
I'm not sure what is meant by "trusting" Black people.

When I encounter a stranger there is seldom any need to trust them other than to trust that they are not violent or homicidal, so that I can go about my business without fear of assault. To make that assessment, I rely on their appearance, manner of dress, demeanor, way of speaking, and to some extent their race/ethnicity. I'm more inclined to "trust" someone who looks like me than someone who looks dramatically different. That's not "racism," it's human nature.

No that's racism since you are 6 times more likely to be killed by another white person.
Consider that on this forum it is widely believed by Black posters that Whites are inherently racist and should be held accountable (i.e., penalized) for 472 years of slavery. As a result, Whites deserve neither trust nor even the right to comment on race relations. Given this seemingly pervasive attitude towards Whites, should it not follow that Whites can't trust Blacks to deal with them in an unbiased manner?

Except no one has said whites are inherently racist. And whites should be held responsible for racism which has gone far beyond slavery. What has been said is that whites have no right to tell blacks what they experience isn't so. Therefore this OP is a lie and one more attempt at baiting by whites in this section of the forum. So the right question is can we trust whites since whites have the record of racist and oppressive behavior, and that whites here have shown they will lie in order to make claims that have not been said.
Racism doesn’t exist.

That's a lie mr. you need to find God.

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