Can the US learn anything from the London riots?

Denver gettin' ready to deal with hooligans...
Denver watching, preparing to protect against youth riots
8/12/2011 - With the unemployment rate for young Americans mimicking that of the United Kingdom and the nations' youth also sharing a sense of boredom and disenfranchisement, the question for academics and some in law enforcement isn't whether rioting flash mobs like those in England could erupt here, but why they haven't already in large numbers.
A number of analysts at the Colorado Information Analysis Center are trained and dedicated to monitoring social media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, for information about both peaceful events and protests that could potentially spiral out of control, said Lance Clem, spokesman for the Colorado Department of Public Safety. Analysts will notify law enforcement agencies about events that are planned and discussed on the Internet, often within minutes of the comments being posted. "It's like shouting in a dark room. You don't always know who is there," Clem said. "Because we know people organize this way, we're listening."

The center started monitoring the sites in preparation for the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, helping keep that event largely peaceful. The system is not designed to prevent crowds from forming, but it does give law enforcement a chance to prepare for the worst. "The signs show up long before the people do," Clem said. "People will describe online, or in some of the chatter that they send back and forth, indicating what they will do."

And, as has been seen in England, the line between peaceful protest and store-burning riot can be very narrow. Young people who connect on social media sites, often feel they are aligning along a commonality, said Allison M. Cotton, who teaches criminology at Metropolitan State College of Denver.While these groups may appear docile on the Internet, emotions often run high when they meet in person, and it only takes one small disagreement to turn a protest violent. "You might get a lot of people who get upset about an issue very quickly and willing to do something with it in a moments notice," Cotton said.

In recent months, flash mobs — originally designed as groups of people who organize on the Internet and then perform in public places — have turned violent in multiple U.S. cities, including Philadelphia, where several people were injured in an event organized through social media that became a robbery spree. "It's on our radar," said Detective John White, a spokesman for the Denver Police Department. While flash mobs have not turned violent in Denver, the police are aware of the situations in other states, White said.

Read more: Denver watching, preparing to protect against youth riots - The Denver Post Denver watching, preparing to protect against youth riots - The Denver Post

See also:

Police Seek Robbers In Baseball Bat Beatings
July 21, 2011 - Gang Attacking Couples Leaving Downtown Restaurants, Bars, Police Say
Police are trying to identify a gang of men who are beating couples with baseball bats and robbing them in downtown Denver. Denver police spokesman Sonny Jackson said there have been two attacks, each involving the robbery of a couple leaving restaurants or bars at closing time.

Just before 2 a.m. on July 16, a couple was walking home from a restaurant-bar near East 10th Avenue and Pennsylvania Street when they were surrounded by a group of men, according to a police report. Two men wielding baseball bats hit the man and woman in the head, "causing major bruising and swelling," the report said. Then a robber grabbed the woman's purse.

The man and woman were transported to Denver Health Medical Center for treatment, police said. On June 26 near 1000 Broadway, a couple was in an alley near their vehicle when a group of men walked up and "assaulted them with a baseball bat and demanded money," a police report said. The robbers grabbed the woman's purse and ran to a waiting car, police said. The attackers are “not nice people," Jackson said.

Police describe the attackers as four to five black men, ages 18 to 21 years. Anyone with information about the identity of the robbers, the crimes or unreported incidents is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 720-913-7867. People calling the tip line can choose to remain anonymous.

Police Seek Robbers In Baseball Bat Beatings - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver
If we can't learn anything we are in serious trouble.

We could start by learning humility, principles of non-violence and civility. Maybe honesty.
Yes. Nanny States are miserable failures. Great Britain announcing they will be "Cracking down on Social Media" should be shocking to everyone. What happened to Great Britain? Trading away all your Freedom & Liberty for some possible Government Freebies just isn't worth it in the end. I can now only hope & pray my Country doesn't go the British Nanny State route.
The police can't be everywhere, so citizens should have the means to protect themselves and their property....I'm glad we have a 2nd Amendment.

that and your police cant pussyfoot around. From what I see the "rioters" wouldn't last more than 1/2 an hour against the NYPD.

Try this in Times sqaure and you will have 500 cops on your ass in less than an hour.

I'd have to wait a time period of "less than an hour" for only 500 cops to help me out in a situation where thousands of rioters posed a security threat?

Good thing we have a 2nd amendment.
The Entitlement Monster will always demand more. That's just the nature of the Beast. Brits have no idea what real suffering & poverty is. Them rioting over "Poverty" is just plain laughable.
Can the US learn anything from the London riots?

Yes. Be thankful we live in a Constitutional Republic. Many of he ‘countermeasures’ announced by London in response would be clearly un-Constitutional in the US, particularly First and 5th Amendment rights.
Can the US learn anything from the London riots?

Maybe colored people really do want to bring down white majority countries.
No? Well, you certainly do an excellent job of looking like a bigot.

What I have learned from the riots is that when you marginalize the middle class, in other words make it so people can only be rich or poor, people get upset.

We are headed back to feudal times.

What I am and what I appear to be are two very different things. The difference is often missed or deliberately overlooked by the narrow-minded, such as yourself.

The rioters aren't rioting out of any misplaced notion that they're being oppressed by an expanding class divide. They're using any excuse they can to steal for their own material gain. I mean, it's not like they're helping themselves to essential goods like food and medicine, is it? No, they're stealing luxury and designer goods.

And we aren't "headed back to feudal times", either. You're just letting your imagination get the better of you. Get a grip.

Rioters aren't sensible. People get pushed too hard and they react. Apparently your youth AND your middle-aged EDL members feel they have been pushed too hard.

It's the economy, stupid.

I disagree that people are being pushed too hard and then they push back in the form of rioting and looting. We saw it in Greece and now in England. Once the government gives and gives, then findsd they have to pull back, there's trouble. The people weren't pushed too hard but given too much too freely.

W e are heading oin the same direction with too big of a government with too much given away in entitlements. We give everythinbg from welfare, medicaid, subsidies, free, lunches, free education., paying people not to work, paying people that are too ill to work, paying families of children who go to special classes...and more than I even know. We cannot give out more than we take in. It just doesn't work anymore and no one has the balls to do anything about it in Washington.

But people want the other guy to be cut. Don't make me pay more in my health co pay, don't take away my pell grant, don't take away my kid's computer in school, don't take away my kids, free lunch or free glasses, don't take away my subsidy on my successful farm... Do it to the other guy or I'll riot.

Don't mess with my union so I can get my holidays off and strike for better benefits and salary. Get the other guy.
Can the US learn anything from the London riots?

Maybe colored people really do want to bring down white majority countries.

I don't think the riots were racial as much as it was class oriented. Many whites were involved and supported the rioting as I understand.

Those rioting considered the "rich" to be small business people who were actually middle class people trying to make a living.
Those rioting consider anyone with a job to be the enemy

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