Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes.

Are you saying that you support the proud boys? Now, that is unsettling at best.

Yep, I can support any group that doesn't go around burning businesses, harassing people at restaurants and picking on elderly folks...dumbass.
Welcome to the Dem party thinker

Dang, you're dumber than you look.
I'm a real good looking guy if I must say so myself Welcome Thinker
A good looking dumb fk?
smarter than trump
You aren’t president! Just a good looking dumb fk
take my word bri I'm smarter than Trump and my daddy never gave me millions to blow

A real blowhard and AH he is ,,and you morons support him
But Trump figured out how to become president and you’re just a good looking dumb fk! There’s that
Are you saying that you support the proud boys? Now, that is unsettling at best.

Yep, I can support any group that doesn't go around burning businesses, harassing people at restaurants and picking on elderly folks...dumbass.
Welcome to the Dem party thinker

Dang, you're dumber than you look.
I'm a real good looking guy if I must say so myself Welcome Thinker
A good looking dumb fk?
smarter than trump
Do you have more money than Trump, no, are you the leader of the free world, no have you been nominated for no less than three Nobel prizes, no? The only thing you're ahead of Donald Trump is in sheer outright stupidity and dumbass. Other than that you're just another miserable looser with your nose pressed to the glass wishing you had a life.
He’s on a message board supporting the party of losers
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?

Masks don't do shit.

We all know it.

But you fuckers take some solace thinking those little virus bits somehow won't get through.

If you can blow out a match with your OTC "mask" on? You are not gonna keep out a germ that is 3 microns in size. It's akin to latching your screen door to keep out an ax welding psycho.
The most secure and tested man in Murica got the Commievirus.

And you panic porn peddlers think that your idiotic flimsy masks are going to save you?

If anyone has something to learn.....
He didn’t wear a mask. Yes.
Is "he didnt wear a mask" the best you panic porn jackwagons can come up with?

Jeezus, you chumps are even weaker that I had thought.
Nah. Is it panic porn to wear your seat belt, to not drink and drive, or to avoid sticking a fork in the electric socket or finally to not go out and stand in crowds during a spreading pandemic for which there is no vaccine?
Personally, I would be taking umbrage wit the ones responsible for the release of this bio-weapon. They released this one with no consequences so ya wanna bet the next one will be worse?
Are you saying that you support the proud boys? Now, that is unsettling at best.

Yep, I can support any group that doesn't go around burning businesses, harassing people at restaurants and picking on elderly folks...dumbass.
Welcome to the Dem party thinker

Dang, you're dumber than you look.
I'm a real good looking guy if I must say so myself Welcome Thinker
A good looking dumb fk?
smarter than trump

Wow, modest too.
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?

You're an arrogant SOB if you believe that his supporters look to him when making their own personal health choices.
I was wondering if somebody was going to mention this observation. Look, we'll just have to agree to disagree because partisans can rarely discuss politics like higher thinking minds or anything like it. Even extremely intelligent types hold on to an "US versus Them" mentality due to primal programming. We're mostly saturated with this "US versus Them" and selective kindness and all kinds of things discussed on Surely most agree that we are all individuals first and act accordingly unless you're talking about NK or similar dictatorial rule, families come second (those lucky enough to have good a good family that is), and third would be bonding and care for relatives and friends. As far as doing something because anyone else tells you to do it, that's just crazy. Try telling a 6 year old what to do and see how it goes, much less an adult. Most adults follow their own lead, many consult the experts and some do not. I guess the people of NK look to their Great Leader to make all decisions for them, so maybe that poster was thinking of NK.:)
Are you saying that you support the proud boys? Now, that is unsettling at best.

Yep, I can support any group that doesn't go around burning businesses, harassing people at restaurants and picking on elderly folks...dumbass.
Welcome to the Dem party thinker

Dang, you're dumber than you look.
I'm a real good looking guy if I must say so myself Welcome Thinker
A good looking dumb fk?
smarter than trump

Wow, modest too.
Doesn't take much thinker I wore a mask from the getgo Trump didn't He didn't want to panic you?? And you believed that BS ??
Anyone watching TV and see the Trump doctors come out to give updates??? I saw 10 of them and GUESS WHAT ? They were ALL wearing masks Stupid doctors ,right Republicans?
Are you saying that you support the proud boys? Now, that is unsettling at best.

Yep, I can support any group that doesn't go around burning businesses, harassing people at restaurants and picking on elderly folks...dumbass.
Welcome to the Dem party thinker

Dang, you're dumber than you look.
I'm a real good looking guy if I must say so myself Welcome Thinker
A good looking dumb fk?
smarter than trump
Do you have more money than Trump, no, are you the leader of the free world, no have you been nominated for no less than three Nobel prizes, no? The only thing you're ahead of Donald Trump is in sheer outright stupidity and dumbass. Other than that you're just another miserable looser with your nose pressed to the glass wishing you had a life.
He’s on a message board supporting the party of losers
AFTER debate BIDEN 53% TRUMP 39%
take my word bri I'm smarter than Trump and my daddy never gave me millions to blow

A real blowhard and AH he is ,,and you morons support him
But Trump figured out how to become president and you’re just a good looking dumb fk! There’s that
Well truth be told jc the only friends I have are bartenders and a poster here Trump has all you jim jones kool aide drinking nuts
Are you saying that you support the proud boys? Now, that is unsettling at best.

Yep, I can support any group that doesn't go around burning businesses, harassing people at restaurants and picking on elderly folks...dumbass.
Welcome to the Dem party thinker

Dang, you're dumber than you look.
I'm a real good looking guy if I must say so myself Welcome Thinker
A good looking dumb fk?
smarter than trump

Wow, modest too.
Doesn't take much thinker I wore a mask from the getgo Trump didn't He didn't want to panic you?? And you believed that BS ??
I didn’t wear a mask except where asked to. I haven’t gotten it either. That’s just stupid from a stupid demofk
take my word bri I'm smarter than Trump and my daddy never gave me millions to blow

A real blowhard and AH he is ,,and you morons support him
But Trump figured out how to become president and you’re just a good looking dumb fk! There’s that
Well truth be told jc the only friends I have are bartenders and a poster here Trump has all you jim jones kool aide drinking nuts
Projecting doesn’t become you
Are you saying that you support the proud boys? Now, that is unsettling at best.

Yep, I can support any group that doesn't go around burning businesses, harassing people at restaurants and picking on elderly folks...dumbass.
Welcome to the Dem party thinker

Dang, you're dumber than you look.
I'm a real good looking guy if I must say so myself Welcome Thinker
A good looking dumb fk?
smarter than trump
Do you have more money than Trump, no, are you the leader of the free world, no have you been nominated for no less than three Nobel prizes, no? The only thing you're ahead of Donald Trump is in sheer outright stupidity and dumbass. Other than that you're just another miserable looser with your nose pressed to the glass wishing you had a life.
He’s on a message board supporting the party of losers
AFTER debate BIDEN 53% TRUMP 39%
Polls are useless. You know that’s my belief. Don’t waste my time on partisan bullshit

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